Thursday, 14 July 2011

Thursday July 14, 2011

Read 2 Peter 3:11-12

Often when we know there’s danger ahead we change course or take necessary precautions. A detour sign on a road, for example, warns us of danger ahead and takes us to our destination via another route.  A  ‘Do Not Enter’ sign warns us that entering could be hazardous to our health.

Spiritually speaking, the Day of Judgement, which is described as a Day of Fire, is a warning to us. We know that there is danger ahead so we ought to live, as Peter says, ‘holy and godly lives’. The word ‘holy’ means to be separate from sin and transgression. We are to live our lives avoiding sinful things as much as possible and practical. Often, if we are proactive and thoughtful, we can avoid much of the sin in our lives. The man addicted to viewing inappropriate material on his computer could easily put a filter on his computer and give his wife the password. He’s taking the necessary precautions!

The word ‘godly’ means in accord with the character of God. It means to be pleasing to God. Our lives are not just about the negative but also about the positives. That man sitting at his computer could use his computer for good, not evil. He could email a brother an encouragement. He could research prayer points from around the globe in persecuted countries. He could turn it off and spend the time praying for others.  If we are going to overcome sin in our lives then we need to be substituting godly habits and practices in place of ungodly ones.

Added to this, we are to live with our eyes firmly fixed on the coming of that day. We are to live in anticipation of it, expectant that it could occur soon. We need to be ready and watchful for the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.  Often we fall into sin because our eyes are not fixed on the return of Christ but on us and our needs and our wants and our desires. As soon as I take my eyes off Jesus I will put them on something else - more often than not, that something else will be me! As soon as I start looking at me, I start to be tempted.

There is a great hazard ahead - the Day of Judgement. God is warning us to take the necessary precautions and to live a way that befits what is coming. But don’t be fooled, keep reading tomorrow to find out more.


V Pray that God will grow the faith of every believer gathered in your congregation. Pray that the whole day will be a faith filled day where God works powerfully among you all.

V Pray that you are aware of your spiritual gifts and that you will use these to help spread the Word of God.

V Pray this for others in your congregation.

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