Saturday, 30 June 2012

Saturday June 30, 2012

Can you briefly explain the narrative of salvation in the bible from Genesis to Revelation?


Read Genesis 17:1-10; Romans 4:16; Galatians 3:6-8; Colossians 2:11.


As we read the New Testament and think the history from the Old Testament it becomes exceedingly clear that there is only one narrative that runs through both testaments.  It’s exactly what we saw with the new and the old covenants earlier this week.


As we think about this continuity in the covenants it’s made even clearer by the references to the Old Covenant. The promise of justification that we have received is the very same promise received by Abraham in Genesis 12. Abraham believed and it was credited to him as righteousness. We believe in Jesus and have His righteousness credited to us. There is no new novelty here. Abraham longed to see the day of Jesus and is our spiritual father. We are in his lineage.


Even more so, we are children of Abraham (Galatians 3:6-9). This would be a nonsensical and utterly ridiculous statement if there were no continuity in the covenants. Apart from the covenant promise to Abraham, we really have nothing in common. There is no link between us and Abraham except that God has fulfilled the covenant He made with Abraham through Christ and for us. We are Abraham’s children because the New Covenant fulfils the Old.


Colossians 2:11 paints even a fuller picture. The sign of the covenant in the Old Testament was circumcision. Everyone (male) who entered the covenant was given this sign. You could not be a covenant member without being circumcised (Genesis 17:1-10). Interestingly, Abraham was called into a covenant with God and his children entered the covenant as well by being circumcised. The nation of Israel had not yet been created and Abraham’s children were not born into any nation under God’s love and grace! Abraham was as individual as you and I. The children were circumcised because children of believers come under the covenant stipulations and grace of the Lord.


In Colossians, God uses Old Covenant language to convey New Covenant truths. By believing in Christ and by trusting in His work at Calvary what was promised to Abraham and what was symbolised in circumcision has been fulfilled in us. The full circumcision (which represented a rolling away of sin) has been completed for us by the Holy Spirit. What circumcision was in the Old Covenant, Baptism is in the New Covenant (Read Colossians 2:1-15 in context).


When we begin to see the Bible as one continual salvation narrative, a meta-narrative, a depth and richness opens up that previously remained hidden. Individualism disappears. Self centeredness pales into insignificance. The sovereignty of God in bringing us salvation through thousands of years of preparation illuminates and perpetuates the glory and majesty of our God.



¥ Tomorrow you will gather with your brothers and sisters in your church and with believers all around the world. Tomorrow is Sonday - the day we dedicate to the Son to sing His glory, to laud His praises and to be transformed by His presence. Spend time praying that you and your brothers and sisters will be ready to meet with the living God.

¥ Pray that God would be pleased to be among us tomorrow and that all that happens and all that is said is glorifying to Him. Pray that we would see God do great and miraculous things in us, among us and through us.

¥ Pray that our singing, our praying and our giving would reflect the generosity we have received from God.

¥ Pray that love would rule among us and that the world would see us as Jesus’ disciples as we love each other.


Friday, 29 June 2012

Friday June 29 2012

Do some research about the format of the Pass Over meal and learn the deep significance of  Jesus’ actions during that meal.


Read Luke 22:1-20


We live in a throw-away world, don’t we? Even though “recycling” is getting more airplay and is growing in popularity we still have a  throw away mentality. What are the things we tend to discard when we’ve finished with them? Cars, bikes, furniture, blankets, clothes, building materials and so on. When we talk of getting something new, we immediately think of disposing of the old.  A new car warrants a trade-in or selling of the old car. A new bike necessitates a removal of the old one. Get the picture?


This mentality has unfortunately been brought across to our reading of the Bible. When we read of a New Covenant we rarely stop to think of the relationship between the New and the Old.


Fortunately the computer age is doing much to rethink our understanding of new. With our software installed on our computers we are continually asked to upgrade these programs. The programs are not new programs but a building up of what was already installed. The New Covenant is incredibly similar. It is not a complete break with the past but a building up of what had already been installed in previous covenants. The New Covenant is the latest and final covenant installed by God.


That there is a strong relationship between Old and New Covenants can be seen clearly in the institution of the New Covenant. To highlight the continuity of the covenants Jesus chose to inaugurate the covenant during Pass Over.  Jesus is elsewhere called our Pass Over Lamb (1 Corinthians 5:7). Jesus celebrates the Pass Over, eating the full Pass Over meal and keeping Pass Over Laws to show us that what He is about to inaugurate is a continuation and fulfilment of the earlier covenants.  The bread that Jesus broke and the cup that He drank from to announce the impending initiation of the covenant formed an integral part of the Old Covenant celebration.


¥ Pray for the Playpals ministry that we run. Ask God to bless this ministry with all the resources it needs to draw people to Christ for salvation. Pray that the non church mums and kids that go will see the love of Christ and be drawn to Him in repentance and faith.

¥ Pray the same for our MOPS ministry. Pray that God would provide all that is needed for this ministry to reach more and more families with the love of Christ.



Thursday, 28 June 2012

Thursday June 28, 2012

Invite a Christian friend to coffee and discuss with them the implications of the new covenant allowing the law to be written on our hearts.


Read Jeremiah 31:31-34;  Ezekiel 37:24-26


That the New Covenant made with God’s people through the death and resurrection of Jesus is a continuation of the older covenant is amply clear from the Words of the prophets. Jeremiah looked forward to a day when that new covenant would allow the words of the law (the Old covenant) to be written on people’s hearts. The covenant would not be external but rather, internal. Ezekiel looked forward to a covenant of peace in which the anger of God would be dealt with and God Himself, would dwell among the people forever. As such, it is clear that all the older covenants are fulfilled in and consummated in Christ Jesus. This new covenant is no new novelty but is a continuation and fulfilment of God’s plan from the very start of creation. The word ‘new’ as we use it can be misleading because it might imply that the new has replaced the old with no continuity. Never was such meaning intended within the “new” covenant.


The prophets beyond Jeremiah continued to look forward to the New Covenant. Even the return to Jerusalem from Exile could not fully match up to the expectations of the new covenant that were predicted. It was not until Jesus of Nazareth sat at His last meal and took the cup to speak these words, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.” (Luke 22:20) that the new covenant was finally inaugurated. It would be fully realised in few days after Jesus had died on the cross and risen to eternal life.


What Abraham looked forward to and waited for patiently had finally been inaugurated through the death and resurrection of Messiah Jesus.



Pray for the children’s ministries in your church. Pray that God would deepen the faith of the children and provide great role models for them in their teachers and helpers. Pray that the

¥ teachers/helpers would be faithful to the Word, committed in preparation and loving in their delivery of the lessons.

