Read Mark 12:28-34. Acts 17:16
Many believe that the whole concept of the Trinity is made up. Some even go so far as to suggest that it’s a concept created by church men and theologians over the centuries to cover up some startling truth. Great stuff for a non fiction novel!
But is the Trinity a cover up? Is it something that has been made up? In reality, the concept of the Trinity developed because of the revelation of Scripture. Churchmen and theologians simply reacted to and systematized what was in the Holy Bible.
The New Testament paints two truths:
· God is one and there is no other. The New Testament, like Israel, is fiercely monotheistic. The New Testament is unified in its testimony to the one true living God. Jesus clearly states that God is one and that there is no other. In answering the question by the teacher of the law, Jesus quotes and affirms Deuteronomy 6:4 (see Mark 12:28-34). Paul likewise, when in Athens, is distressed to see so many idols (aka false gods) being represented and worshipped. Later in Romans 1:28 Paul says that the only true God has revealed Himself to all peoples across the world. There is, according to the New Testament, only one God!
· The New Testament also affirms that Jesus is God and the Holy Spirit is God. This statement does not contradict the above truth nor does it cause error, even though it has caused much confusion in us.
The two sides of the Trinity coin are clearly presented without contradiction or error. Church men and theologians sought to put this into a systematized form of teaching. They used a word that would capture the essence of what the Bible taught - namely that God is one in essence but exists as three distinct persons. That word is ’Trinity’.
Prayer: Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
ª Ask the Lord to bless cell groups this week. Pray that strong relationships will be built and a firm foundation laid in the Word of God. Pray that there will be open and frank discussion about the topics covered.
ª Pray that we would see our youth and children grow strong in the Lord. Ask God to grow their understanding of God and love for Him.
Word Moment – Even though Israel was monotheistic the word for God in the Hebrew Bible is Elohim which is plural. However it is always used with singular verb forms to show that there is only one God. Added to this, God often speaks of himself in terms of ‘us’ and ‘we’. See Genesis 1:26 as one example. Thus Israel was confronted at least in concept, of the idea of a Trinity!
Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. Even though every illustration has problems when it comes to the Trinity, can you think of an illustration for the Trinity?
2. Why do you think it is important to get the understanding of Trinity right?
3. Why should believers defend the truth that we worship one God not three?
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