Friday, 3 July 2015

Friday July 3, 2015

Read Hebrews 10:19-25

Why do you go to Church? Is it the “done” thing?

Some years ago, I was ministering in a small country centre. The people used to enjoy coming to church. They actually looked forward to it. To them, it was time to recharge their spiritual batteries after being in the world and exposed to the lifestyles of people living in a worldly manner all week. They used to read their Bibles every day and be encouraged by it, but they needed the fellowship of one another to rekindle their love for Jesus and sharpen their knowledge of His Word. They were putting Hebrews 10:24-25 into practice.  And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
We are urged to encourage one another. There will come a day when Christians will be very much a minority within this land. At the moment, the trend is very much of turning away from putting our faith in Jesus.
It’s hard to keep on living faithfully when followers of Jesus are mocked and isolated from having their voice heard in the market place. All kinds of voices and trends (usually not from a Christian perspective) are reflected in our television programs and radio talk back shows.
If you are married, how are you feeling about your marriage at the moment? Do you feel that marriage is not all that special?
Nearly every Christian voice speaking about marriage being the union of one man and one woman (agreeing with the Bible and historical, general practices among the nations), is shouted down as bigotry or old fashioned thinking.
How are you thinking about being a Christian in Australia? What would you think if you visited Indonesia, Iraq, Egypt, or Nigeria? We don’t hear of what happens to many Christians in these lands. The news doesn’t say much about the deaths and persecutions of Christians. Young Christian women are taken from their schools and homes and sold as sex slaves and made wives of men of a Muslim understanding. It is not pleasant living in these lands if you are a Christian.
We need to encourage each other to live as followers of Jesus. We need to stimulate/spur on one another in being Christian. Let us not be half-hearted but be lifting one another up to live as servants of the living God – Jesus our Lord. By all means, pursue excellence in your work, but do it for the glory of Jesus. Be active in living as Christ Jesus’ followers. It will soon cost us to be Christians in this world, but we have a Saviour who has gone before us and done all things necessary for our right relationship with God, our Creator.
Do not neglect meeting together as some are in the habit of doing, but yearn for the fellowship of other believers and learn how to spur on each other in your love and good deeds. The Lord is coming. Let’s be proud to know Him and to be His servants in this hostile and unrepentant world. The love of God is your foundation as you trust in Jesus. He is your righteousness and acceptance with the Father.
Paul also wrote:  Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:11) It is not an isolated principle of Scripture, but an essential urging for all Christians. Live in His grace and peace for you need each other more than you think.

Using today’s passage and the reading notes spend time in prayer.




· Pray for Christians who are persecuted for believing in Jesus. Pray that they will stand firm in the foundations of Jesus their Saviour.
· Pray for the cells groups that they will enjoy praying for each other and spurring each other on in practical and loving ways.

 Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. How have you been encouraged in your walk with Jesus?
2. Can you think of ways to encourage someone outside of your family and in your church to live for Jesus?
3. Can you think of three good reasons to go to church this Sonday?

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