Friday, 8 February 2013

Friday February 8, 2013

Read Matthew 5:14. John 3:16. John 1:29


God created the entire universe by His powerful word. He keeps the world running by his sovereign power. He is ever present throughout the entire world. Without ay doubt, God is powerful. I can’t think of any believer who would disagree with that statement. Would you?


And yet, this powerful God has chosen to reach the world with His love and power through YOU. Think about the grandeur of that statement for a while. Jesus didn’t just say that you are the light. He didn’t say that you are the light for your world. He didn’t say you are a light among many. He said, ‘You are the light of the world.’


God has chosen you, the believer, to take His message of love and salvation to the entire world. He wants to reach the world through you. Jesus echoed this in His great commission. When the risen Jesus met the disciples he sent them out into the world (see Matthew 28:18-20) to make disciples for Jesus and to teach them all that he had taught.


God has chosen his children to take the message of love and salvation into the world. But think about it. Our powerful God could simply appear in the sky or he could send great/terrifying signs and wonders to compel people to believe. He could snap His fingers and make everyone believe. But he doesn’t! He chooses to send you and I into the world as lights for Jesus to show the world the power of God. God has given you and I an immense job of immense proportions. He has chosen to use us mere mortals for a God-sized job.



Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.










¥ Pray for the Committee of Management in your church. Pray that God would grant these men and women great wisdom and insight as they care for the financial areas of the church. Pray that God would also grow the giving in the church so that the Committee would be able to seek to support and care for the poor and needy.

¥ Pray too for the Session of your church. Pray that these men would be godly men who love the Lord with their heart and soul and mind and strength. Pray that they would apply the Word to themselves first and then to others under their care. Pray that the love of Christ would emanate from them.



Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

1. Why should Christians have a world wide focus?

2. How can you be growing in your world wide focus?

3. Is there a particular country or people group that you are passionate about?


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