Wednesday, 6 April 2011

April 6 Wednesday - For this I have Jesus

If every circumstance finds us abiding in Christ, we will find Christ abiding with us in every circumstance.

Read:  Psalm 66:1-15

In an evangelistic meeting in Ireland the speaker was explaining what it means to abide in Christ and to trust Him completely in every trial.  Concluding his message, he repeated several times, “It means that in every circumstance you can keep saying, ‘For this I have Jesus.’ ”

The meeting was then opened for testimonies.  One young woman said, “Just a few minutes ago I was handed this telegram.  It reads, “Mother is very ill; take train home immediately.”  When I saw those words, I knew that tonight’s message was meant just for me.  My heart looked up and said, “For this I have Jesus.”  Instantly a peace and strength flooded my soul.”

Three or four weeks later the evangelist received a letter from this woman.  It read: “Thank you again for the message you gave that day.  Life has become an uninterrupted psalm of glory, for I have come to realize that no matter what life brings, for this I have Jesus.”

That believer in Christ had found in her Saviour the One who would  be with her “through fire and through water,” and who would bring her “out to rich fulfillment” Ps. 66:12)

If you are enduring a great trial of affliction, remember – for this you have Jesus!  -  Henry G. Bosch

I’ve found a refuge from life’s care in Jesus,

I am hiding in His love divine;

He fully understands my soul’s deep longing,

And He whispers softly, “Thou art Mine.”  - Christiansen


³ Pray that God would use you as a Psalm of glory for himself. Pray that Christ would abide in you and you in his Word. Pray that others will see much fruit in you and through everyone else in your congregation as well.

³ Pray for the work at Uni Impact in Duneden in NZ.

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