Friday, 8 June 2012

Friday June 8, 2012

Make a list of 2 ways that you can serve this Sonday at church and 3 things that you can give to God..

Of course it’s difficult!


Read Deuteronomy 24:1-6;  Matthew 19:3-12;

1 Cor 7:32-34


God created marriage as a blessing for couples and for society. Divorce is the exact opposite of that blessing. Yet God allowed divorce because the people’s hearts were hard and unyielding. But as Malachi reminds us in Malachi 2:16, God hares divorce. He hates it. It is an abomination to Him.


God’s original plan for marriage was that the husband and wife would live together in an enriching and blessed relationship where each partner strove to meet the needs of each other. Marriage was created as the foundation of society, a safe and secure relationship in which children  were to be raised. God designed marriage for a man and a woman to find life long companionship, to meet physical, emotional and sexual needs and to be fulfilled in that loving and secure relationship. The security and stability of marriage was to be a haven for children to grow up in.


While God allows divorce for marital unfaithfulness it is not the desired goal. Any couple working through this issue should seek all possible means of reconciliation and strive to rebuild the marriage. Divorce should be the last and least desired option. Counselling is available and support is there to help you.


God is all about relationship. God desires positive, helpful and strong relationships in marriage. Such strong Christian marriages are a blessing to the church and to the society around the church. Married Christians should work hard at their marriage to enjoy its full blessing and to share that blessing with others.


Being single, however, is still an option. Jesus makes it clear that some choose to be single (eunuchs) and others are made that way. Still others choose to be single, renouncing marriage for the sake of the kingdom of God. If you are single, don’t spend your life looking for a partner! Doesn’t that sound harsh??!! But rather, chase the Kingdom of God. Immerse yourself in God’s work rather than partner hunting and let God look after the latter.


You are in a privileged position where you can give everything to Lord and be concerned about His affairs without a divided heart.



¥ Pray for the marriages in your congregation. Pray that God would strengthen these marriages and build a deep foundation on the love of Christ. Pray that husbands and wives would uphold their God given roles in the marriage.

¥ Pray for our singles. Ask God to give perseverance and blessing to these men and women. Pray that their hearts would be tuned into Kingdom work rather than partner hunting. Pray for peace and security in their singleness.



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