Monday, 10 January 2011


Conflict Resolution

Read Matthew 18

There are several factors that make conflict in God’s church (at least in this side of heaven) unavoidable. What are these factors?

  • We are human (not yet fully sanctified)

  • We are diverse - Christianity is not a homogenous group of like minded people but a diverse mix of ages, ethnic groups, sexes, intelligence levels etc.

Since conflict is unavoidable it is no surprise that God has given us many instructions about conflict resolution.

Basic Premises About Conflict Resolution:

Before we begin any serious study on conflict resolution let us spell out the  basic premises under which we are working. If these assumptions are not adhered to or believed, we undermine the whole structure of God’s church.

  • Resolving conflict within God’s body, the Church, is mandated by God Himself. We must, therefore, seek to resolve and settle all issues that cause any friction within God’s church. It is not optional. The modern trend of leaving church as soon as things heat up must be stopped immediately. Leaving a church should be the final step after all avenues have been completely and utterly exhausted.

  • Conflict Resolution should be seen as positive not negative. Our aim should always be to reconstruct a relationship and to enter into deeper fellowship with the other person(s) we have had a falling out with.

  • When seeking to resolve conflict we should always adopt an open mind and heart and be willing to look at ourselves, our sins and our actions as well as the other person’s - Matthew 7:4-5.

  • Seeing as God has given us steps to resolve conflict we should seek to follow His steps rather than relying on our own wisdom.


  • Pray that your session has great wisdom in leading the church in conflict resolution. Pray about any conflict you know of.

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