Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Tuesday July 12, 2011

Read Matthew 25:31-46

Do you know for certain whether you are a sheep or a goat in the parable that Jesus told? Many people struggle with their true identity in Christ. They often wonder if they are really saved or if they are genuinely Christian. Do you fall into that trap? The evil one has attacked many a believer with doubt, often in the crucial final hours of one’s life!

One of the ways that you can be assured when the evil one attacks is to look back over your life and to see if there is fruit of your faith throughout.

Jesus gives some examples of loving the brotherhood and serving others.

Since James 2:17 is true we need to think back over our lives and find solace in the fact that Christ has worked through us. Even though we may be in a desert wandering at present we can be comforted by God’s work in us and

through us throughout the past. This is no reason to be proud or self promoting but simply a way to put one’s mind or doubts to rest.

If, God forbid, you look back over your life and cannot see any fruit, it’s time for serious prayer and reflection. Ask God to show you whether or not you are a true believer. If you are not confirmed with a ‘yes’ immediately, talk to a mature Christian and tell them your doubts. Something is stopping you from stepping out in faith - probably fear in some shape or form. You need to remove this fear immediately so that you can begin to bear the fruit of your faith in Christ. It is vital that at this stage you do not seek to find resolution yourself! The evil can easily trick you, lie to you  or compound your self condemnation while you are down in this pit. Find a mature believer to walk through this with you.

Be comforted that God’s sheep will hear the voice of the Shepherd beckoning them, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.’ On that blessed day, all the pain, all the toil, all the hardship will prove to have been worth it. In the

midst of the utter and total joy of being invited into that Paradise by Christ, you will totally and utterly forget everything painful and negative from this world.

Paul says in Romans 8:18

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.

He says in 2 Cor 4:17

For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.


V Pray for the Chaplains in your local schools as the battle continues with the new government regulations.

V Pray for more and more opportunities to reach out to the students and staff.

Developing Godly Habits #3

Do you fear the Lord? Many New Testament believers would say ‘NO’, indignantly thinking that judgement has been averted through the blood of Christ and that we have nothing to fear. That is partly true. It fails to take account of the truth that we will be called to give an account of our lives to God. Read Romans 14:12 and ponder it.

Since this is true, we need to cultivate a healthy fear of the Lord. Do a Word search on ‘fear of the Lord’ and read through the list of verses (about 22 of them) and you’ll be amazed at how positive (not negative) the phrase is.

A healthy fear of the Lord sees God as a heavenly Father, loving and gracious but also just. A healthy fear of God seeks to please God (or not to displease Him) because it knows that the discipline of the Lord is hard and often painful.

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