¥ Pray that the youth ministry of your church would continue to grow and motivate the youth to strive for holiness. Pray that each and every single youth in your congregation would seek to be like Jesus rather than like the world. Pray for each youth by name.


Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Wednesday June 27, 2012

Read Hebrews 10:24 and seek to put it into practice with one other person or family.


Read Exodus 3:16-17, 6:4-8;  Psalm 105:8-12


Throughout the Old Testament we see God entering into covenant relationship with Abraham, Moses and David. Each of those covenants does not stand as a separate entity but each successive covenant builds upon the former while continuing the emphasis that had formerly been established.


As such we see that Abraham’s descendants lived under the covenant as Abraham did. With each successive renewal of the covenant, God could have wiped the slate clean and begun again but rather, chose to advance the original purposes to a higher level of realisation. So for example, when the Israelites cried out to the Lord in bondage in Egypt, read that God heard their groaning and remembered the covenant with Abraham, Israel and Jacob (Ex 2:24). As the Israelites sit on the shores of the Jordan river they are repeatedly told that God is bringing them into a land flowing with milk and honey because of the covenant with Abraham.


As such it comes as no surprise that the Ten Commandments, which form the heart of the Mosaic covenant, rest securely and firmly on the deliverance of Israel from Egypt which in turn, was based on God’s covenant with Abraham.


The same pattern of continuity appears when God cuts a covenant with David. There is no break or discontinuity with the past. God speaks to David (and David to God) in terms of the relationship that God has had with his people from the moment he cut a covenant with Abraham. The God who made a promise to Abraham is the same God who led the people out of Egypt and entered into the Mosaic covenant with them. He is the same God who set David upon the throne of Jerusalem.


The successive covenants do not annul or interrupt previous covenants. Rather they build upon the covenants and develop them, bringing them to their greater fulfilment in Christ and the new covenant. Interestingly, the New Covenant inaugurated by the Lord’s death and resurrection builds upon and develops these covenants, especially the Abrahamic covenant.



¥ Pray for your church’s men’s ministry. It is vital that the men of your church are strong in Christ and solid in their faith. Pray that the men’s ministry would grow the men and give them a firm stability in Christ and in His word.

¥ Pray for our Women’s ministries. Pray that these ministries would bring great blessing to the women, encourage them and grow them in their faith. Pray that both men and women would be using their spiritual gifts to bless the body.



Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Thursday July 26, 2012

Read Amos 4:7-13


In his book Long for this World, Jonathon Weiner writes about science’s promise to radically extend how long we live.  At the centre of the book is English scientist Aubrey de Grey, who predicts that science will one day offer us 1 000-year life spans.  Aubrey claims that molecular biology has finally placed a cure for ageing within our reach.

But what difference does it make if, after living 1 000 years, we will  eventually die anyway.  It does not answer it.


The Scriptures tell us that death is not the end of our existence.  Instead, we are assured that everyone will stand before Christ—believers for their works and non-believers for their rejection of Him (John 5:25-29; Revelation 20:11-15).  All of us are sinners and in need of forgiveness.  And only Christ’s death on the cross has provided forgiveness for all who believe (Romans 3:23; 6:23).  The Bible says, “It is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27).


Our appointed face-to-face  encounter with God puts everything in perspective.  So whether we live 70 years or 1 0000, the issue of eternity is the same: “Prepare to meet your God!” (vs 12).



¥ Think of 5 people you know that are unsaved and that you want to come to Christ for salvation. Pray for each one by name. Ask God to give you the opportunity to speak to each one about Christ’s offer of salvation.

¥ Pray that your church would grow through conversions.


Tuesday June 26, 2012

Ring one other person or family in your church and ask them how you can be praying for them. Then pray for them.


Read Jeremiah 33:20-26;  Hosea 6:7


God’s covenant with mankind expands the breadth of the Bible.  Even though the word ‘covenant’ is not used in the Bible before we get to Genesis 6 and the covenant with Noah, it is clear that God entered into a covenant with mankind at creation.


According to Jeremiah 33, when God created the sun and moon on day 3 he entered into a covenant with creation. Creation was fixed in a pattern and bond with the Lord Himself.


Hosea 6:7 shows that Israel broke the covenant with God just as Adam broke the covenant with God. If the term ‘Adam’ refers to the individual, it is referring to him as our representative head. Since Adam broke the covenant with God, all humanity entered into a fallen state. Clearly the covenant was set up with Adam and all his future offspring.


In this original covenant with mankind, God tested Adam. He was told clearly that he could eat from any tree in the garden, except the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.  The consequence of breaking the covenant was death. ‘When you eat of it, you will surely die,’ the Lord warned. And as you and I know, Adam and Eve broke the first covenant and death (physical and spiritual) entered the world.


After man’s fall into sin, God again graciously entered into a covenant with mankind. He promised to redeem a people to Himself from lost humanity. From creation to consummation God’s relationship with humanity would be defined by the covenant.



¥ Pray that each and every single person in your congregation would be growing in knowledge and love of the Lord. Pray this growth in knowledge will lead to increased faithfulness and boldness in the Lord.

¥ Pray that our brothers and sisters in North Korea would remain strong under intense persecution. Pray that God would use them to grow His church in that land and that we would see many repenting and placing their faith in Christ Jesus.


Monday, 25 June 2012

Monday June 25, 2012

Decide on one person or one family that you can bless today


Read Jeremiah 34:8-20


Put in its most simple terms, a covenant is that which binds people or parties together. It is far more than a legal contract as we think about them in today’s terms. It is more like a marriage than a legal contract, even though it may have legal ramifications.


A covenant is a relationship bond where the character of the bond is usually spoken forth in an oath so that all parties know the boundaries and the conditions of that relationship.


Even more so, a covenant is a bond in blood or in life and death because the commitment required between the two parties is grave and serious. God never enters into a covenant lightly, nor casually. Breaking the covenant bond often mitigated death to the guilty party. A covenant was often sworn between two halves of a cut up animal. Hence in the Hebrew Old Testament we read of cutting a covenant. The original word or the root word for covenant meant ’to cut’. ’’ The cut up animal represents the curse the covenant maker calls upon himself should he violate or break the covenant.   Clearly the covenant was a bond in life or death. It was an oath that put down one’s own life as the collateral.


Finally, we need to be aware that covenants, though they existed between people, had to be divinely administered when they related to God. He was the only one who could establish or cut a covenant with humanity. By His grace and mercy God has chosen to cut a covenant with His people.



¥ As the India mission team prepares to fly out, uphold them in prayer. Pray that the mission will be fraught with open doors to preach the gospel, that many would come to Christ in repentance and faith. Pray too that the team would be kept safe and protected from harm and from illness.

