Saturday, 23 February 2013

Saturday February 23, 2013

Read Ephesians 4:26-27. James 1:19-20. Hebrews 12:15


Doctors now realise that anger can cause many problems and issues. Hypertension, bowl problems, headaches, fatigue and psychological issues can all be caused by anger. As a result, many people are taking up relaxation, yoga, meditation and other techniques to curb their anger.


Anger is such a huge problem in our society that we are seeing increasing incidents of road rage. There are growing reports of school rage where students or ex-students take a gun to school and shoot their teachers and/or fellow students. The situation is often repeated in work places. It’s so bad that Psychologists are now talking of surf rage as surfers attack each other for taking the better wave. There’s even trolley rage where shoppers get irate and frustrated with each other.


God’s Word gives us good advice when it encourages us to deal with our anger before the sun goes down. Rather than letting our anger stew and boil it’s better to deal with it and to clear the air. No one benefits from pent up anger.  Bitterness is the end of the anger trail. Bitterness roots run deep and cause defilement to the holder and to many others. Have an informal coffee with a bitter person one day and you’ll see just how caustic and contagious it can be!


Holding onto anger can give the devil a foothold in your life. The Greek word for ’foothold’ literally means “place.” By hanging onto anger we are giving the devil a place in our life and he will, I assure you, use that to destroy both you and those around you.


It’s clear that man’s anger does not lead to the righteous life that God requires. in our anger we make rash decisions, we blurt out things better left unsaid and we make unfair accusations. Clearly, man’s anger does not lead to the righteous life that God requires. It’s better to deal with anger than to let it build up and explode. It’s better to deal with it constructively than to let it destroy both yourself and those you love.



Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
















¥ Pray for the Session of your church. Pray that God would fill these men with His Spirit and grant them great wisdom and insight as they lead and guide your congregation. Pray that these men would have a deep and thorough knowledge of the Word and be willing to put that Word into practice in all areas.

¥ Pray for the work of Student Life in Australia and Uni Impact in New Zealand as they seek to bring students to Christ in repentance and faith. Pray that we would see a movement of God’s Spirit across campuses in Australia and New Zealand as more and more people turn to Christ.


Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

1. What is a godly way to deal with anger?

2. If I can’t speak to the other person who has made me angry, what can I do?

3. What are some symptoms of pent up anger that you have witnessed?





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