Read Revelation 20-21
Sometimes when I’m driving around or just “existing” and feeling miserable about the state of the world I try to imagine what life in the new heaven/earth would be like. Revelation 20-21 tells us that the old order will have passed away and that there’ll be no more crying or mourning or pain. Death will have been swallowed up in victory. All believers will dwell in the new creation with God at the centre of the great City.
So what would it be like if I were in heaven, now? Can you imagine it? There’d be no news to listen to on the radio as those horrid accidents and crimes would be a thing of the past. Praise songs, adoration songs and nothing else will echo out from every radio station. School students would no longer bully each other and a lonely child would never again commit suicide, because of the pain of rejection. My children will never again come home upset at something that happened at school. The teachers will never again resign in total frustration. I can’t even begin to imagine a school with perfect students, can you? There’ll never be a funeral service to attend and doctors would be permanently
unemployed as the hospitals would be completely empty. Strangers that I pass now will be deep intimate friends in heaven. The issues in my life will have been sorted out. Stress will be a thing of the past and politicians will never lie to us again! That’s it! I’m sold. Let me in!
After about half an hour of thinking about what heaven would be like is generally enough to get my mind out of the doldrums and to fill it with praise and excitement.
Christian Victory comes with setting our hearts and minds and eyes on the finish line. Paul encourages the Philippians with these words.
I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
You and I should adopt the same attitude because sin often creeps into our lives when we become down, depressed or apathetic in our faith. Sometimes the world burdens us and weighs us down. It’s in those dark hours that we often seek relief in something sinful. As we focus on the finish line, as we set our heart on the prize, as we run with perseverance we will more and more see daily victory rather than daily defeat.
But never forget this one truth - You are not running alone. You are a part of a team and the other members are relying on you and you on them. It’s team work. Spur each other on. Motivate one another and build each other up. Try talking about heaven and the prize with your Christian mates. Encourage them with their heavenly inheritance. Give them a reason to persevere. Build them up. Set the trend in your circle of friends and cell group. SMS them a Bible verse every now and then. Find a good sermon off the internet or from church that can help them or build them up. Pray with them. Pray for them. Rejoice with them.
V Pray for those in other countries that are persecuted daily for there faith.
V Pray that more and more people have access to the Bible in their native language.
V Praise God that we have free access to Bibles, Bible reading notes and that we have the freedom in this country to live out our faith.
V Pray that people will take advantage of this freedom and look for further ways to reach out to non believers.
V Pray for the youth in your congregation that they will have opportunities to reach out to their friends and invite them along to youth group.
V Pray for the leaders of youth group that they will be able to encourage and support the youth as they grow in Christ.
Developing Godly Habits #4Read Psalm 119:133. Write it down
The Psalmist prays that God would direct him according to the word and that no sin would rule over his life. Now read Romans 6:14. Write it down.
So many Christians are needlessly ruled/mastered by sins such as unforgiveness, hatred, anger, lusts and passions and so on. Through Christ Jesus God has freed you from the mastery of sin. He has purchased you by the blood of Jesus and the evil one has no control over you.
If you are ruled by something sinful it’s time to pray as the Psalmist did. Pray that no sin would rule over you. Remind God that Jesus has purchased you. Plead with God to rule your heart and your ways according to His Word.