Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Wednesday July 13, 2011

Read Matthew 7:21-23

There are some scary passages in the Bible! This one is probably the scariest and the most to be feared!  But before I tell you my thoughts on the passage, what are your thoughts? If someone asked you to talk about this passage in cell group, what would you say about it? Take time to reflect before you read on.

I find this passage scary, not because I doubt my own salvation, but because I see people like this in the wider church. Read the verses for today again, very slowly and think about what’s happening on that Day of Judgment.

The passage pictures people, people who called themselves believers, standing before God knowing that eternal condemnation awaits them. They cry out to God, pleading with Him to remember their prophesying, their miracles and even their casting out of demons. And they did it all in Jesus’ name! But alas! It’s too late.  Christ will drive them away with those haunting words ‘I never knew you. Away from me you evil doers.’

Here’s why it’s so scary. These men and women deceived themselves and thought that they could assure themselves of eternal life because of their miracles and exorcisms and healings. They used the name of Jesus but they never loved Him. They did what they did, even in His name, for self gain, self promotion, self - something. It wasn’t for Jesus at all. They failed to walk in obedience. Behind closed doors they continued to sin. They refused to repent and walk in paths of Holiness and God ultimately rejected them.

Precious child of God, I cannot stress enough the value of obedience. Those who love Jesus want to obey Jesus with their heart, their soul, their mind and

their strength (or their outward life). Those who are followers of Jesus hate sin and willingly repent when God shows them something displeasing in their own lives. Those who call God Abba Father have a healthy fear of God and do not want to displease Him.  I rejoice with tears of joy that I see this in your life, that I do not see that kind of hypocrisy that will lead to eternal rejection and condemnation. ’

We should take time to thank and praise God for every believer we know and more so, we should make time to pray that God would strengthen them, uphold them in the face of temptation and use them powerfully for His kingdom.


V Praise God for the leaders on 3 campuses, and pray for those who have been to the Mid-Year Conference in June in Qld.

V Pray for the provision of $90,000 over the next 3 years to fund the efforts in launching Student Life in Perth.

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