Saturday, 16 June 2012

Saturday June 16, 2012

How will you share the love of God tomorrow.

Plan at least 1 thing to do to show love tomorrow at church.

Read 1 John 4:7-12;  John 13:34-45


How often have you had people say to you that they will believe in God when they see Him. “I’ll believe it when I see it” is a common smoke screen put up by non-believers.  Others say they just can’t believe because they haven’t seen God. When they do see God, it’s going to be far too late!


I  hope you’ve already cottoned on that you and I have a great weapon against this shallow and shoddy smoke screen. And it’s not some long winded, complicated, philosophical proof for the existence of God.


Though such proofs have a place, Christians have a better answer to the ‘I’ll see it when I believe it’ sceptics'. What is that answer? LOVE!


Non-believers will be seriously challenged when they see Christians sacrificially loving each other (as Christ has loved us) above and beyond all other things and all other people. The world will be challenged and threatened as we stand united and as we let nothing (absolutely nothing) come between us.


Each and every day you have the opportunity to love your brothers and sisters in Christ. You don’t need a reason to ring someone to encourage them. You have the freedom to send a blessing to another believer. You can invite a fellow Christian to coffee and bless them. You can give and share freely with your congregation. This kind of sacrificial love draws other people to Christ because they have never had or experienced that kind of love. Doubt will diminish as people see you loving the brotherhood.


Each and every Sonday is an opportunity for you to share the love of Christ with your fellow believers. Make the most of it. Go to church prepared to love, to serve and to give freely. Don’t make plans for the rest of the day so that your love and service is not interrupted by worldly plans. Give the entire day to God and to loving and serving each other.



Pray that God would bless your church service tomorrow and that because of His presence, there would be great love shared among everyone. Pray that this love would

¥ encourage and support and strengthen those who are struggling with sin.

¥ Pray that non believers around you (pray for each by name) would see the love among Christians and would repent and believe in Him for eternal life.



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