Friday, 6 December 2013

Friday 6 December 2013

Jesus Challenge

People of all nations, races, creeds and beliefs need to hear the good news about Jesus Christ. Use the space below to make a list of all the people you know who don't have faith in Christ. Over the next few weeks leading up to Christmas make a commitment to pray for these people by name each and every day.
Pray that God would give you opportunities to share the gospel with these people or to invite them along to a Christmas event or church service over the next few weeks.
Be extra alert for the opportunities that God will give. Keep a note on your list of who you have invited to what event and be praying that they might come and that God would prepare their hearts to hear about Him.
Name Invited to: Gave their life to Jesus

Friday 6 December 2013

Read: Ephesians 2:11-22, Revelation 7:9-10 Everyone wants to be part of a community that is bigger than just them. To find such a community some people will take up a cause or an issue that they are passionate about and will meet with a community of people who are likeminded. Some people will find a community with shared interests or hobbies. Others still will simply make friends wherever they are, surrounding themselves with community almost accidentally. Nearly everyone seeks to be part of a community larger than themselves.
God's blessing for all mankind through Jesus Christ is not only something individual that affects only our personal relationship with God. Instead, this blessing that we receive brings us into a community much larger than ourselves, the community of God's people. Our faith in Christ is not lived out in isolation, we are not alone as we seek to follow Him in every area of our lives. We become part of God's people and the community of faith.
This is Paul's point in Ephesians 2. Both Gentiles and Jews have now become a part of one people, God's people, through faith in Christ. Before they put their faith in Christ the Gentiles were separate from Christ, excluded from God's people, foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God (vs 12). However the Gentiles (and us!) are not left in this state. What is our new state? Have a look in verse 13: "But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ."
Through Christ we are able to have access to God and we can become part of God's people. The wonder of this privilege is described in verses 19 and 20: "Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God's people and members of God's household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself as the chief cornerstone."
This blessing is available for men, women and children of all nationalities, races and creeds. Every person has free access to God and becomes a part of God's people if they put their faith in Christ as they Lord and saviour. This truly is a blessing to all nations!
There is no more wonderful picture of this blessing than Revelation 7. In his vision John sees a great crowd of believers that no one could count worshipping God before the throne. This great crowd is from every nation, tribe, people and language. All are part of God's people because of the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. Because of Him they are all able to stand before God's throne and worship Him.
Take a moment to reflect on what it means to be a part of God's people. You no longer need to seek community through hobbies or causes or shared interests. You have a true community as a part of God's people. These other communities are not bad. It is vital that we are building relationships with others. But we do not need them as our only source of community.
One more thing. God places great value and importance on His people. He sent His son to die so that we could be a part of His people. Many times in scripture we read that God promises: "I will be their God and they will be my people." If God places such great priority and value on His people we should too. Do you value and prioritise God's people? Do you serve God's people? Are you committed to your fellow believers? Are you devoted to one another in brotherly love? (Romans 12:10)
Pray today that God would grow you in your love for Him and your love for His people.
Prayer: Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use todayĆ¢€™s reading to help you get ideas.
  • Praise God that through His son Jesus Christ all those who believe can be a part of His people. Praise Him that you too are able to be a part of His people through His work in your heart. Pray that God would grow a love for God's people in your heart and in the heart of everyone in your congregation. Pray that your church would have a culture of mutual service and love for one another.
  • Pray for the parents in your congregation with children who are on school holidays currently. Pray that they would be encouraged as they seek to spend time with their children. Pray that they would be filled with patience and grace towards their children. Pray that they might be able to demonstrate to their children the grace and love of God.
My Additional Prayer Points
1. 2.

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