Read Isaiah 1:1-31
What strikes you as amazing in reading Isaiah chapter 1? Take a few moments to jot down your thoughts.
God is talking to His own people, the nation He formed from the one man Abraham. The nation has turned its back on God and had fallen into religious trappings. They were going through the motions of ‘worship’ (by worship, I mean their whole of life dedication to God, not temple worship) but they were living a lie. They were rejecting God, rebelling against Him in their private lives, in their treatment of each other and in the way that they approached God through the temple worship system. That alone is amazing - a people, an entire nation reject their God.
But it’s also amazing that God responds the way that He does. Read over Isaiah 1:18-20 again. What’s God saying? Take a moment to jot down your thoughts.
God is moving towards the people in reconciliation. He’s drawing near to them in love and grace. How often, when we are wronged, do we belligerently seek to destroy the person that hurt us. We attack them and demand apologies. We demand justice and restitution. If God had that attitude He would have wiped Israel from the face of the earth. If God had that attitude towards me, I’d be in hell a million times over!!! But God chooses not to be angry. He chooses to move forward towards the nation in love and grace. He makes them a wonderful offer.
"Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.
If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land;
But if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured by the sword; for the mouth of the LORD has spoken."
How wonderful would it be if the Christian church learnt to approach each other with this kind of grace and love? Generally, we do approach each other with kindness and love—when things are going well. Remember Jesus’ words during the sermon on the mount? “Even sinners love those who love them”. Tax collectors, sinners and the ungodly all love each other when life is going well. That’s the easy part.
But it’s when something goes against my wishes or when I don’t get my way or when I’m hurt that the green monster comes out attacking, picking a fight and accusing anyone in my path. That’s exactly when I need to draw near to God and seek His grace in my own life. Man’s anger doesn’t produce the righteous life God requires. Attacking someone, and venting my anger and frustrations rarely produces a God honouring effect. Take a moment to think about how you react when you are wronged. Jot down the typical response you have when you are hurt or wronged by another believer. Please, be honest!
If you need to, take a moment to pray for forgiveness for your sinful way of reacting. Take a moment to ask God to change your heart so that you react to others (Yes, even when hurt or wronged) with the love and grace that are in Christ Jesus. Pray that God will allow you the grace to understand more of His love for you so that you can move in love towards others - especially when they hurt you or cause you pain.
When you have prayed read Isaiah 1:18-20 again and spend time in prayer, praising God.
Think of the people you’ve hurt over the last year with your words or your reactions. Write a list and over the rest of the week, write each one a letter/note asking for forgiveness.
> Pray for the healing of forgiveness to wash over you and all those in your congregation.
> Pray that any broken relationships or strained relationships in your congregation would be healed and made whole as forgiveness is offered and received.
> Ask God to allow our brethren in China to preach powerfully the message of the cross, the forgiveness of God in Christ. Pray that many would listen and believe.
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