Read 2 Tim 3:16, 2 Peter 1:19-21, John 10:34-36
We use the word ‘inspired’ in a different context than the Bible does. We might say that our husband/wife has inspired us to do something grand or to be a different kind of person. We might say that the scenery inspired us to paint or that our spouse’s beauty inspired us to write a poem or book. This is definitely not the biblical meaning of the word inspired.
The biblical word “inspired” in the original Greek comes from two words - Theos meaning God and pneu (meaning to breathe out). Hence the word means ‘breathed out by God.’ When we read 2 Tim 3:16 we need to read inspired as ‘breathed out by God’ meaning that God has so superintended things that His Word has come to us as His Word, even though humans were used as authors or speakers.
2 Peter 1:19ff declares that the Word of God did not come to us through the private reflections and/or meditations of men. Scripture/prophecy came to us through the Holy Spirit as He chose to speak through mankind.
In John 10, Jesus quotes Psalm 82 and reveals again that He took all of the Old Testament to be the inspired and authoritative Word of the Lord with His full authority. The law could not be broken because it was Scripture—the Word of God!
Perhaps when we talk of the “inspiration” of Scripture we should use the word ‘expiration’ for it is the Word of God breathed out to us. It comes to us from God as God wants. Sure, it does inspire us but that has a totally different nuance to what the world hears when we talk of being inspired.
Prayer: Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
ª Pray that as the youth meet tonight God’s Word would be faithfully taught and that these youth would be passionate about serving God. Pray that those who are arm’s length from God would bow the knee and confess Jesus as Lord.
ª Pray that God would spur each and every believer in your congregation to love and good deeds. Ask God to bring a servant heart to everyone in your congregation.
1. What do you think about the modern day trend of preachers giving 3 or so interpretations of a passage and letting the congregation decide the one that best suits them?
2. When can and when can’t a preacher speak with total authority?
3. What guidelines for correct biblical interpretation do we have available to us?
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