Read: Exodus 20:1-17, Matthew 5:27-28
Consider how much our culture has changed. In 1949 Ingrid Bergman, star of the famous movie Casablanca, left her husband and daughter to have an affair with an Italian movie director. The public outcry against the affair was such that even the United States Congress got involved and declared Ingrid a ‘persona non grata’, forbidden to step foot in the country.
Today, as we go through the supermarket checkout and see in the magazines how so many celebrity marriages end in affairs it is very easy for us to pass the same, self righteous judgment without taking a moment to consider our own lives. But Jesus does not allow any room for this kind of thinking. Jesus takes the original commandment in the Law to its intended conclusion. God’s Law is not only a standard for outside behaviour, God’s standard looks inward, to our hearts.
Consider for a moment how this plays out in your own life. Do you harbour lustful thoughts? Do you allow your eyes to linger in places where they shouldn't? Do you seek out images of men or women on the Internet or in magazines? Do you read books which describe impossible romantic situations and lust after them?
Jesus’ words in this passage leave no room for doubt. If we can answer yes to any of the above questions (and only Jesus can’t) then we are guilty of being lawbreakers and, on the basis of the law, stand condemned before God. But the good news of the gospel is this: that despite all of us being lawbreakers and sinners before God we are made right with God through His grace and through the sacrifice Jesus has made on our behalf. (Romans 3.21-24)
Understanding the truth of this good news does not mean that we are excused from seeking to live holy lives or excused from seeking to apply these words of Jesus. Rather, as we discuss these words of Jesus this week let us always remember that we do not seek to live holy lives before God in order to make up for our sin or to make ourselves right with God. Jesus has done that on our behalf. Instead we seek to live holy lives out of great joy and thankfulness for the relationship we have been given with Him. It all starts with Jesus.
Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
¥ Praise God for the free gift of grace that you have been given through Jesus Christ and that you do not need to earn your salvation, rather that it is a gift of God. Pray for those in your life who do not know Jesus and have not received this great gift. Pray that God would give you opportunities and courage to share the good news.
¥ Pray for all the cell groups that are gathering throughout this week. Pray that that God would change lives through His word and that we would challenge and encourage each other to live out our faith.
My Additional Prayer Points.
Weekly Challenge
What sin in your life do you need to bring in the heavy artillery on to stop? Put some of those radical, costly ideas into practice this week.
Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. Spend some time together sharing your testimonies and about how God has changed your life.
2. Discuss how your approach to life is different because of what God has done for you.
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