Saturday, 8 January 2011


Read John 13:34-35


The study of the church has several implications for the individual Christian.

1. You do not do church or go to church. You are the church - the family of God formed by the blood of Christ.

2. If I am Christian then I am a vital and indispensable part of this larger unity called the church. Being a solo Christian is not an option for any believer.

3. Being a part of the body of Christ means I should commit to the body of Christ.

4. I have a vital role to play in the church and I need to make sure that I use my gifts and abilities in ways that God has determined.

5. I am as much responsible for edification and growth of the church as any other member.

6. Since God has sent His son Jesus to die on a cursed cross for me and my sins and since He has adopted me as His child (hence into His church) and since He has filled me with His Holy Spirit (after the resurrection) my priorities in life should be:-

+ Loving God without reserve or limit. I need to give God my whole life. Everything I am and own is His.

+ Loving God’s Children. Each and every other believer is now my brother and sister. I am to love them all as I love myself. These are the first two greatest commandments.

+ Loving God and loving His people are expressed and channelled in the NEW TESTAMENT through God’s people - the church!


This may be a hard call and exceedingly painful. It may fill you with great fears and trepidations. You may have to face all kinds of ‘what if’s as you seek to apply these truths in your life.  But please remember, God has said:-

... "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."

So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?" Hebrews 13:5-6.

The Lord, your God is your helper. You can trust Him and cast all your cares upon Him (Psalm 55:22). He will not let you down. He will not lose control of your situation. He will not put you through more than you can bear (1 Cor 10:13). God has proven His love and commitment to you by sending His Son, Jesus the Messiah, to die on a cross for you personally and to be raised to eternal life as Lord and judge for you. Given that proof, you can walk confidently giving everything over to God because He will never leave you nor forsake you.


  • Pray that your church will be a haven of love and acceptance.

  • Pray for the various people in your church - use the directory.

  • Pray for your church to be a church that reaches out into the community.

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