Monday, 26 March 2012

Monday March 26, 2012

Read Deuteronomy 9:1-6. Ephesians 2:1-10


One of Spurgeon’s students climbed into a pulpit with every expression of confidence in himself.  Unfortunately, he had an extremely difficult time. He came down distressed, almost broken-hearted, and he went to Spurgeon about it. The words of Spurgeon to him were these, “If you had gone up as you came down, you would have come down as you went up.”


Like that young man, Israel would be tempted with pride. Israel would be tempted to believe that it was her own righteousness that caused the Lord to open the Promised Land for her. In response God tells the Israelites some very sobering truths. Three times He tells the people that it is NOT because of their righteousness or integrity that they are entering the land. Twice He tells them that it is because of the sin of the people currently in the land that they are entering the land. Five mentions in just a few verses! Such intensity can only mean that Israel was highly likely to fall to the sin of pride.


Like that young man in the pulpit and like Israel, it’s very easy for believers to give way to pride. Ephesians 2 works in much the same way as vs 1-6 of Deuteronomy. God repeatedly tells us that we were dead in our sins and transgressions. He tells us that He is the one who saved us, and that by grace, not because of our good works. God knows that pride can work its way into our life very easily.


To comprehend our position before God. Picture a broken down, totally wrecked sports car. Before God came into our life we were like that sports car. But God took hold of us and just as He did with Israel, He persevered. He re-worked us and rebuilt us into a beautiful, shiny, flawless sports car. For me to boast in my abilities is utterly ridiculous. It’s all from God. It’s all by God. If I am to boast, let me boast in what the Lord has done.



¥ Ask the Lord to weed out pride from among us where ever it may be hiding. Pray that all our leaders would be humble and ready to serve. Pray that we would all willingly jettison any pride from our individual lives.

¥ Pray for the work of the Bible colleges we support in Myanmar. Pray for the Lord’s provision for each college - Grace college, FRBC and Mustard Seed. Pray that the staff would be wise and discerning and able to teach the full counsel of God. Pray that the students would grow and mature and be ready for the Lord’s work.

¥ Pray for the believers in Sudan as they face incredible struggles and persecution. Pray that God would bring strength and courage. Pray for the ability to continue shining the Jesus light.  Pray for peace of mind and heart as they live for God day by day.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you Esa, don't we need reminding of those truths?
