Sunday, 1 July 2012

Wednesday August 1, 2012

Seek to share your faith with at least one other person today.


Read Romans 10. Isa. 49:13–23; 60:1–14


Yesterday we talked about what theologians call ‘The Church Visible’. The Church Invisible consists of the whole number of the elect (Romans 10) that have been, are, or shall be gathered into one body under Christ, the head of the church. This is a pure society, the church in which Christ dwells. It is the body of Christ. It is called “invisible” because the greater part of those who constitute it are already with Christ or are yet unborn, and also because its members still on earth cannot certainly be distinguished. The qualifications of membership in it are internal and are hidden. It is unseen except by Him who ‘searches the heart.’ ‘The Lord knows those that are His’ (2 Tim. 2:19). The church to which the attributes, prerogatives, and promises regarding Christ’s kingdom belong is a spiritual body consisting of all true believers, namely the church invisible.


God has had only one church ever on earth. We sometimes speak of the Old Testament Church and of the New Testament Church, but they are one and the same. The Old Testament church was not to be changed but enlarged and fulfilled (Isa. 49:13–23; 60:1–14). When the Jews are at length restored, they will not enter a new church, but will be grafted again into “their own olive tree” (Rom. 11:18–24; comp. Eph. 2:11–22). The apostles did not set up a new organization. Under their ministry, disciples were added to the church already existing (Acts 2:47).

The invisible church is the “catholic” church (not the Roman Catholic Church), not confined to any particular country or outward organization or denomination but comprehending all believers throughout the whole world.

Its perpetuity. It will continue through all ages to the end of the world. It can never be destroyed. It is an everlasting kingdom against which the gates of Hades shall not prevail.


¨ Pray that your church would be growing through conversions as each member takes the Word of life into his/her community. Pray that we would see God granting new birth to many through faith in Christ.

¨ Pray that the elders of your church would be wise and godly in their leadership of the congregation. Pray that they would apply the Word to themselves first and seek to be holy and righteous role models for us to imitate.

¨ Pray this too for the leaders of other ministries in your church and for the cell leaders in your church.


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