¥ Pray that God would be building up a small team to go to Myanmar later in the year. Ask God to raise up teachers to help out at the Bible College to prepare the students for their ministry. Pray that the college in Myanmar would have all the resources they need to continue their work in the Lord.



Saturday, 23 June 2012

Saturday June 23, 2012

The power of Satan is no match for the power of God’s Word.


Read John 8:37-47


Satan’s sway over mankind began when he turned the minds of Adam and Eve against God.  In order to pull this off, he had to lie to them about God—and they had to fall for it.  In that defining moment, he lied to them about God’s goodness, God’s Word and God’s intentions (Genesis 3:1-6).


Satan is still up to his old tricks.  Jesus said that when the devil “speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar” (John 8:44).  It should not be surprising, then, that when trouble interrupts our lives, the father of lies whispers in our ears and suddenly we are questioning God’s goodness.  When we are told to follow His commands, we wonder if His Word is really true in the first place.  When Jesus tells us things like, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth” (Matthew 6:19), Satan tells us that the good life is about piling up things here, causing us to doubt God’s good intentions.


Our problem is that we, like Adam and Eve, believe Satan’s lies.  And when we do, our loyalty to God is compromised.  Then our enemy slithers off to his next assignment, leaving us alone to face our regrets and the realization that his lies have seduced us away from our truest and dearest Friend.  Who have you been listening to lately?



¥ Our brothers and sisters in Vietnam face incredible persecution for their faith. Pray that in the face of this they will remain strong Pray God’s comfort and blessing for those who have been imprisoned for their faith.

¥ Pray that the work of freeing girls and boys from the sex slave overseas would continue to draw people out and to Christ. Pray God’s protection upon those who risk their lives to save young boys and girls. Ask God to end this human trade quickly.


Friday, 22 June 2012

Friday June 22, 2012

No service for Christ is insignificant.


Read Jeremiah 20:7-13


Jeremiah has been called “the weeping prophet”.  He may have had a sensitive and melancholic disposition that was compounded by his heart-break over God’s judgment on disobedient Israel.  His capacity for sorrow is amazing” “Oh, that my head were waters, and my eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night!” (Jeremiah 9:1)


As if sorrow for his nation were not enough, Jeremiah was persecuted for his prophetic message of judgment.  In one instance, Jeremiah was imprisoned in a cistern filled with mire (Jeremiah 38:6).  Opposition to his ministry had gotten the great prophet stuck in a place if despair.


Sometimes in our attempts to serve the Lord, we can feel stuck in painful circumstances and surprising heartache.  But the prophet’s resilience should inspire us to persevere.  Jeremiah’s sense of divine call was so strong that he could not be deterred from serving the Lord.  “But His word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones; I was weary of holding it back, and I could not” (Jeremiah 20:9)

Have the results of your service for the Lord been disappointing?  Ask Him to renew your heart by His Spirit, and continue to serve God despite your setbacks.



¥ Ask God to lift up the countenance of our missionaries as needed. Pray that each one would be shown the eternal value of their work and that they would be ready and keen to continue serving. Pray that they would be blessed by being able to see the fruit of their labours.

¥ Pray that teach person in your congregation would have the same blessedness and ministry-mindedness.






Thursday, 21 June 2012

Thursday June 21, 2012

The richest people on earth are those who invest their lives in heaven.


Read Matthew 6:19-24


Jason Bohn was a college student when he made a hole-in-one golf shot that won him a million dollars.  While others may have squandered that money, Bohn had a plan.  Wanting to be a pro golfer, he used the money as a living-and-training fund to improve his golf skills.  The cash became an investment in his future—an investment that paid off when Bohn won the PGA Tour’s 2005 B.C. Open.  Bohn’s decision to invest in the future instead of living for the moment was a wise one indeed.


In a sense, that is what Jesus calls us to do.  We have been entrusted with resources—time, ability, opportunity—and we decide how to use them.  Our challenge is to see those resources as an opportunity to invest long-term.  “Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven,” is how Jesus put it in Matthew 6:20.  Those protected treasures cannot be destroyed nor taken away, Jesus assures us.


Think of your resources: talent, time, knowledge.  These are temporal and limited.  But if you invest them with an eye towards eternity, these temporary things can have enduring impact.  What is your focus?  Now or forever?  Invest in the future.  It will not only have an eternal impact, bit it will also change the way you view life each day.



¥ Ask God to open doors for Shiloh Church Ministries to continue investing in the eternal future of the orphans as they take in and teach them to live for Christ. Pray that this ministry team would have all their resources brought to them by the Lord.

¥ Pray the same for Mustard Seed Orphanage in Myanmar.



Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Wednesday June 20, 2012

God’s whisper of comfort quiets the noise of our trials.

Read Ephesians 5:1-10


I have a friend who was working in his home office one evening, trying to get some necessary paperwork done.  His little girl, who was about 4 years old at the time, was playing around his desk, puttering about moving objects here and there, pulling out drawers, and making a good deal of noise.


My friend endured the distraction with a stoic patience until the child slammed a drawer on one of her fingers and screamed in pain.  Reacting in exasperation he shouted, “That’s it!” as he escorted her out of the room and shut the door.


Later her mother found her weeping in her bedroom and tried to comfort her.  “Does your finger still hurt?” she asked.  “No,” the little girl sniffled.  “Then why are you crying?” her mother asked.  “’Cause,” she whimpered, when I pinched my finger, Papa didn’t say. ‘Oh!”’


Sometimes that’s all we need, isn’t it?  Someone who will say “Oh!” We have One named Jesus who does that for us.


Jesus loves us, understands our sorrows, and gave Himself for us (Ephesians 5:2).  Now we are to “walk in love” and imitate Him.




¥ Ask God to pray for the missionaries that your church supports. Pray for each by name, that God would comfort them, be near them and uphold them through the tough times. Pray God’s blessing into each one’s work.

¥ Pray that our brothers and sisters in Iran and Iraq who are being persecuted because of their love for Jesus would draw near to God and find their strength and fortitude in Him alone. Pray that God would use them to grow the kingdom.




Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Tuesday June 19, 2012

Godly exercise is the key to godly character.


Read 2Peter 1:1-11


A college football coach in the Bronx (New York) built his team around good character qualities. Instead of displaying their names on the back of their jerseys, the Maritime College players displayed words like family, respect, accountability and character.  Before each game, coach Clayton Kendrich-Holmes reminded his team to play by those principles on the field.


The apostle Peter had his own list of Christian qualities (2Peter 1:5-7) that he encouraged believers to add to their life of faith:

Virtue. Fulfilling God’s design for a life with moral excellence.

Knowledge.  Studying God’s Word to gain wisdom to combat falsehood.

Self-control. Revering God so much that we choose godly behaviour.

Perseverance. Having a hopeful attitude even in difficulties because we’re confident in God’s character.

