Friday, 7 January 2011


Read Ephesians 4

Common Questions Asked About the Church

How can I find my role in the church?

God has promised that He has given you gifts and abilities to serve the church 1 Cor 12:7, for example. If you want to find your role/function in the church follow these steps.

i. i. Pray - asking God for wisdom and guidance.

ii. ii. Look at the needs in your congregation/church.

iii. iii. Fill a need that you would like to fill.

iv. iv. Stick at it for 6 -12 months and then assess your performance with a mature Christian/elder/minister. If you have made a discernable difference in people’s lives, you have found at least one of your gifts. YOU MAY HAVE BEEN GIVEN SEVERAL GIFTS

I’m just too busy to get involved. What can I do?

I am responsible for where I choose to put my energies. I have choices. I can choose to put God and His people first, second, third or last on my list.

I have to work regularly on Sondays. What do I do?

We wish to avoid legalism that says, ‘Thou shalt attend church every Sonday.’ Yet we should yearn and want to come to church. It should be our utmost priority to spend time with God and His children. In the book, ‘Faith Despite the KGB’ we read of a believer who refused to work in jail (he was arrested for his faith) on Saturday and Sonday. He wanted to spend Saturday doing God’s work and the Lord’s Day (Sonday) meeting with God. This believer was punished and tortured but God gave him such productivity during the week that none of the prison officers/guards bothered trying to make him work on the weekends!!! You need to decide if work is more important than God. You need to decide if you want to make a stand for God. You need to decide where your priorities lie.

If I don’t like someone at my church what should I do?

Work through the section on conflict resolution and apply it to yourself and that person. You need to figure out why there is an issue or blockage in the relationship and prayerfully seek to remove it.


  • Pray that the mission teams going to Burma, India and possibly Vanuatu this year will be knit together in love and unity. Pray that all needs (finances etc) will be raised up. Ask God to prepare both the team and the people they  will be helping.

  • Pray that our finances will be more than adequate to meet our needs. Pray that we would have excess funds to help the poor, to feed the hungry etc and to start thinking about building on the land at the back of the church.

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