Friday, 7 August 2015

Friday August 7, 2015

Read Jeremiah 51:6-26

The fact that people bow down and worship idols and statues makes it relatively clear that humanity was created for worship. If we aren’t worshipping God, we will substitute and fill the hole with something or someone else.

In vs 15ff we see God taking the offensive against those who make and use idols and against the idols themselves. Every man, we are told, is senseless and without knowledge. The idols bring shame upon the goldsmiths because the hand-made statues are lifeless. They have no breath in them. They are a fraud. In fact, we are told they are worthless. They are objects to be mocked. In chapter 10 God has already told us that they are as dangerous as a scarecrow in a melon patch. They are even nailed down to their bases so they cannot topple over.

On the other hand God is the one who created the world by His power, the world by His wisdom. He created the universe by His understanding. In Genesis 1 we are told that He simply spoke and the universe came into being. It is the Lord Almighty who brings the clouds,  the wind and the rain. It is the Lord who sends the lightning. It is He who controls the elements.

In vs 19, we read a summary statement of the comparison between the Lord and idols.
“He who is the Portion of Jacob is not like these,
for He is the Maker of all things,
including the tribe of His inheritance—
the Lord Almighty is His name. “

Israel upon entering the Promised Land found that she was reliant upon the weather for crops and livestock to grow and multiply. Unfortunately she turned from the living Lord towards the statues and idols of the nations around her. Israel sort to manipulate the gods to ensure a good harvest.

But in turning to the false gods, Israel, by definition, turned her back on the one true living God, the creator of the universe. This God is the God who can control the weather and bring blessing to the people. Rather than worship the one true living God Israel chose to worship idols and statues like the nations around her.

Babylon would face judgement for her idolatry. Israel and Judah had both faced the anger of God for their idolatry.

In today’s church idolatry may still be a huge problem. There are many churches around the world, particularly in the Western World, that worship idols and statues. Far too many churches are trying to build the biggest church building  in their region. Far too many churches are built on the charisma of the head pastor. Far too many churches value money and appearance and performance ahead of the gospel.

Let us make sure that our churches do not worship money, buildings or persons other than the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us make sure that our hearts are attuned to Christ and that we worship God alone. We were created to worship. Let us diligently make sure that someone or something does not usurp the place God has in our lives and in our hearts and in our communities.

Using today’s Bible passage and notes write down points for





· Pray for the youth group attached to your church. Pray in particular that the youth would grow strong in the gospel and that they would be equipped to take the gospel out to their peers.
· Pray that the youth group leaders would remain faithful to their calling, that they would diligently teach the youth and model Christ-likeness to them.
 Discussion Questions

1. In context of Jeremiah 50-51, why does God compare or contrast Himself to the idols and their makers?
2. Why do you think that God’s people in Israel and Judah turned to worship statues and idols?
3. What are some of the idols we might see in the Christian world today?
4. How can we be protecting each other and  our church from idol worship?

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