Brotherly kindness.  Displaying a warmhearted affection for fellow believers.

Love.  Sacrificing for the good of others.

Let’s develop these qualities in increasing measure and integrate them into every part of our life.



¥ Pray that God would bless your church with character growth. Pray that cells would be growing each other’s character. Pray that you would see this growth daily.

¥ Pray that God would allow His Word to be powerful in our hearts and minds and lives.





Monday, 18 June 2012

Wednesday July 18, 2012

Read 2Kings 19:10-19


Twenty-month-old James was leading his family confidently through the hallways of their large church.  His daddy kept an eye on him the whole time as James toddled his way through the crowd of “giants”.  Suddenly the little boy panicked because he could not see his dad.  He stopped, looked around and started to cry, “Daddy, Daddy!”  His dad quickly caught up with him and little James reached up his hand, which daddy strongly clasped.  Immediately James was at peace.


Second Kings tells the story of King Hezekiah, who reached up to God for help (v 19;15).  Sennacherib, the king of Assyria, had made threats against

Hezekiah and the people of Judah, saying, “Do not let your God in whom you trust deceive you   . . . . You have heard  what the kings of Assyria have done to all lands by utterly destroying them; and shall you be delivered?”  (vs 10-11).   King Hezekiah went to the Lord and prayed for deliverance so “that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that You are the Lord God” (vs 14-19).  In answer to his prayers, the angel of the Lord struck down the enemy, and Sennacherib withdrew (vs 20-36).


If you’re in a situation where you need God’s help, reach up your hands to Him in prayer.  He has promised His comfort and help (2Corinthians 1:1-3; Hebrews 4:16).




¥ Pray for the Kings Kids children. Ask God to bless them with growth, with maturity and a deeper understanding of His Word. Pray that the leaders and teachers and helpers and Coordinator (Jane) would be blessed by their work.

¥ Ask God to bless the people who serve behind the scenes in so many different ways. Pray that these individuals and groups would know deeply the love of God, the approval of God and the blessed hand of God upon their lives.


Monday June 18, 2012

Think about what your offering to God communicates.


Read 1 Corinthians 12:14-26


Legendary UCLA basketball coach John wooden had an in interesting rule for his teams.  When a player scored, he was to acknowledge the person on the team who had assisted.  When he was coaching high school, one of his players asked, “Coach, won’t that take up too much time?” Wooden replied, “I’m not asking you to run over there and give him a big hug.  A nod will do.”

To achieve victory on the basketball court, Wooden saw the importance of teaching his players that they were a team—not “just a bunch of independent operators.”  Each person contributes to the success of everyone else.


That reminds me of the way the body of Christ should work.  According to 1Corinthians 12:19-20, each of us is a separate part of one body.  “If they were all one member, where would the body be?  But . . .  There are many members, yet one body.”  Is the success of a pastor, a Bible study or a church program based solely on one person’s accomplishments?  How many people contribute to the smooth operation of a church, a Christian organisation, a family?


Coach Wooden’s rule and 1Corinthians 12 are both rooted in the principle of seeing our need for one another.  Let’s use our gifts within the body of Christ to  build up, strengthen and help to carry out God’s purposes (vs 1-11).



¥ Pray that each and every single believer in your congregation would be willingly, even joyously participating in the body by using gifts and abilities to edify and bless others. Pray that God would show those who don’t know their spiritual gift what He has blessed them with.

¥ Pray that more people would come into His Kingdom as the world sees us loving each other and serving each other with Jesus like love and sacrifice. Pray that you personally would be showing that love to others.


Sunday, 17 June 2012

Tuesday July 17, 2012

Read 1Samuel 14:1-14


The Israelites and the Philistines were at war.  While Saul relaxed under a pomegranate tree with his men, Jonathon and his armour-bearer left camp quietly to see if the Lord would work on their behalf, believing that “nothing restrains the Lord from saving by many or by few” (1Samuel 14:6).


Jonathon and his helper were about to cross a path between two high cliffs.  Armed enemy soldiers were stationed above them on both sides.  They were two men against who knows how many.  When Jonathon suggested they climb up after them, the armour-bearer never flinched.  “Do all that is in your heart,” he told Jonathon, “I am with you, according to your heart” (vs 7).  So the two climbed the cliff, and with God’s help they overcome the enemy (vs 8-14).  We have to admire this courageous young armour-bearer.  He lugged the armour up that cliff and stayed with Jonathon, following along behind and killing those Jonathon wounded.


The church needs strong leaders to face our spiritual foes, but they must not be left to face them alone.  They need the help and support of everyone in the congregation—loyal “armour-bearers” like you and me who are willing to join them in battle against the “enemy of our souls”.



¥ Pray for the music team in your congregation. Include the leaders, singers and technical people. Pray that God would bless them in their service and use them to bless and edify others.

¥ Pray that God would raise up more leaders in the particular areas needed.


Saturday, 16 June 2012

Monday July 16, 2012

Read Matthew 11:25-30


One day I found my son straining to lift a pair of two kilogram barbells over his head—an ambitious feat for a toddler.  He had raised them only a few inches off the ground, but his eyes were determined and his face was pink with effort.  I offered to help, together we heaved the weight up toward the ceiling.  The heavy lifting that was so hard for him was easy for me.


Jesus has this perspective on the stuff that’s hard for us to manage.  When life seems like a carousel of catastrophes, Jesus isn’t fazed by a fender-bender, troubled by a toothache or harassed by a heated argument—even if it all happens in one day!  He can handle anything, and that is why he said, “Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden” (Matthew 11:28)


Are you worn out from ongoing problems?  Are you weighed down with stress and worry?  Jesus is the only real  solution.  Approaching the Lord in prayer allows us to cast our burdens on Him so that He can sustain us (Psalm  55:22).  Today, ask Him to assist you with everything.  By helping you with your burdens, He can supply rest for your soul, for His yoke is easy and His burden is light (Matthew 11:29-30).



¥ There are many people in your congregation needing peace and rest. Look through your church’s directory and pray for 5 people that might need the rest and peace of Christ in your life.

¥ Pray that God would use you this week to comfort and bless at least one other believer this week.


Saturday June 16, 2012

How will you share the love of God tomorrow.

Plan at least 1 thing to do to show love tomorrow at church.

Read 1 John 4:7-12;  John 13:34-45


How often have you had people say to you that they will believe in God when they see Him. “I’ll believe it when I see it” is a common smoke screen put up by non-believers.  Others say they just can’t believe because they haven’t seen God. When they do see God, it’s going to be far too late!


I  hope you’ve already cottoned on that you and I have a great weapon against this shallow and shoddy smoke screen. And it’s not some long winded, complicated, philosophical proof for the existence of God.


