Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Read: Isaiah 7:1-25 Have you ever noticed that whenever God brings His righteous, just judgment on mankind He always graciously and unnecessarily provides a way for redemption and rescue. When God judged the whole world with a flood He graciously provided a way of salvation for Noah and his family. When God pronounced His judgment on the city of Nineveh He sent Jonah to allow the people in the city a chance to repent. And finally, in light of the coming righteous judgment of the living and the dead, God has provided a way of salvation through faith in Christ which is available to all mankind. God always demonstrates His grace and mercy in providing a way of salvation and rescue when only judgment is deserved.
We see this same pattern of grace in judgment here in Isaiah 7. Ahaz was just another sinful, rebellious king in a long line of sinful, rebellious kings. As king over the southern kingdom of Judah Ahaz heard that the northern kingdom of Israel had allied itself with other foreign powers in order to attack and destroy Judah. When Ahaz heard this he and the people were terrified (vs 2). This reaction shows us Ahaz' true colours, if He had truly trusted God his first response would have been to turn to God for guidance and strength.
God sends Isaiah to deliver His message to Ahaz. At first the message seems encouraging, God promises that Israel and the foreign powers it has allied with will not destroy Judah (vs 7-9) but the prophesy quickly takes a turn for the worst. God commands Ahaz to ask for a sign to prove that what He has said will come true (vs 10-11). Ahaz, choosing the worst moment ever to stand on principle, refuses to ask God for a sign (vs 12).
God's response to Ahaz' rebellion contains both terrifying, just judgment and the hint of a gracious redemption and rescue. God promises that in a short time the ancient superpower of Assyria will attack and conquer the enemies of Judah. This will provide the nation of Judah temporary relief from the threat of invasion but will result in Judah being ruled and dominated by the nation of Assyria. The people of God will face the rule of a foreign nation and through it will face the judgment of God against them.
Isaiah describes the conditions of this rule in verses 18-25. The natural order of the land will be devastated. The land will be overcome with flies and bees (vs 18-19). Judah will be humiliated by Assyria (vs 20). The people will be so decimated that even the produce of just one cow and two goats will be plenty for them to eat (vs 21-22). And finally the land will be dominated by briers and thorns (vs 23-25).
However, even in the midst of this terrible judgment God provides hope for His people. Despite Ahaz refusing to ask God for a sign, God will provide one for His people. His sign will be a miraculous one, that the virgin will give birth to a child and the child shall be called Immanuel, 'God with us'. God is still working to bring about the redemption of His people, despite their constant rebellion against Him.
This hope, fulfilled in the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, provides great hope and relief for us also. Despite the fact that we deserve only God's just judgment, He provides a way for us to be saved through Jesus Christ. Praise God for His grace to us! Spend some time to reflect on God's great grace to you in providing a way of escape and redemption in the face of judgment.
Prayer: Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
  • Praise God for His grace to us through His son Jesus Christ! Praise Him that He provides grace even when only judgment is deserved. Pray that He would grow in your heart a deeper appreciation for all that He has done and that that appreciation would overflow into sharing His grace with others.
  • Pray for the believers all around the world who are facing intense persecution and suffering because of following Christ. Pray that God would strengthen and encourage them by His spirit. Pray that they would be bold and courageous in sharing Him with others despite the risk.
My Additional Prayer Points
1. 2.

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