Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Wednesday July 8, 2015

Read: Romans 12:4-5

Those who play team sports will understand the necessity of having a team of committed people. It can be incredibly frustrating to be trying to pull a team together that is not committed to the game. When there are members missing, the whole team is affected and the victory of the team is put in jeopardy. Alternatively, when all the team members are committed to both training and to playing the games the team can function with the finesse and skill required to maximise their chance of victory.

It is not hard for us to imagine what Paul is saying then here in Romans 12:4-5. We who are in Christ form one single team with each other and because of that we belong to one another. Paul is exhorting us to be committed to the team. He is encouraging us to be faithful to the body and serious about loving and serving one another. When we are not committed to the body the whole body of Christ suffers, even if we can’t see it. If, however, we are serious about serving and loving the body, then the whole body of Christ will be blessed and encouraged.

Paul uses an even stronger metaphor than that of a sports team. In Christ we, as many members, form one body. Each of us have many different parts of our body which are all vital for the body's function and survival. Just as it becomes difficult to function when you have lost an important part of your body, it affects the whole church when one member of the body is missing. Added to that, all the members of the body belong to one another and are part of the one unit. The hand doesn’t say: “You guys have stopped giving me everything that I want in a body, I’m going to go off on my own for a while.” The eye cannot say: “I’m sick of being a part of the body, I’m going to do my own thing.” Such an idea is ludicrous! In the same way we are all members of the same body.

In an age where many people treat the church simply as a place for their own needs to be provided for and for others to serve them, this is a radical idea. Instead of leaving when the music doesn’t fit our tastes we are to be committed to the local body. Instead of coming simply so that our needs can be taken care of we must come to serve and love others. Church is not about meeting our needs but about us gathering as the body of Christ to meet the needs of each other. It is about us gathering together to serve and to be about the work of encouraging God’s people, growing in love and holiness and reaching the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Such a mission requires everyone to be involved, as no one is unnecessary in the body of Christ, and no one is just along for the ride.

This kind of commitment and service is motivated and driven by the kind of humility and love that Paul talks about in Romans 12:3. This is what underpins our service towards one another and our commitment to each other as members of the body of Christ.

Let us be committed to the body of Christ. Let us always remember that we are members of one another and let us grow in our love for each other and service to one another.

Using today’s passage and the reading notes spend time in prayer.




· Pray for the work of PIM (Presbyterian Inland Mission) as they seek to take the gospel into remote regions in Australia. Pray that the padres and their wives will be kept safe whilst travelling huge distances, that loneliness will not negatively affect them and that they would be well received into stations and towns where they minister. Pray that gospel disciple making will occur.
· Pray that the work of Myanmar Bible College will grow and thrive. Ask the Lord to bring great blessing to the students and staff so that great learning and equipping takes place. Ask God to provide all their needs so that effective learning takes place.

 Discussion Questions 

1. What do you think church would be like if everyone had this attitude and commitment towards one another?
2. Practically, what does it look like for someone to be committed to the body in this way?
3. What is your attitude in this area?

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