Read Ephesians 5:21-24
There are two words that feminists absolutely hate: ‘submit’ and ‘obey’. I honestly think that they have just cause for feeling the way the do. For too long too many men have used Bible verses to brow beat their wives into submission, to berate them into slavery and to use, and often abuse, their wives. Let me be clear. Using the Bible to manipulate another for your own benefit or pleasure is utterly sinful.
Submission is an attitude of the heart. It is a willingness to put one’s needs, one’s desires to the bottom of the pile and to willingly, even joyously, serve the other. Husbands and wives are called to submit to each other out of reverence for the Lord Jesus Christ. The submission works itself out in different ways for husband and wife.
Wives are called to be submissive to the headship of the husband in all things. Obviously, if the husband is calling his wife to do something sinful, the wife has a greater allegiance to the Lord. She cannot wilfully sin or allow her husband to sin. She is not the judge on when to submit and when not to submit. The Lord alone is the judge. She is not to submit to good decisions and rebel against bad or negative decisions. The wife’s submission to her husband mirrors her submission to the Lord Himself. Submission is a willing and joyous placing of oneself under the authority of another. Obedience flows out of a submissive heart. It is possible to be obedient but with a rebellious or non submissive heart. God calls wives to be submissive with a positive, loving attitude in everything.
Our world is challenging this biblical concept of marriage, encouraging independence, rebellion and even lordship over husbands. The world is actively fighting against the biblical concept and practice of marriage. Again, the best way to fight this attack is to show the world that biblical marriages work and that they are an attractive alternative to what the world offers. I pray that this is what your marriage and my marriage is showing the world.
¥ Biblical marriages that are working according to God’s design really do show forth the love of God and the sacrifice of Christ Jesus. Pray that our marriages will be strengthened and will function as God intended. Pray that both husbands and wives would be growing in their knowledge of God, their love for the Lord and their love for each other.
¥ Pray that our marriages would so shine the light of Jesus that many would come to know Christ personally as they interact with us and see us as families, individuals and couples.
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