Friday, 23 December 2011

Friday December 23, 2011

Read Matthew 2:13-23


There’s much written about King Herod in history. It’s not only the Bible that tells us what he did! But we do know that he was an arrogant man who would not tolerate any rivals. He was a violent man that would go to any lengths to remove anyone who even apparently threatened his reign. Even though he was a great architect and dreamer that accomplished many great architectural feats, his goodness was overshadowed by his cruelty.


When Herod realised that another king had been born, he was jealous and sought to use the magi or ’wise men’ to find this baby. He wanted to kill Him not worship Him.


But he was frustrated and went on a rampage. He ordered the death of every baby two years old and under. We don’t know how many innocent lives were lost that day. But we do know that God was fully in control and saved His new born King, the one called the Son of God.


Herod, for all his pomp and power and tantrums was outwitted. Jesus would grow and mature. He would start His ministry at about 30 years of age. At 33 He would be falsely tried and accused of crimes and words He never committed. He would hang on a cross and He would die accursed by God. He would suffer in our shoes as our scapegoat.


Biblically speaking, God did not let anything get in the way of His plan being fulfilled. And what was God’s  plan? To send  His one and only Son into the world to die for the sins and rebellions of the world so that forgiveness could be offered to all who turn to Jesus and trust Him.



Uganda -  Teenager tortured for her faith set to make 'full recovery'

¨  "I heard the message of Christ's great love of him dying for us to get everlasting peace, and there and then I decided to believe in Christ.  After a month, the news that I had converted to Christianity reached my father, a devoted Muslim, and that was the beginning of my troubles with him.”

¨ Susan's father still wants nothing to do with her and no family member is willing to care for her. Susan is spiritually stronger, loves praying and enjoys singing hymns.



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