Though such proofs have a place, Christians have a better answer to the ‘I’ll see it when I believe it’ sceptics'. What is that answer? LOVE!


Non-believers will be seriously challenged when they see Christians sacrificially loving each other (as Christ has loved us) above and beyond all other things and all other people. The world will be challenged and threatened as we stand united and as we let nothing (absolutely nothing) come between us.


Each and every day you have the opportunity to love your brothers and sisters in Christ. You don’t need a reason to ring someone to encourage them. You have the freedom to send a blessing to another believer. You can invite a fellow Christian to coffee and bless them. You can give and share freely with your congregation. This kind of sacrificial love draws other people to Christ because they have never had or experienced that kind of love. Doubt will diminish as people see you loving the brotherhood.


Each and every Sonday is an opportunity for you to share the love of Christ with your fellow believers. Make the most of it. Go to church prepared to love, to serve and to give freely. Don’t make plans for the rest of the day so that your love and service is not interrupted by worldly plans. Give the entire day to God and to loving and serving each other.



Pray that God would bless your church service tomorrow and that because of His presence, there would be great love shared among everyone. Pray that this love would

¥ encourage and support and strengthen those who are struggling with sin.

¥ Pray that non believers around you (pray for each by name) would see the love among Christians and would repent and believe in Him for eternal life.



Friday, 15 June 2012

Friday June 15, 2012

What would you like to do, given God delights in you?


Read Ephesians 1:1-14


How much does God delight in you? Ephesians 1:1-14 is one long sentence of praise and adoration to the Lord God Almighty who delights in you. How much God has done for us in Christ is portrayed in these verses. What a great hymn of praise this would make for congregations to sing!


God has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every blessing. Not one is left out. He has given every blessing to you. God hasn’t given more to some and less to others. He’s given every blessing to you and your congregation.


In His great love for you, He chose you before the creation of the world to be His chosen possession, holy and pleasing to Him.  He has lavished you with His grace and has forgiven all your sins, past, present and future. He delights in you so much that He has made known to you the mystery of His will.  Added to all of this, God has sealed you, protected you and guarded you with His Holy Spirit. God has made sure that you arrive safely at your heavenly home, into His glorious presence.


God delights in you. God loves you. God is mad keen about you.  Spend some time regularly today to let that truth sink in. Meditate upon it. Rejoice in it and sing glory to God because of it.



¥ Spend time praising God for the love and grace He has lavished upon you. Spend time praising God for the love He has given to 10 other believers you know.

¥ Ask God to lavish His saving love, granting faith and repentance, to ten other people you know.



Thursday, 14 June 2012

Thursday June 14, 2012

Wrote down all the sins you have committed this week and, having asked for forgiveness,  next to each one write ‘God delights in me’.


Read Deuteronomy 26:16-19;  1 Peter 2:9;

Ephesians 1:4-5


How do you cope with this statement, ‘God delights in you’?


Sometimes we might be tempted to fob it off as a theological truism. At other times we might think of it as too common or over preached. At other times we might be brought to tears wondering what there is to delight in.


Be assured. God delights in you. God has chosen you and your church to be His treasured possession. Just like He chose Israel and delighted in her, now, through the death and resurrection of Christ He has chosen you and delights in you.


When I am tempted to sin I try to remember that God delights in me. Remembering this wonderful and blessed truth, I ask myself some hard questions.  Do I want to treat God, who delights in me, like this? Is this how I want to respond to God’s delight? How can I possibly do this when God delights in me?


It’s very hard to repay selfless love with rejection. It’s very hard to sin wilfully against God (and all sin is against God) when we realise that He loves us. He delights in us. He delights in us so much that He sent Jesus into the world to bear my punishment, my judgement and my wrath.


Now please, don’t get that the wrong way around. If you do, you will always be tempted into sinfulness. God does not love you because Jesus died on the cross! God loves you and because God loves you He sent Jesus to die on the cross. The order is vitally important. From the creation of the world God has chosen to love you, to redeem you and to adopt you into His blessed family. He sent Jesus to die on the cross for you because you are dearly loved and cherished.


The Bible calls us to obedience and to purity because we are dearly loved by God. Love comes first. Then comes the response of obedience.



¥ Pray that you personally would understand more of how much God delights in you. Pray that this love would change you from the inside out. Pray this for each and every single person in your congregation.

¥ Pray that your congregation would be willing and able to share this love with others in the world. Ask God to open doors for sharing and growing His kingdom through this love.




Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Wednesday June 13, 2012

Ask God to bless your church.

Ask with a pure heart.


Read Deuteronomy 26:13-15; Ephesians 3:12; James 4:1-4


Praying for a blessing from God may at first seem like a selfish thing. The issue is the heart of the person asking for a blessing. In context, this asking for a blessing is a very positive thing.


The person who has obeyed God and brought to God a generous offering and tithe can confidently ask the Lord to bring blessing. One can stand before the throne of grace with pure hands lifted up and one can ask freely and confidently.


While there will always be people, even in the church, who ask God with false motives and with deceptive hearts so that they can indulge their own sensual pleasures (this is really a violation of the 3rd commandment), God answers prayers that emanate from a pure heart. We come before God with freedom and confidence, knowing that he loves to bless and to give to those who ask with pure motives.


Since we have been set free by Christ and have been adopted into the family of God as beloved children, we should consider ourselves as slaves to Christ. We are slaves to each other and slaves to righteousness. When we learn to humbly ask for the betterment of others, for the blessing of others and for the glory of our God, we will see God powerfully at work through our prayers.



¥ Ask the Lord to bring a particular blessing upon the leaders of your church. Pray for each one by name.

¥ Ask the Lord to raise up purity in the hearts of every single believer in your church. Pray that God would strengthen and uplift those who are struggling with sin or wilfully indulging in sin.



Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Tuesday June 12, 2012

Starting with your tithe, ask the Lord how much more he would have you give this week and regularly.

Set aside that amount as non  negotiable.

Deuteronomy 14:28-29, 26:12;  Acts 2:42-47, 4:34-35


We lift up our hands in praise. We lift up our voices in adoration. We lift up our hearts in joyful song. Can we do the same with our wallets and purses?


If you want to know where a man’s heart is have a look at his attitude to money and wealth. Its very easy to joyously jump up and down in our church services and to cry out ‘hallelujah’ after each chorus. It’s easy to praise God loudly and loquaciously. But it’s very hard to part with that which we hold dear in our heart.


I wonder if this is why so many churches are struggling to support their own minister, let alone reach out to the poor and needy. Israel was commanded to support the Levites who had no allotment of land. They were without means of income and relied on the faithfulness of the people’s giving. Most modern day ministers are in the same predicament. They live in faith, relying on the faithfulness of their congregation to tithe and to be generous so that they can afford their next meal.


