Read 2 Peter 3:3-4. 2 Tim 3:1-9
God warns us that the “last days” will not be a pretty sight. People will go from bad to worse. The love of most will grow cold and many will abandon the faith. People will love everything but what is good and holy and right. They will call evil ‘good’ and good ‘evil’. In particular, God warns us that many will scoff at the faith. They will mock the second coming of Christ and will perpetuate an argument that sounds convincing.
Interestingly, the pro-evolution team strongly argue that all things occur now as they always have. They argue that the processes we see and measure today have always been constant since the beginning of time. They assume that nothing has changed and that nothing will change. They call such untenable assumptions ‘science’ and lead many people astray into believing that God is irrelevant, unneeded and that He certainly won’t be returning in the guise of some religious guru named Jesus!
If you and I are to live godly and victorious lives in this present dark age we must have within our own hearts a clear demarcation of what is good and what is evil. We cannot make up the lines ourselves as the world does but must adopt God’s lines of right and wrong, good and evil. We cannot hide behind the grey areas to justify our stance or even worse, our practice of sinfulness.
If you think about the Christian life as a house you begin to understand what I mean. Often we invite Jesus into our lounge room to sit and visit as a guest. But the kitchen (where ideas and fantasies are cooked up), the bedroom (our love life and personal life), the bathroom (where we build ourselves up), the laundry (where we iron out our finances) and other rooms are off limits to Jesus. We feel that He has no right to be in those rooms. What we need to do is ask Jesus to cleanse each room in our house (family, friendships, financial, workforce, leisure, thoughts and so on). We need to let Jesus into all areas of our life. We need to let Him be Lord of all the rooms in our Christian life - that’s what the greatest commandment is really getting at. We are called to love the Lord our God with all our heart, all our soul, all our mind and all our strength.
Why not spend 15 minutes inviting Jesus to be Lord in every area of your life - your finances, your thoughts, your family, your parenting, your spousing, your friendships, your work life, your leisure time, your viewing habits, your speech, your fantasies and so on.
V Praise God for His forgiveness, ask, confess and seek God to forgive the temptations you have fallen into an ask Him to show you how to have a more productive God centred use of your time.
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