Read Jeremiah 39
Unfortunately for the King of Judah and for the people, chapter 39 records the coming true of the words of Jeremiah. He is being vindicated as the true prophet of the Lord while the others are shown to be false, lying prophets who spoke out of their own imaginations.
Sadly we read that the Babylonian army besieged the city and broke through the city wall, the last line of defence the city had. Then Nergal-Sharezer of Samgar, Nebo-Sarsekim a chief officer, Nergal-Sharezer a high official and all the other officials of the King of Babylon took their seat in the middle gate. This sitting is not a resting but a sitting in judgement against the defeated enemy, namely against the defeated king and the officials of Judah.
Zedekiah and his family had fled through the hole in the city wall and headed for safety in the Arabah. But they were overtaken and brought before the Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon. Zedekiah’s sons were killed before his very eyes as were the nobles and officials of Judah. Zedekiah was blinded and led off in chains to exile in Babylon. The city was burned and the people, bar a handful of the very poor, were led off in chains into exile as well.
As the chapter closes we are told that Jeremiah is set free from his arrest and is free to live in Jerusalem and Ebed-Melech the God fearing eunuch is freed from the sword. Those who trusted God and obeyed the Word are spared.
While the chapter contextually shows us that we should test the prophets and listen to those who speak the Word of God faithfully, the major application refers to the Word of God. Every believer is called to listen to and believe the Word of God. Every believer is called to know for certain that the Word of God will come to pass. What God has declared will happen.
As believers we are called to stand on the Word of God, to proclaim it, to live it out and to be secure in it. We know for certain that what God has said is true. We know that what He has told us about the future is certain and will come to pass. We know that every word from our Lord can be trusted.
Of course this is meant to have a huge impact in our lives. Among other things, this certainty in the Word of God is meant to spur us on to continue proclaiming the Word, sharing it with anyone who will listen. We know that the final judgment is coming but we also know that anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. We know that anyone who believes in Jesus shall not perish but have eternal life.
Using today’s Bible passage and notes write down points for
· Pray that the non believers in your life would have opportunity to hear the Word from your lips and that they would repent and believe in Jesus for salvation. Pray that God would give you the courage to speak up and proclaim the Word fearlessly.
· Pray that your church would willingly welcome new comers and make them feel at home. Pray that non Christians would be lovingly challenged with the gospel and urged to repent and believe in Jesus for salvation.
1. Why should the gospel we proclaim include the coming judgement of God?
2. If a church refuses to preach the judgment of God, what can you do?
3. How should we preach the judgement of God?
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