Israel was also commanded to support the poor and needy. She was to joyously reach out and provide for the less fortunate.


As we look back at the early church we see that they were so filled with the joy of the Lord that they considered their things to belong to each other. What was dear in their heart was not their cars (camels?), their wallets or their possessions but the Lord Jesus Christ. They joyously gave generously back to God because He had given them so much in Christ Jesus. Some were so generous that they sold their other land holdings and houses and used the money to provide for the poor and needy. In fact, there were no needy persons in the early church. And because of this generosity and love for each other, the Lord added daily to the number that were being saved.


Let me encourage you to be generous back to God. He has blessed you abundantly. Christ Jesus has become poor for your sake so that you might become rich. As you consider your giving this week (in time, talents and treasures) start with a tithe and ask God how much higher He would like you to go. Then give that generously to the Lord.


And praise God that we together as a church will be able to move outwards into the community to help the needy, the poor and the starving. Praise God that He has put it on our hearts to be obedient and proactive in this area.



¥ Pray that your church would be filled with a spirit of generosity when it comes to time, talents and treasures.

¥ Pray that out of the generosity of your church missionaries will be supported, the needy and poor will be loved and supported and that through this generosity, many will come to the Lord in repentance and faith. Ask God to be adding daily to the number that are being saved.




Monday, 11 June 2012

Monday June 11, 2012.

Each and every morning  this week, state 5 reasons why you can be joyful in the Lord.

If you are really keen, try not to repeat a reason all week.

Read Deuteronomy 26:1-11;  Phil 4:4


An older minister asked his young protégé, ‘How was your weekend?’ The excited reply came quickly, ‘Church was absolutely fantastic. It was great.’ The older minister looked shocked and surprised. He couldn’t understand what would make church so great. For the young minister, it was simply being in God’s presence together with his brothers and sisters. That was all he needed for it to be GREAT.


Let me encourage you to think for a moment about how you feel when you come to your Sonday service of ‘worship’.  What emotions fill your heart? What thoughts fill your head? Are you tired and worn out? Are you thinking about all the things you could be doing instead of being at church? Are you groaning and moaning, anticipating the preacher spruiking on again for hours on end? Or are you filled with JOY?


Once Israel entered the Promised Land, a land flowing with milk and honey, she was to rejoice in the Lord. God had saved Israel from slavery in Egypt. He had proven faithful to His promise to Abraham and He had greatly increased and blessed this nation.


You and I are in a similar situation. God has delivered us in a miraculous and great way. All of the miracles and signs in Egypt pale into insignificance as we look at the cross and the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour. Jesus came joyously into our world and ‘...for the joy set before Him, endured the cross, scorning it’s shame.’ Jesus has died and risen to life for you, my precious brother/sister.


God loves you so much that He has orchestrated your complete salvation. Everything has been finished for you at the cross. Even if you are tired or worn out or have a billion zillion things to do this coming week, you have every reason to rejoice and to praise God. Rejoicing, being filled with joy is not an optional extra for the Christian, it’s a command.



¥ Pray that your Committee of Management would be wise in the way it administers the temporal affairs (the money etc) of the church. Pray that God would grant this group of men and women a huge in-filling of wisdom and insight so that they can build the Kingdom and equip the body here for service.

¥ Pray that our Session would be greatly filled with men of courage, men of wisdom, men of insight and men of Scripture. Pray that our leaders would model Christ-likeness in all their ways and sit under the authority of Scripture. Ask God to make each one of us joyously obedient to their leading and teaching.



Saturday, 9 June 2012

Saturday June 9, 2012

How can your cell be helping the poor and needy?

Talk about it this week and resolve to do something.


Read Deuteronomy 24:10-22


The Israelites were to go to great lengths to care for the fatherless and widows - those who were most disadvantaged in society. The Israelites were to pay particular attention to the poor and needy, making sure that they were not living in squalor and misery. Loan pledges were to be returned by nightfall. Hired men were not to be taken advantage of. Farmers were to leave food in their fields for the poor and needy. They were not to go back to get sheaths of wheat that were missed. They were not to beat their olive trees a second time or return to get missed grapes from the vines. These were to be deliberately left for the poor.


The bottom line is simple. God cares for the poor and needy. He cares for the fatherless and the widow. Does your church care for them too? If God cares for them, we should. Unfortunately, though most churches have a heart for the poor and needy, the widowed and fatherless, they may not have a wallet for it. Many churches are struggling to pay their own bills and simply cannot afford to give, let alone give generously, to anyone else.


What is needed is a return to faithful tithing and free will offerings. If everyone in the churches tithed, the churches could start a welfare program that would sweep across this nation and bring poverty almost to a complete end. Thousands, if not millions, would come to Christ as they hear and see and experience the love of Christ emanating out from the church. What a powerful witness it would be if churches in each community worked together with their abundant resources to end poverty, to promote justice and to seek to care for those on the fringe of society.  Let’s start the ball rolling by giving our tithe to the Lord, by being liberal with our free will offering and by stepping out in faith to help those who can’t help themselves.



¥ Pray that the Holy Spirit would raise a spirit of generosity in our churches and that people would tithe sacrificially. Pray that all the churches would be blessed with funds for poor relief, for the needy and so on.

¥ Pray that churches would work together to end poverty, to bring justice and to minister to the world. Ask God to bring people into His kingdom through this joint effort. Pray that Christ’s name would be lifted up and glorified in this unity and cooperation.



Friday, 8 June 2012

Friday June 8, 2012

Make a list of 2 ways that you can serve this Sonday at church and 3 things that you can give to God..

Of course it’s difficult!


Read Deuteronomy 24:1-6;  Matthew 19:3-12;

1 Cor 7:32-34


God created marriage as a blessing for couples and for society. Divorce is the exact opposite of that blessing. Yet God allowed divorce because the people’s hearts were hard and unyielding. But as Malachi reminds us in Malachi 2:16, God hares divorce. He hates it. It is an abomination to Him.


God’s original plan for marriage was that the husband and wife would live together in an enriching and blessed relationship where each partner strove to meet the needs of each other. Marriage was created as the foundation of society, a safe and secure relationship in which children  were to be raised. God designed marriage for a man and a woman to find life long companionship, to meet physical, emotional and sexual needs and to be fulfilled in that loving and secure relationship. The security and stability of marriage was to be a haven for children to grow up in.


While God allows divorce for marital unfaithfulness it is not the desired goal. Any couple working through this issue should seek all possible means of reconciliation and strive to rebuild the marriage. Divorce should be the last and least desired option. Counselling is available and support is there to help you.


