Read 2 Chronicles 5:3, 7:1-22; John 10:22-30
There are many observances that show and encourage the people of Israel to remember the Lord’s deliverance through the faithful Maccabees. Modern Jewish homes use lights to celebrate the deliverance. Eight candles on a candelabra or Menorah are lit one by one each night until all 8 are lit to remind the people of the deliverance many years ago. In Jerusalem marathon runners are sent to Modin, the place of the original revolt. They light their freedom torches and carry the flame back to Jerusalem where the great Menorah is lit. Gifts are given and games are played in many households. Like most other celebrations around the world it is also a time for food and feasting.
The lights arose from Israel’s history. When Solomon dedicated the temple for the first time he did so at the Feast of Tabernacles. 2 Chronicles 5:3. During that dedication the glory of the Lord descended upon the temple and the light of the sacrificial altar was divinely lit 2 Chronicles 7:1. The Feast of Tabernacles later developed an impressive light celebration each night in the temple. Since Hanukkah celebrated the relighting of the fire upon the purified altar and was patterned after Tabernacles, the emphasis upon lights was kept.
During Hanukkah Jesus’ thoughts of national deliverance were high in people’s hearts. The people and the establishment looked for the ultimate deliverer, Messiah, who would remove foreign rule and establish the Kingdom of God forever. He would sit on David’s throne for ever and ever. Messiah would make it possible for the Shekinah glory to return to the temple as in Solomon’s day. It’s no wonder that they asked Jesus, "How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Christ, tell us plainly."
But Jesus had shown them clearly and had verified it through the miracles. But they refused to listen because He refused time and time again to meet their messianic expectations of a military messiah that would immediately launch the offensive.
When Jesus challenged them and told them that He and the Father are one, they were so enraged that they sought to stone Him to death.
Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
¥ Pray that God would be blessing and growing the work of the reformed Bible College in Myanmar. Pray that He would provide all their resources and needs so that the gospel is the main agenda and focus for teachers and students.
¥ Pray that God would be powerfully at work in the Student Life and University Impact organisations. Pray again that many would come to Christ through their ministry and that God again would prove Himself to be their provider.
My Additional Prayer Points.
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