Read Daniel 13:1-7
April fool’s day is horrible isn’t it? As a young student I remember the teacher starting class with a horrified look on his face. He almost screamed at us, ‘Who’s responsible for all the scribble on the back wall?’ Even though we had all seen the wall that morning as we unpacked our bags and sat at the tables, we all turned in horror and shock to see the devastation. As we turned, he giggled loudly and cried out, ‘April fools!’.
The resurrection is no joke or April fools stunt! There is no Daniel 13:1-7! But take a moment to giggle and to read Genesis 1-2 and Revelation 22. Can you see any similarities? What are the differences that you notice? Why do you think the Bible starts with a Garden and finishes with a city/garden?
God’s plan has always been to bring a people to Himself. Adam and Eve were God’s people in God’s place under God’s rule. But they chose to reject that rule and chose autonomy for themselves. They suffered and were kicked out of God’s promised land. The nation of Israel was formed by God to be His people. He would be their God and they would be His people. He would love them, bless them and provide for them.. But! But they rebelled and rejected God. They too were kicked out of the Promised Land.
Eventually God sent His one and only Son Jesus into the world to make a people for Himself - a royal nation, a holy people belonging to God. He brought them into a landless, borderless nation. All Christians belong to this nation. We have no home on earth. We are aliens and strangers here. We are heavenly citizens and we are journeying homeward to our heavenly abode. The city of Revelation 21-22 is our home! There we will dwell for all eternity with the Lord at the centre of our midst. There we will find eternal and complete healing and peace. There our physical aches and pains and deformities will finally and completely end. There we’ll see our God face to face without the sadness of sin. There we will have pure and unadulterated rejoicing and praise. There our hearts will be finally cleansed of all dirt, filth and hypocrisy. There, and only there, will God’s plan from Genesis 1 be completely fulfilled.
þ When we adore God we tell Him how wonderful He is or how great His works are. Spend time adoring God for His provision of heaven for us.
þ Pray for the work of Student Life and Straight Talk and Chaplains. Ask God to give these students an open heart to hear about Christ’s saving work and to respond positively. Pray that we’ll see a great harvest among students of various ages.
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