Thursday, 12 July 2012

Thursday July 12, 2012

Good neighbours

Christlike love is seen in good works.

Read Hebrews 13;1-6


When US airspace was closed after the September 11, 2001, attacks, planes had to land at  the closest airport available.  Nearly 40 planes landed in Gander, Newfoundland.  Suddenly this small Canadian community almost doubled in size when thousands of frightened passengers arrived.  People opened their homes, and officials converted high schools, lodges, churches and meeting halls into places to stay.  Stranded passengers were overwhelmed with neighbourly generosity and kindness.


The people of Gander showed the kind of love described in Hebrews 13: “Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels” (vs 2).  This is probably referring to Abraham when he entertained three men who came to tell him that he would soon have a son (Genesis 18:1-16).  Two of the “men” were angels, and one was the angel of the Lord.  Bible commentator F. F. Bruce says about Abraham, “among the

Jews, Abraham was regarded as outstanding for his hospitality as [he was] for his other virtues; a true son of Abraham must be hospitable too.”


God calls believers to show their love and generosity and gratefulness for Him in their good works of hospitality and compassion.


How many lives shall I touch today?

How many neighbours will pass my way?

I can bless s many and help so much,

If I meet each one with Christlike touch. Jones


¥ Ask the Lord to create a heart that loves and serves and gives sacrificially in both you and your congregation. Pray that your congregation would be known as Bethel - the house of God because of the God-like character of yourself and your brothers and sisters.

¥ Pray that our giving would rise up to the levels it needs to be at so that we can meet our obligations and reach out to those who are needy. Pray that God would write generosity on each and every single person’s heart.


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