Monday, 6 June 2011

Monday June 6, 2011

Read 2 Peter 1: 12-15

The brain is an amazing thing. At one level it is simply another organ in our bodies with a particular role to play. But at another level the brain functions as the control centre of our entire being. Scientists are learning more and more about our brain.  But there’s a non material side of our brain as well. Our mind, our spiritual being, our thoughts are something that can be related to our brain but go beyond the physical. It is this non-material aspect that Peter introduces in today’s section.

Peter yearns for his flock to be reminded over and over of the truths that they know so well. He longs for them to continually remember what Christ has achieved for them.  In fact, he knows he’s about to die and is making sure that the flock can always remember the things of Christ.

The reason for this is relatively simple. The things we meditate upon today will affect our life tomorrow. The things that fill our thoughts now will determine how we act in the very near future. Our actions flow out of our thoughts. Think about it in your own life. If you’ve ever fallen into sin you’ll probably be aware that thoughts of that action have filled your head well before you indulged your senses.  The man who sits late at night at the computer lusting after naked women has probably spent the good part of the day fantasying about such things. The man at the bar drowning his sorrows has probably been thinking ‘woe is me’ thoughts all day and longing for the “peace” and relief that a beer or 2 (or 16) will bring! Our actions flow out of our thoughts. The things that fill our thoughts now will determine how we act in the very near future.

What are the thoughts running around in your mind? What things and images do you fill your mind with? When you’re not actively engaged in something productive what flows through your mind? Perhaps the hardest challenge to face believers in the 21st century is the challenge to take every thought captive and to make them obedient to Christ Jesus.

Prayer: -

V Prayer for the mums who come and the children, that they are encouraged and shown God’s love through the leaders and MOPPET carers.

V Pray for the leaders and the MOPPET carers that they will seek out opportunities to reach out to the mums and children who attend.

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