God is all about relationship. God desires positive, helpful and strong relationships in marriage. Such strong Christian marriages are a blessing to the church and to the society around the church. Married Christians should work hard at their marriage to enjoy its full blessing and to share that blessing with others.


Being single, however, is still an option. Jesus makes it clear that some choose to be single (eunuchs) and others are made that way. Still others choose to be single, renouncing marriage for the sake of the kingdom of God. If you are single, don’t spend your life looking for a partner! Doesn’t that sound harsh??!! But rather, chase the Kingdom of God. Immerse yourself in God’s work rather than partner hunting and let God look after the latter.


You are in a privileged position where you can give everything to Lord and be concerned about His affairs without a divided heart.



¥ Pray for the marriages in your congregation. Pray that God would strengthen these marriages and build a deep foundation on the love of Christ. Pray that husbands and wives would uphold their God given roles in the marriage.

¥ Pray for our singles. Ask God to give perseverance and blessing to these men and women. Pray that their hearts would be tuned into Kingdom work rather than partner hunting. Pray for peace and security in their singleness.



Thursday, 7 June 2012

Thursday June 7, 2012

Being accountable helps us to avoid adultery and adulterous thoughts.

Find an accountability partner and start praying     together about your struggles.


Read Deuteronomy 22:13-21; Matthew 5:27-30


Premarital sex has almost become a given in our day.  Causal sex and having many partners before “settling down” are lauded as good things. Chastity, fidelity and virginity are mocked by movies, ridiculed by society and dishonoured by most of the music of the world. Yet a large percentage of these people, both men and women, want to marry (or date) someone that has all the qualities that they themselves have worked hard at avoiding.


But just like teenage obedience, God is very very serious about these issues of fidelity and virginity. Adulterers in the Bible were put to death. It is not a measure of love lacking but a measure of the seriousness of the issue in God’s eyes. If a woman was found to be adulterous after her wedding, she too was put to death. One assumes that the same applied to the husband.


The Old Testament had incredibly high standards of morality. Jesus has raised the bar even higher for New Testament believers. According to Jesus, to even look at a woman (or a man) lustfully is akin to committing adultery with that woman (man) in one’s heart. The coming of the Holy Spirit means that Jesus could lift the bar to the proper intention of the law to cover the things the Torah could not cover. The filling of the Holy Spirit equips and enables believers to take every thought captive, to be pure in heart and mind and to love God with one’s heart and soul and mind and strength.



¥ Pray for purity in your congregation. Pray that each and every person in your congregation would have a passionate desire to be pure in heart, pure in mind and pure in words, actions and thoughts. Pray that this desire for purity would be driven by the Holy Spirit’s workings and promptings.

¥ Pray that God’s Spirit would be leading and guiding each person in your congregation into service, to ministry and to sacrificial giving.


Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Wednesday June 6, 2012

Do you have something that is not yours?

Make an effort to return it to its rightful owner today.


Read Deuteronomy 22:1-4; Ephesians 4:28


A little school girl, barely 8 years old, walked past another student’s desk and tactfully placed that other student’s pencil in her pocket and walked off. When confronted by the teacher about stealing her response was, ’Finders keepers. Losers weepers!’. How often we’ve heard that phrase bandied around to justify keeping something we’ve found or perhaps even stolen.


God would rather that we went to great lengths to return the found goods to their rightful owner.  For the Israelite that meant returning the wandering ox or donkey. If you found a donkey or ox etc, wandering down the street and didn’t know the owner, the onus was on you to take it home, to care for it and to wait patiently for the owner to come looking for it. Even turning a blind eye and pretending not to see that lost ox or donkey was not an option for the Israelite. They were to go to great pains to return lost or stolen property.


For the Christian the principle remains the same, even though we may never see an ox or donkey walking down the street unattended. If we find something that does not belong to us, the godly thing to do is to seek to find the owner and if need be, keep the item until the owner is found. Our goal should be to restore the item to its rightful owner.


Again, as we’ve seen so many times before the goal is relationship. Living next door, for example, to a person that can be trusted and looks out for the welfare of others leads to trust, a growth in relationship and a deepening of that relationship. This is exactly what God wants. As believers, if we are that neighbour who can be trusted and seeks the welfare of others, we will inevitably find that doors open to share our faith. We will have ample opportunity to share the love of Christ.



¥ Pray that our cell groups (many of which meet tonight) will grow in depth of relationship with each other. Pray that God’s blessing will be upon each cell brining growth and wisdom. Pray for the leaders of each cell, asking God to grant them wisdom in leading, depth of understanding and the ability to relate deeply to all in the cell.


¥ Pray that our Session would be filled with men who are Godly, wise and willing to apply the Scriptures to their own lives first and foremost. Pray that our elders would be growing in grace and knowledge of God each and every day.


Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Tuesday June 5, 2012

If you  have a teen ask them what they think about obedience to parents.


Read Deuteronomy 21:10-23; Ephesians 5:21– 6:9


Today we see regularly on the news or even in our own suburbs, hoards of teenagers drinking and running amuck. Their level of respect for any authority and, indeed, for any body, is below zero. Many elderly people and families have complained of their noise, their disrespect and defiance. Many live in fear of these teens.


God’s laws designed to foster and nurture holy and healthy relationships apply to the family as well. His created order in the family involved parents loving children and nurturing them while children obeyed parents with love and respect. From God’s point of view, this order was non-negotiable.


In the Old Testament, such teenagers who refused to obey parents and to treat them with respectful obedience after repeated yet unsuccessful discipline were to be taken to the elders at the town gate. The father and mother would form the two witnesses and the elders would stone the teenager to death. Hear how seriously God takes rebellion and disobedience towards parents. Stubborn and unrepentant teenagers were permanently removed from society. Then God declares, ‘You must purge the evil from among you.’  God labels disobedience towards parents as ‘evil’. It must be purged from society.


This section of the Bible may sound harsh and unloving but is it as harsh and unloving as the profligate (the word means licentious and immoral or reckless) and drunkard teenager that refuses to obey and honour his/her parents? Is it as harsh and unloving as the grief and heartache, shame and embarrassment caused to the parents by this particular teen? Is it as harsh as causing grief to dozens if not hundreds of residents and causing many to live in fear?


Society would do well to stop making excuses for anti-social, negative and destructive behaviour and to start removing it from society. Wouldn’t it be better to discipline teens and others now than to have them face the wrath and anger of God? God does not muck around with the family unit. He has created a set order for our welfare and benefit. Destroying  or altering that order causes grief and heartache on many fronts.



¥ Pray for the teens in our youth group. Pray that they would grow in holiness and obedience to their parents. Ask God to reveal to each one just how serious God is about the family unit. Ask God to create a ground swell of obedience and love among our teens that reaches out to others. Pray that our teens would model godliness and Christ-likeness in an attractive way that draws others to Christ for salvation.

