Read Matthew 5:18. Luke 16:17
Do you know what the little dot above our English letter ‘i’ is called? Most people have no idea what it is. It’s called a tittle. The old translation (KJV) captures the sense of the word well - for verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, not one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Verse 18 reaffirms the absolute authority of all of the Scriptures down to the smallest components of individual words. They will endure for all time but with the important qualification “until everything is accomplished.” With the coming of Christ, many aspects of the law are brought to complete fruition (e.g., the need for sacrifices, on which see Hebrews). Take note they are not abolished but rather are fulfilled in Christ. The difference is enormous. In other instances certain requirements of the law endure until Christ’s coming again (e.g. love of neighbor and God). As such, Christian application of the Old Testament must always take into account both the continuities and the discontinuities with the New Testament. We can neither take on a wholesale adoption nor rejection of the Old Testament. We must use our brains and think through the issues before us.
Jesus also tells us that the smallest parts of the law will remain until heaven and earth disappear and when all things are fulfilled. Some of those things were fulfilled by the death and resurrection of Christ but others are fulfilled upon His return to gather the elect from the four corners of the earth and to condemn the wicked.
Put bluntly, the law will be around, continuing in the New Testament, though partly fulfilled until all is fulfilled at the second coming of Christ Jesus.
Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
¥ Pray that God will bring great blessing to our cell groups this week. Pray that we would see cells growing in maturity, in depth and knowledge of insight into the gospel and in relationship with God and each other. Pray that all our cells would grow in size as well.
Pray for our Committee of Management as they meet next Monday. Ask the Lord to grant this Committee great wisdom and insight into the way it manages and stewards the funds allocated to it by the congregation. Pray that they would be gospel minded men and women who seek to grow the Kingdom above all else.
¥ Pray that our finances would sky-rocket above the minimum break even point so that the Committee can be seeking to support the poor and needy in our area.
Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. What is your general attitude towards the Old Testament?
2. Read Leviticus 19:28. What is a NT biblical opinion of tattoos.?
3. What can you do when you are not sure if you need to keep a particular OT command?
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