Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Wednesday November 24, 2010

Read Isaiah 4:2-5:30

As I read chapter 5 I can’t help but picture the world we live in. The Lord is grieved because people replace good with evil and evil with good.  What God deemed good in marriage is now deemed bad and vice versa.  We see the world claiming to be wise in its own eyes, walking away from God and looking to its own wisdom to solve the world’s problems. We see that people who pour drinks and mix drinks as heroes, as people to emulate. The movie ‘Cocktail’ epitomises the love of the world for alcohol and bar tending.

We see justice denied again and again as murderers, child molesters, rapists etc are released early and sometimes not even punished because of diminished responsibility.  They drank too much or sniffed too much and were not in control. Their parents didn’t love them enough or they were teased as a child and are therefore not responsible for their actions.

While I see the Lord grieving that mankind has become so rebellious, I know that He will come again to judge the world. Verse 26-30 show the impending judgement against Israel as the Assyrian army is called by the Lord. It  reminds us that the final judgement is but a breath away. God will deal with the wicked. God will hold them accountable. No one will get away with their evil deeds, their deceit and their hiding of sin.

It’s both encouraging but very scary as well. For my part here and now I want to tell as many people about that coming judgement so that they can be prepared. I want them to know the full consequences of their actions and rebellions against God so that they can, God willingly, repent and believe in Christ before it’s too late. I want more and more people to turn to Christ now and walk in obedience. I know that God wants this too. I pray that it will be a grand desire on your heart as well.


> Pray that David and Kristy Richards will have a powerful impact in their work in Dunedin Uni. Pray that many will come to the Lord through their witness and testimony.

> Pray the same for the work of Shiloh Church Ministries.

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