Thursday, 12 December 2013

Thursday 12 December 2013

Read: Philippians 2:1-12, Mark 10:45 Imagine being in a business meeting in a large corporation. Everyone is assembled around the boardroom table in order of importance. Those who are on the board of the company sit right at the table. Those who are in the next level of management are standing right behind them. The other levels of management at the meeting are assembled behind them in order of authority and position. Everyone is waiting for the CEO to arrive and to head the meeting. Finally he arrives but instead of taking the seat at the head of the table which has been left for him he offers it to the lowest member there, the secretary who was taking hot drink orders. The CEO, much to everyone's shock, begins making teas and coffees for everyone in the meeting, humbly serving those who (according to position) should be serving Him. Imagine the shock in the meeting at such a turn of events. What would everyone do about something so strange?
This idea seems completely ridiculous to us. This defies the natural and rightful order of things. Those in authority and power should be served by those underneath them. In fact we spend much of our time and effort to gain these positions of authority so that we too might be served.
Paul paints a stunning picture of how Jesus' example is totally different. Jesus who was in very nature God gave up His position to take the position of a servant. He humbled himself to leave the glory, riches and worship of heaven to be born as a human baby in a stable. He was willing to live a life of poverty and homelessness, scorned and hated by many, adored by many who would later turn on Him. Finally, Jesus humbled himself to serve His enemies even to the point of death on a cross. Jesus sums up His mission in Mark 10:45, "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many."
Paul draws out the natural conclusion of Jesus' humility, if we are in Christ and He humbled himself to serve us we too ought to humble ourselves to serve others. We are to be one in spirit and purpose as we serve each other and the community (vs 2). We are to humbly consider others better than ourselves (vs 3). We are to serve the interests of others (vs 4).
If Jesus was willing to humble himself to lose everything for the sake of His enemies we too ought to humble ourselves and serve others. How can you humbly serve others today?
Prayer: Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
  • Pray that God would grow humility and a desire to serve others in your heart and the heart of all those in your congregation. Pray that you might serve each other in love. Pray that He would help you to view others higher than yourself and be willing to serve with sacrificial love.
  • Pray for Jim and Faye Lyons and their ministry with Straight Talk Australia. Pray that God would encourage and strengthen them in their important work. Pray that He would go before them to open doors into schools and provide other opportunities to share their message about God's standards. Pray that many young people would be open to hear their message and would be eager to hear about what Christ has done for them.
My Additional Prayer Points
1. 2.

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