Read Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
When working, say out in the fields or even in the factory, two are better than one. Why? Because they can work more effectively and gain a better return or output from their labour.
Two are better than one because when one falls down the other can help him/her up. The teacher of wisdom who wrote Ecclesiastes then turns to look at the other side – the man who has no one to help him up is to be pitied. This principle applies to all areas of need. No doubt we’ve all been on both sides of the fence – praising God when we have someone to help us in our time of need and complaining to God when we don’t have someone to help in those times.
Two are better than one because they can give support to each other. In verse 11 the image of sleeping together and keeping each other warm is in no way sexual and may not even refer to husband and wife. It could refer to children sleeping together as was common in the ancient world or even to travellers keeping each other warm. The image may also be a metaphor for emotional support from the cold of the world.
Two are better than one because two people can defend themselves far better than one person can. As we all know so well, there’s safety in numbers. Travelling in the ancient world necessitated such safety as a lone traveller was an easy target for thieves.
In the immediate context the Teacher is comparing loneliness (4:7-8) to having company or friends (4:9-12). The Teacher illustrates several areas where two are better than one implying that relationship is more important than wealth and success. The lonely man of vs 7-8, though rich from his toil, had deprived himself of enjoyment. Even wealth could not buy the enjoyment that relationship brings. Wealth earnt in isolation is more a burden than a blessing.
This is a message that our sex soaked, money hungry and digital crazy world needs desperately to hear and experience. There is great joy in human relationship. There is blessing in being involved in each other’s lives. There is a wonder in bearing each other’s burdens and caring for each other (see Gal 6:2). Life is far more important than social media, sexuality and searching or working desperately for more money and for more stuff. Money and stuff can never fulfil us like relationships can and do. This is a message the world desperately needs to hear in terms of parenting, in terms of work environments, school and university environments and so on. Nothing can replace the joy of relationship.
Using today’s Bible passage and notes write down points for
· Pray that the Lord would bring healing and mending to any broken relationships in your life or in your church. Pray that the Spirit of grace and forgiveness would be abounding in your church.
· Pray that God would allow strong relationships to be grown in your church so that the church is warm, welcoming and friendly to all, even those who don’t necessarily fit in well.
1. Someone says to you that they just want to come to church, listen and then go home. They add that they don’t want to be involved in people's lives. What’s a scriptural response?
2. Why is relationship so important in the Christian church ?
3. How can your church foster good and positive relationships?
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