Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Wednesday August 29, 2012

What things can you do to be salt and light in your workplace/home /school today?


Read Matt 5:13-16


There are certain herbs, spices and condiments that will be found in every kitchen and on every dining table. Few, it would seem, even come close to the popularity of salt. Have you ever been to a restaurant that didn’t have salt on the table and had to ask for it? I am willing to bet it has been a rare occurrence.


Just like we use salt so frequently for flavouring, salt was used even more in ancient times. Salt was used for preserving, for healing, for flavouring and even for Jewish sacrifices. It is little wonder then that Jesus is telling his disciples to be the salt of the earth, strong in flavour and practically working in the world.


How is the church the salt of the earth? How is the church useful for healing poverty and brokenness? How is the church useful for preserving the lives of the innocent and the downtrodden? How is the church useful for flavouring the lives of those who don’t know Jesus? Let’s make this personal. How are YOU the salt of the earth?


In the same way that we are called to be salt Jesus also calls us to be the light of the world. If you look a little closer at verse 16 you will see the purpose behind being the light of the world: “In the same way let your light shine before others...that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven.”



Being the light of the world is a lot like being the salt of the earth. Both are about practical service, practical deeds and practical works in order that the world may see our service and Glorify God.


We discussed yesterday that good works are the evidence of our faith (James 2:14-26) these good works should also attract people to Christ. How are you living a life which will attract people to Jesus?


We must understand however that it is more than just our works that attract people to know Jesus as their salvation. Have a look at Romans 10. Paul asks the question: “How can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?”


Prayerfully live a life of salt and light today and be on the lookout to take advantage of every opportunity to tell those around us of God’s great good news of salvation.



Spend a few moments in adoration. Confession and Thanks giving before praying these and other prayer points. Write down your points.









¨ Pray for opportunities for your church to be salt and light to the community by meeting the needs of the broken and downtrodden and to share the love of Christ with those whose needs are met.

¨ Pray that people in your church (you included!) would take advantage of every opportunity to share the love of Christ with those around them and would live lives of salt and light in order to help create such opportunities.


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