Read Genesis 1
If I were to ask you ‘Do you believe Genesis 1-3?’ I suspect you would answer, as a Bible believing Christian, something like, ‘Of course I do.’ You might even be a tinge indignant that I have the audacity to ask! Throughout my whole Christian life I also had believed Genesis 1-3 but only in the last few years have I had time to stop and assess what I really believed about these vital chapters.
Many years ago I gave my brother in Christ one of those answers-to-every-objection books. As the book was written by one of the finest theologians and writers of the day, I was convinced that this book would be of great help and support to my friend. Weeks later, when I thought he was about to congratulate me and pat me on the back for my choice of material, I was rebuked. Imagine my surprise, my shock and my initial indignation when he said to me words to the effect, ‘Why did you give me a book by someone who doesn’t believe in Scripture?’ I stared back in disbelief! My friend provided me with DVD’s, books and pamphlets that seek to show the reliability and integrity of believing a literal interpretation of Genesis 1-3. The author of the book I loaned to him dismissed these chapters and like many others argued that any interpretation of Genesis 1-3 is plausible because these chapters don’t impinge on salvation issues.
What began quietly in my heart was a scriptural revival. Over the years questions flooded into my heart, deep issues were raised in the wee hours of the morning, battles raged in my mind. I began reading and seeking answers regarding Genesis 1-3.
In studying Genesis 1-3 I suspect that you would agree with all the following statements about Scripture in general. If you disagree, it may be time to sit with your pastor and confess to him where you currently stand.
The Word of God upholds itself as being true and reliable and containing no errors. As Christians we are duty bound to believe the Word.
Proverbs 30:5-6 states clearly
(Proverbs 30:5-6, NIV) Every word of God is flawless; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him. Do not add to His words, or He will rebuke you and prove you a liar.
The Hebrew root word for ‘flawless’ pictures the melting of metal with the specific purpose of refining it and removing or separating it from dross. The Word is pure, refined, unadulterated by anything incorrect, false or misleading.
In line with Psalm 119:140 God’s Word alone, in all the earth, has been tested, refined and purified. The same word is used as in Proverbs 30:5-6. The Psalmist, like the great creeds of Christian history, has come to the one conclusion - God’s word is inerrant and infallible. We can trust the Word. We can build our life on the Word.
(Psalm 119:140, NIV) Your promises have been thoroughly tested, and your servant loves them.
The Scripture also asserts that every single word of Scripture is inspired or breathed out from God.
(2 Tim 3:16-17 NIV) All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
It appears that most Christians would subscribe to such theology. Most would adhere to such doctrine. But whether consciously or not, the glue comes unstuck as we ponder the issues of Genesis 1-3.
After my own rebuke, I began seeking answers and I especially sought to find out what other believers believe or disbelieve about the start of our Bible. As my own personal survey made clear, many Christians are happy to accept such a high view of the Word of God … except for the first 3 chapters of the Bible!
¨ Pray that everyone in your congregation would accept a high view of Scripture, including Genesis.
¨ Pray that our congregation would be known as Bethel, the house of God because we unashamedly adhere to the Word, teach the Word and courageously seek to live by it.
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