Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Tuesday November 23, 2010

Read Isaiah 2

Two very distinct pictures are presented in Isaiah 2. Take a moment to jot down what you see as those two distinct pictures.

In one picture we see the blessedness of the Lord’s mountain. The temple is established and in peace the nations flock to it. People from every nation, tribe and tongue come to the holy city to worship and praise the Lord God Almighty.  It’s a picture of light, of hope, of peace. It’s a picture of unity.

The other picture is a picture of judgement. As the Day of the Lord arrives it’s a terrible scene because the world has gone astray.  Even God’s own nation is found to be idolatrous and engulfed in sin. As the Lord comes, people hide in the rocks and the caves, knowing that their pride, their adultery, their idolatry and their sinfulness is about to be judged and condemned. Just as germs can’t live in boiling water, neither can sin and evil live in the presence of the boiling majesty of the Lord Almighty. When He appears all sin will be seen for what it is. All evil will be revealed and the secrets of our hearts will be laid bare. Our motives will be seen for what they are. Our hidden sins will be revealed and all evil, all wickedness will be judged.

If you are indulging in wilful sin, or if when you are tempted to sin remember this terrible and fearful day of the Lord. Remember that it is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

Likewise  remember that there is a land of peace, of love, of God’s gracious goodness for those who live in the love of the Lord. There is a blessedness for those who really love God and walk in obedience, for obedience is the ultimate sign or outworking of my love for God. Be encouraged. Be motivated. Be spurred on to love and good deeds by the great things that God has in store for you.


> As the day of the Lord draws near, pray for those people you love that are about to see the wrath of the Lord. Pray that God would grant them repentance and faith in Christ. Pray that you would be the one to share the good news with them.

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