Thursday, 8 December 2011

Wednesday December 7, 2011

Read Deuteronomy 1:19-46


We all give into fear at times and are defeated by it. We’re human and frail and often somewhat fickle. But we need to realise that giving into fear and choosing our path rather than the Lord’s chosen path can have disastrous results.

God had promised the Israelites safe entry into the promised land. He had sworn to deliver the enemy over them. As the spies came back  from the land they brought the fruit of the land, succulent and juicy. But the people grumbled and rebelled against God. They gave way to fear and refused to enter the land. God was angry with them and swore that the entire generation of fearers (except Joshua and Caleb, who did not give into fear) would die before the nation entered the Promised Land. The book of Numbers is the story of the Israelites wandering around the desert for 40 years as that generation died off.  This was the disastrous result of their disobedience and fear.  But the generation heard what God was saying and foolishly ran off to make war against the enemy in the hill country. Though warned that God would not go with them, they marched into battle. But because they had given into fear, they were severely defeated. That day saw great weeping and anguish before the Lord as many Israelites lay strewn across the battlefield. This was the second disastrous consequence of giving into fear.


Fear has disastrous consequences because we are inadvertently saying that God is not able to handle the situation that I am fearing. God is not big enough or strong enough to deal with this situation or person that I fear. We are declaring that God has lost control and I need to take charge because my way is better than God’s. We are, when we give into fear, reducing God and elevating something or someone else to the status of a ‘god’. God will not tolerate this. Disastrous consequences follow.


As you grow to know God more and as you mature in Him you will grow to realise that there is no situation and no person that you need fear. The only one we need to fear is the Lord Himself!


Have there been disastrous consequences to your life because you gave into fear? Ask the Lord to reveal these things to you. Confess these fears to the Lord and ask His blessing in these areas.


¨ For wisdom for Christians in Kazakhstan as they respond to the new laws.

¨ For the Christians to be strengthened and prepared for the difficult times ahead.

¨ That Christians will stand firm in their faith and find ways to continue meeting together.




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