Monday, 26 November 2012

Monday November 26, 2012

Read Nehemiah 1

At a church the other day, a small child, only 7 year old, stood to pray.  He stood in front of about 100 other children and some supervising adults and prayed:


“Jesus, thank You that some of us get to play football and go to church, and for safety on the drive here, and for forgiveness of our sins, and for eternal life.  We love you, Jesus.   Please don’t ever forget how much we love You!”

This prayer bought tears to the eyes of the adults as this boy expressed his heart to God.  As adults, we may tend to try to polish our prayers a little thinking that it will sound better to God’s ears or those around us who might hear us.  But I think God must delight in hearing just what’s on His child’s heart.

Nehemiah’s heart was filled with concern for the welfare of Jerusalem, his homeland, when he heard that the people were in great distress and that the wall around the city was broken down (vs 3).  Wanting to do something, he talked to God about it.  He praised God for who He is (vs 5), requested forgiveness for sin (vs 6), reminded Him of His promise (vs 9) and asked for mercy from the king (vs 11) .  God watched over Nehemiah and His people through the whole building process.

What is on your mind?  Thanks or burden?  Whatever it is, your loving God wants to hear your heart.



Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.












¥ Pray for 30 other people in your congregation that their love for Jesus would grow and mature and deepen. Pray that fruit would be born from this growing love for God.

¥ Pray that God would use Shiloh Church ministries to bring many to Christ through their proclamation of the gospel and their compassion to the poor and needy. Pray that many pastors would be raised up to pastor and teach the new comers


My Additional Prayer Points.







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