Read Isaiah 43:1-11
What or whom do you fear? If you‟re like me, then your macho instincts are probably kicking in and you‟re thinking something like, „Nothing! No one. I‟m not afraid of anything‟. But God knows that we are afraid and that certain situations scare the heebee geebees out of us.
When Jesus sent the disciples out to minister and preach like sheep among wolves He knew that it would be a scary and fearful situation for them. He encouraged and commanded them not to fear mankind. Isaiah, similarly, spoke the Word of the Lord to His people. The Lord called His people to „Fear not!‟ because Yahweh was their deliverer. Yahweh was/is the one true living God who would walk with them to the New Promised Land. He would be their guard and their shield. Neither the waters, the rivers, the fire nor the nations could remove the salvation that Yahweh had wrought for them.
In fact, the history of Israel from Abraham (even beyond Abraham) shows the truth that God‟s people need not fear. Abraham learnt that he had nothing to fear when he entered Egypt because God was with him. He had nothing to fear when he was old and Sarah was still barren for the Lord would bring forth the child of the promise. The Israelites, when in slavery in Egypt didn‟t need to fear Pharaoh for God would deliver them with an outstretched arm. When they stood on the shore of the Red Sea and Pharaoh and his armies were galloping towards them, they did not have to fear for God would deliver them. When they were commanded to enter the land and attack the nations, 7 nations stronger, more numerous and better armed than they were, they had no reason to fear because God would fight for them. As the nation marched out to war to protect the promised land from the invaders they had nothing to fear. As Israel cowered before the Philistines and their champion Goliath, David knew that they had nothing to fear because God was their deliverer.
Do you know this God that fights for us and delivers us and always keeps His Word? Do you know His might and power? Do you know His protection? More particularly, when someone teaches lies about the Lord and His Bible do you know the Lord‟s power or do you clam up and hide? When a door is opened to speak of Jesus do you confidently and fearlessly speak up or do you stare at the ground waiting for the time to pass quickly? When an outreach event is run at church do you fearlessly invite your neighbourhood or do you make excuses about being too busy? Do we talk and share Jesus with our friends and family or are we too scared of the consequences?
Fear can cripple us. But the one whom we should fear liberates us and let‟s the light shine so brightly that men will see our good deeds and give glory to God who is in heaven.
Spend some time alone with the Lord and ask Him to reveal your real fears to you. Confess each one and ask the Lord to fill you with courage.
Kazakhstan has adopted a new religious legislation which will
restrict religious activities to a great extent.
Under the new legislation, all religious communities are required
to re-register. The process of registering and meeting the requirements is complicated, and will be especially difficult for smaller Christian groups. The laws will inflict harsh punishment on groups who are not registered under the new system.
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