Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Tuesday July 3, 2012

Over hot chocolate ask a close Christian friend what kind of legacy he/she thinks you’ll leave behind.

Read Deuteronomy 31:12-30

What kind of legacy stands behind you? When you're dead and buried what will follow in your footsteps? Moses’ whole life was spent leaving a legacy of godliness for others to follow. As he speaks for the last time he calls the people to assemble and to hear the Word of God. He wants the people to teach their children the Word of God and for generations to come to hear and respond to the Word. He also knows that his leadership needs to be replaced and at the behest of God, appoints Joshua as his successor.

God’s people should be always thinking of what kind of legacy they are leaving behind them. Parents need to consider what they teach children. Young adults need to ponder what message they’re sending to the teens. Teens need to consider the tweens and younger children and so on.

Leaders in particular need to give this issue serious weight and thought. People don’t always listen to our words but they always seem to see our actions and the ungodly, unwise actions seem to be magnified and blown out of proportion. We need to walk carefully lest we inadvertently teach false doctrines and communicate error by our lifestyle, our carelessness or our indifference.

But God revealed His heart to Moses and Moses showed us the heart of God. God foretold that the people of Israel would soon prostitute themselves to idols. They would do the unthinkable - they would cry ’our gods’ to what their own hands had made. They would worship statues and asherah poles and even the sun, moon and the stars.  God’s anger would flare up to punish His very own people.  Yet all hope is not lost. God will again prove faithful and loving.


¥ Pray for the leaders in your church that they would be men/women of courage, who are not afraid to stand up for the Word and for what is right and true.

¥ Pray that the leaders of your church would be leaving a legacy of godliness and Christ-likeness for others to follow and imitate.


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