Monday, 12 March 2012

Monday March 12, 2012

Read Deuteronomy 8:1-2.


A Christian friend of mine spent many years raising a then wayward son. He went through hell on earth and suffered immensely at the hands of that boy. But he managed to praise God through it all. Years later, in reflecting on those years of parenting he was able to reflect, ‘God taught me so much through my son. He showed me how much sin and rebellion was still in my heart’. When questioned even further he explained, ‘My son treated me the way I treated God. He taught me how God feels when I rebel against the Lord. I grew more than my son in those years’.


Often we see the word discipline as negative, except if we are in training for a sporting event or match. For some reason we tend to look down upon any discipline that builds character or promotes goodness, righteousness and holiness. Yet we accept, even promote, any discipline that builds sporting prowess, ability and fitness. Physical fitness, says Paul the Apostle, has some value but godliness has value in all things both in this life and the next! And yet discipline continues to get a bad rap. Personally, I can’t remember the last time I praised God for disciplining me.


As Israel wandered around the desert for 40 years, she was being disciplined by the Lord. God was disciplining Israel, humbling her and showing forth what was really in her heart. God didn’t need to know or discover it, because He knows all things, but Israel did. Through the pain and trial of 40 years she would learn many things about herself, her stubbornness and faithlessness, her penchant for disobedience and her desperate need for the Lord to be gracious.


God disciplines those He loves. It is not that God is being malicious or hard hearted. He is not being cruel. Through tough situations, through painful life experiences God is teaching you, revealing your heart and showing you where you need to grow and improve. When the coach points out these things, we praise him for it. Let’s do the same with God. Let’s praise Him for working on us, for not giving up on us and for not leaving us behind. Through the thick and thin of life God is polishing you and preparing you for heaven. Surely that deserves at least a ‘Thank you Lord’.



¥ Praise the Lord for those in your congregation who have a strong and growing faith. Thank God that He has grown them and is working powerfully in your congregation.

¥ Praise the Lord for those who do behind the scenes admin and support. Thank God that this valuable ministry continues week in, week out. Pray that God would bring blessing to these servants.


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