Monday, 20 June 2011

Monday June 20

Read 2 Peter 2:1-3

When I play soccer or other sports with friends, it really doesn’t bother me  whether the rules are kept or not. I’m more concerned about having fun and making sure that everyone gets a decent run. If someone's off side or if someone’s fouled, who cares?  Sadly, this same attitude is carried into our churches by many believers. There’s a growing apathy about whether or not the rules (or good theology) are kept. Many believers are simply there to have a good time and to ensure that everyone gets a decent run.

But Paul warns us that false prophets and false teachers will come in among the believers. These false teachers will introduce wrong teaching which will lead to Jesus himself being denied. Sadly, many will follow them and the way of following Jesus will be ridiculed and mocked.  They will make up stories about what they have heard and seen, to put it bluntly, to rip you off.  Some of these wolves in sheep’s clothing may have the most charismatic personalities. Some of them may be the sweetest little people you’ve ever met. Some of them may have the nicest sounding prayers. Some may even preach things that make you feel so nice and warm inside. They rarely enter church with a pitch fork, horns protruding from their head and a long red tail dangling behind!

You and I need to know the Word of God intimately enough to spot a false teaching. We need to be courageous enough to stand up for the truth and we need to be Spirit-filled enough to be ready to fight as soon as the Lord sounds the battle call.

But beyond being armed and ready we need to be prayerful. We need to uphold our teachers (pastors, preachers, SRE workers, Youth group leaders, Children’s workers and especially parents) in prayer. Let me encourage you to pray for the teachers in your church by name. Pray that God will protect them and show them the truth from error. Pray that they will teach the Word boldly and without hindrance or fear of mankind. Pray that these teachers will be able to raise up godly men and women who can take the baton and continue teaching when their race is run. Pray that God will protect everyone in your congregation from false teaching.


V Pray that the children we are sponsoring through Compassion will grow and mature into a strong faith that changes the world they live in.

V Pray for the people surrounding these children.

V Pray for their families and the local community that their lives will also be touched and that they become aware of and accept God into there hearts.

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