Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Tuesday June 12, 2012

Starting with your tithe, ask the Lord how much more he would have you give this week and regularly.

Set aside that amount as non  negotiable.

Deuteronomy 14:28-29, 26:12;  Acts 2:42-47, 4:34-35


We lift up our hands in praise. We lift up our voices in adoration. We lift up our hearts in joyful song. Can we do the same with our wallets and purses?


If you want to know where a man’s heart is have a look at his attitude to money and wealth. Its very easy to joyously jump up and down in our church services and to cry out ‘hallelujah’ after each chorus. It’s easy to praise God loudly and loquaciously. But it’s very hard to part with that which we hold dear in our heart.


I wonder if this is why so many churches are struggling to support their own minister, let alone reach out to the poor and needy. Israel was commanded to support the Levites who had no allotment of land. They were without means of income and relied on the faithfulness of the people’s giving. Most modern day ministers are in the same predicament. They live in faith, relying on the faithfulness of their congregation to tithe and to be generous so that they can afford their next meal.


Israel was also commanded to support the poor and needy. She was to joyously reach out and provide for the less fortunate.


As we look back at the early church we see that they were so filled with the joy of the Lord that they considered their things to belong to each other. What was dear in their heart was not their cars (camels?), their wallets or their possessions but the Lord Jesus Christ. They joyously gave generously back to God because He had given them so much in Christ Jesus. Some were so generous that they sold their other land holdings and houses and used the money to provide for the poor and needy. In fact, there were no needy persons in the early church. And because of this generosity and love for each other, the Lord added daily to the number that were being saved.


Let me encourage you to be generous back to God. He has blessed you abundantly. Christ Jesus has become poor for your sake so that you might become rich. As you consider your giving this week (in time, talents and treasures) start with a tithe and ask God how much higher He would like you to go. Then give that generously to the Lord.


And praise God that we together as a church will be able to move outwards into the community to help the needy, the poor and the starving. Praise God that He has put it on our hearts to be obedient and proactive in this area.



¥ Pray that your church would be filled with a spirit of generosity when it comes to time, talents and treasures.

¥ Pray that out of the generosity of your church missionaries will be supported, the needy and poor will be loved and supported and that through this generosity, many will come to the Lord in repentance and faith. Ask God to be adding daily to the number that are being saved.




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