Read Luke 3:21-37
I hope you didn’t find any apes or monkeys in the genealogy or family line of Jesus, did you? I pray that there were no amoebas and accidental genetic changes in this long list of fore fathers! As we draw
near to Christmas I pray that you begin to realise just how magnificent you are in God’s eyes.
Now I know that the reading for today was hard going and it was difficult to wade through the list of names and some of them were hard to pronounce. But did you notice where the list ended? Adam, the first man was the Son of God because he was created by God. The Bible assures us that God did not use evolution to create humanity. Nor did the world evolve from an accident. You are not the product of time and chance (key factors in evolution) that accidently happened from an electrified soup of goo.
You and I are made in the image of God not in the image of an ape or a chimp. We were designed and created by God for a specific purpose - to relate to Him and to enjoy Him forever. You are so much more than an animal. You are so much more than a mix of water and chemicals. You are so much more than a bag of bones and flesh. You are a human being with a soul, with a conscience, with dignity and purpose and you are made in God’s very own image.
Do you feel special? You should because God tells us in His Word that He created mankind as the very pinnacle of His creation. The world and everything in it was only complete and was only ‘very good’ (as God called it) when mankind had been created. Only then was God happy to sit back and rest from His work of creation.
You are special because God has made you. How often do you thank and praise God for that?
¨ Many people this Christmas won’t feel special because they don’t have enough money to feed the kids and to buy presents. Rather than pray for them alone, pray that you and your church would be able to bless these people and to show them that they too are special to God.
¨ Pray that our Christmas service would be well attended by non believers and that many would turn to Christ for salvation.
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