Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Wednesday August 5, 2015

Read Jeremiah 50:8-46

 If you were to enter a travel agent today and ask for a plane to Chaldea or Babylon, you might get some strange looks and they might even call security to escort you away!

The Lord’s word regarding Babylon was fulfilled and the nation was completely destroyed. Just as in the judgement upon the nations in chapters 46-49 we see here, as well, some of the reasons for the judgement against Babylon.

In 50:11 we read
Jeremiah 50:11 (NIV84)
“11 Because you rejoice and are glad, you who pillage my inheritance, because you frolic like a heifer threshing grain and neigh like stallions…”
Babylon was judged because she took great joy in the defeat of God’s people and metaphorically frolicked like a heifer and neighed like a  proud stallion. In vs 17 the situation is compared to a lion chasing it’s prey. Israel was the prey and Nebuchadnezzar was the lion.

In vs 14 it is added that Babylon had sinned against the Lord and the punishment is detailed. Verse 28 suggests that this sin is the destruction of the Temple, for the Lord will take vengeance against the Babylonians for the destruction of the Temple. Verses 33-34 show that the people of God had been held captive by the Babylonians and that God was bringing judgement to redeem them and to give rest to the land. A part of the reason for the exile was that the land had not given it’s jubilee rest since the people entered the land.

However, what is amazing is the contrast in vs 20. In stark contrast to the judgement that will soon fall upon Babylon we read of the blessing given to Israel.

Jeremiah 50:20
“In those days, at that time,” declares the Lord, “search will be made for Israel’s guilt, but there will be none, and for the sins of Judah, but none will be found, for I will forgive the remnant I spare.”

You and I know that the sins of God’s people are forgiven in and through the work of Jesus Christ at Calvary. At the cross Jesus offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice and bore the sins of His people. His righteousness is and will be imputed to all who believe in Him.

Together with all Israel who turns to the Lord Jesus Christ in repentance and faith, we need to know for certain that our guilt is dealt with at the cross. The full penalty has been metered out and paid in full at Calvary and guilt has been fully removed.
In Jeremiah’s day that forgiveness would come through the judgment of Babylon and the return of the exiles to Jerusalem, their home town. That return would prepare the way for God’s Messiah to come into the world to bring forgiveness and hope.

Using today’s Bible passage and notes write down points for





· Continue to pray for the outreach services in Warwick, Westbrook and West Toowoomba.  Praise God for the growth being experienced at Warwick.
· Pray that the chaplains in Glenvale and Harristown Public Schools would be able to share their faith, speak of Jesus and make disciples in Jesus’ name. Pray that funding and all other needs would be met by the grace of God.
 Discussion Questions

1. Someone in the church asks you what it means to be forgiven by Christ Jesus. How do you respond?
2. When you explain the whole concept of forgiveness this person responds, ‘But that’s not really fair. How can Jesus get punished for sins that are not His?’ How can you respond?

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