¥ Pray for the children in our Kings Kids ministry. Ask God to fill these children with the love of Christ, with obedience to parents and to have within them a deep desire to minister, serve and reach out to others. Pray that our teachers and parents would be filled with love and wisdom as they parent and teach these precious little ones. Pray that preparations for our outreach show, CSI Jerusalem, would progress smoothly and that the children would be learning their parts well. Pray that this show would bring many into hear about the Lord Jesus Christ.



Monday, 4 June 2012

Monday June 4, 2012

Give to God from the first of your income this week. Don’t hold back on God.


Read Deuteronomy 21:1-9


There is a false & hideous teaching permeating the church at present. That teaching basically asserts that because I am in relationship with God I don’t need to do anything. Certain things like programs, spiritual disciplines, and rebuke are frowned upon. Everything is boiled away in the cauldron of relationship.  Many advocates quote Jesus’ words to the woman caught in adultery (John 8:11). Jesus they say was more interested in relationship and building the woman up because He said to her, ‘Neither do I condemn you.’ What they fail to mention is that His words immediately following were, ‘Go and leave your life of sin!’.

To the man healed at the pool of Bethesda He said a similar thing (John 5:14), ‘...stop sinning or something worse may happen to you’.


We must realise that the presence of rules, regulations and boundaries are not antagonistic or detrimental to relationship but rather are beneficial to them. A church might, for example, run a program so that non believers can bring friends and family along so that they have a chance to enter into relationship with God. Spiritual disciplines build our relationship with God. Rebuke, correction, admonition etc are enjoined upon us in Scripture and grow relationships as we push and urge each other towards holiness.


God’s laws and boundaries are designed to build effective, holy and fulfilling relationships. The best marriages, for example, have boundaries, structure and disciplines that build up the marriage. God designed His laws to benefit society so that all relationships can blossom and thrive. He wants parents and children to have a deep and meaningful relationship. Disobedience is therefore not tolerated. He wants husbands and wives to relate intimately. God was concerned that husbands with many wives treat each one with love and respect and instigated laws to that effect. God wanted each person in a village or town to live freely without fear of harm so murder was punishable by death and in the case of unsolved murder, atonement was still made for that town.


Thus God had laws for the benefit of relationship. Disobedience, not obedience, was the very factor that destroyed these relationships and caused instability in society. Disobedience and apathy caused the family unit, the town and the nation to fall under the punishment and discipline of God and thus brought a negation of relationships.


Let no one deceive you with fine sounding yet empty words that do not rely on Christ but rather rely on human wisdom and the teaching of mankind.



¥ Pray for the marriage relationships in your congregation. Pray that God would strengthen marriages and bring a depth of fulfilment to husbands and wives through each other. Pray that children and teenagers would grow in obedience and love for their parents.

¥ Pray that the singles in your congregation would be forming deep and intimate relationships with others so that they are supported and equipped to stand the strong temptations that singleness can bring.



Saturday, 2 June 2012

Saturday June 2, 2012

Spend the entire day today in the Lord’s presence.


Read Ephesians 6:14-18


A believer I once met told me that he daily put on the armour of God. When I inquired as to how he put it on, he told me that he would imitate a Roman soldier getting dressed each and every morning. I tried hard not to insult him by laughing.


Paul uses a metaphor or comparison to describe how the things of God protect us and how they are to be used in spiritual warfare. Pretending to get dressed is about as helpful as me pretending to kiss my wife. It achieves relatively little. As you read through the list of armour, look at what the armour is compared to and forget about the armour for a moment.  We have truth - the Word of God that we must put on daily. We must live in that truth, not in our own lies or the lies of the world. We have the helmet of salvation, the assurance of salvation that no one can take away. We know that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ Jesus. We have the righteousness of Christ and our own imputed righteousness to live in. We are righteous in Christ and free from the condemnation of the law. That means satan can no longer attack us with the lie, for example, that we are not good enough or that we are a hopeless Christian. We have the gospel of peace so that our hearts are at peace with God and we know that He has no condemnation in store for us. That peace allows us to approach the throne of grace with boldness (not cockiness) in our hour of need. That peace allows us to serve others, to share the peace with them and even to love our enemies. We have faith to step out with. By faith we walk in obedience and do what we know God likes even though the world and (sometimes) our own instincts would tell us differently. We also have the Word of God. We must know it, memorise it and use it throughout our day. The Word of God lights our path and provides all that we need for life and godliness.


And notice in vs 18 that we are to be praying with all kinds of prayers and supplications. Prayer is the means by which we appropriate the truth, the salvation, the righteousness, the peace, the faith and the Sword of God into our lives. We must keep the receiver from God off the hook and continue to abide in His presence 24/7. We should never utter the prayer, “Lord we come into your presence” because we never left His presence. Prayer is vital. Prayer is powerful. Prayer is taking the armour of God and putting it to good, effective use.



¥ Pray for the work of Shiloh Church Ministries in India. Pray that God would provide for them all they need to continue serving, reaching out and blessing the poor and needy. Pray that many more would continue to come to Christ in repentance and faith.

¥ Pray that God would allow you and every one in your congregation to see the real battle that is not against flesh and blood. Pray that God would equip you and everyone in your congregation for the battle.



Friday, 1 June 2012

Friday June 1, 2012

Take a note pad with you today and write down where your temptations come from. Seek to eliminate each source from your life.


Read Ephesians 6:10-13


A lighthouse stands strong against the storm because it has been built on a firm foundation. It can take a beating by the weather, the storms, the winds and the seas because it has a strong foundation.


A Christian remains strong in the storms of life because of the foundation of Christ. While we remain on that foundation, we remain strong.


As Christians we are not fighting nations and people from other counties. Our battle is a battle against the heavenly rulers and authorities, the evil powers that lurk in this world. These powers are ruled by the evil one, satan, and do his bidding. It’s no accident that you, a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, are tempted daily through the world and the things in the world. Satan wants to negate your effectiveness as a believer and he wants to pull you and your witness to Christ down into the dark depths.


We are told to be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. We don’t fight alone. We don’t march into battle alone. God is with us and has given us His armour so that we can stand against the devil’s schemes and attacks.


Twice we are told to put on the armour of God. Both relate to the fact that our real battle is spiritual, not physical.



¥ Pray that every single person in your congregation would be equipped and strengthened to fight against temptation in their lives. Pray that more and more, each one would be seeing the victory of Christ over temptation. Pray that the schemes of the evil one in your congregation would be totally thwarted.

¥ Pray that those believers in Iran and Iraq who are being tempted to return to other faiths through intimidation or economic pressure would resist the temptation. Pray that they would be strong and that they would put on the armour of God, daily. Pray that they would be victorious in Christ.