Friday, 2 November 2012

Friday November 2, 2012

Read Hebrews 10:12-18


GRACE is hard to wrap our puny minds around. It’s hard to deal with. It’s well illustrated by that American food company that produced what has been called the best tasting cake in history. But it proved to be a sales flop!! Why? Because the recipe only called for adding water and nothing else. People, it seems, want to be able to put in, to help out, to be active. Adding an egg or two and some milk and so on makes people feel better because they contributed something.  We’re like that with GRACE. It’s hard to accept GRACE. We want to be able to put in, to help out and to contribute in some way, shape or form.


Yet it’s by GRACE that Jesus offered Himself as the once for all sacrifice. It’s by GRACE that God writes His Word, His law on our hearts. It’s by GRACE that God chooses to not remember our sins and to not punish us as we justly deserve. It’s by GRACE that God chooses to call us saints not sinners. It’s by GRACE that we are forgiven and need not offer any sacrifice for our sins.

It’s only when we experience that GRACE in our hearts that we will truly change and over come sin in our lives—be it the sin of self hatred or the sin of some addiction that has wrapped its tentacles around our heart. When we understand GRACE we come to realise and know that we can do nothing to free ourselves and to make ourselves acceptable to God. We realise and know deep in ourselves that in and of ourselves we are damnable in God’s presence. But we don’t dwell on the negative! We realise and accept and experience the truth of the gospel of GRACE. Jesus died and rose again for me, just as I am. Jesus suffered and died, accursed by God for me in my sinful state.


When we understand GRACE it’s understandable that we weep tears of agony at our sinfulness but also weep tears of joy at God’s love. When we experience GRACE we sing with joy in our hearts and dance with delight because some one has dared to love us. Someone has seen the rot, the darkness, the sinful core of my being and still loves me! Even more so, this someone has seen me to my core and loves me enough to do something about it. This someone hasn’t left me in my miserable state. He has conquered my heart. He has stolen my heart to himself. He has renewed me and made me perfect forever. He has done the impossible.  If you’re not weeping tears of joy, please slap yourself into reality!!!



Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.









¥ Pray that God would provide for the needs of the Reformed Bible College in Myanmar. Pray that the students and staff would be blessed with all the needed resources so that they can focus on learning, growing and reaching the world for Christ.

¥ Pray that the students who work in churches over the weekends would preach the Word powerfully and fearlessly. Pray that the Holy Spirit would work powerfully through the preached Word to grow the disciples and to bring many into the kingdom.


My Additional Prayer Points.







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