Read John 8:23-32
The TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE. This verse has been greatly misused and abused by believers and non believers. Indeed, the American CIA office (which makes no claim to be Christian) has these words tiled on the floor in the foyer!
Contextually speaking we need to realise that the words were spoken by Christ to His disciples. In vs 31 Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples....” Notice the conditional ‘if’ in that verse. We are truly a disciple if we hold to Jesus’ teaching. Holding to Jesus’ teaching means agreeing with His teaching, believing it and somewhat more importantly, obeying it. We can never be a true disciple of Jesus if we constantly walk in wilful disobedience. While we all sin and fall, wilful disobedience is a different matter altogether.
As we grow in our faith and mature in our walk with the Lord, He shows us more areas of our life that needs to be conformed to His will and His Word. what a blessing to know that Jesus will not leave us alone but will walk with us and work within us as we journey homeward. Some times that journey may be difficult and fraught with aches and pains. But be assured. God disciplines those He loves. He chastises everyone He accepts as a son.
As we journey with Jesus as a genuine disciple the truth will set us free. The truth will break the bondage and chains of sin. The truth will break the habitual sins that no program can break. The truth will set us free to love the Lord our God with our entire heart and soul and mind and strength.
V Pray that you will be set free to be a true and genuine disciple of Christ Jesus. Pray that you will see sin minimised in your life .Pray this for others in your congregation. Pray that God will bring healing and wholeness to those in the congregation who are suffering.
V Pray for the work of Straight Talk. Pray that Jim and Faye would be blessed in this ministry by seeing more students come to the Lord for salvation. Pray that God would continue to use them powerfully.
V Tomorrow you will gather for corporate worship. Pray that God would be among you powerfully and that He would do great things among you. Ask the Lord to bless the service, to draw people closer to Himself and to send forth His Word with power. Pray that the Word will achieve the Lord’s desired work and bring much change into people’s lives.
Looking Forward to Christmas
Saturday, 30 April 2011
Friday, 29 April 2011
Friday April 29, 2011
Read Colossians 2:8-15
Our bad habits and sinful tendencies are part of our sinful nature. The Bible assures us that we are born in sin and are born with a natural bias away from God. As a believer, though, this is no excuse to accept our sins and to believe that we cannot change or mature or grow in godliness. We should never wallow in our sinfulness and think that change is impossible. Since God dwells within you, change is ALWAYS possible. No sin has mastery over you.
Behind every sin is a wrong or untrue belief or thought. We sin because we have been taken captive by hollow philosophy, traditions or the ways of the world. We sin because our belief system and the truth of Christ Jesus has been skewed somewhat. Satan tempted Adam and Eve to sin in the Garden by skewing the truth and allowing them to believe a lie!
One key to victorious living is to realise and verbalise the lies that are behind our sins. We then need to accept that they are lies and trust the truth of Christ that these really are lies. Here are a few lies that we tell ourselves: (See if you can counter each lie with the truth from Scripture):-
B Pornography will help meet all my deepest needs.
B The grass over the fence is really greener.
B I need to have an affair so that I can keep loving my wife.
B I cannot help but indulge all my needs at this point.
B If I have a few drinks I’ll be able to cope better.
B I’ve been hurt so badly I can’t forgive that person.
B My life would be so much easier if I won lotto.
B I can’t make it without the help of drugs.
By telling ourselves lies we are dampening (searing and killing, actually) our God given and God driven conscience and we are opening the door to sin. What we are doing is seeking out a justification or rationale for our intended actions. The lie is the door opener that makes us comfortable enough to take the next step. We will change only when we stop lying to ourselves and start believing the truth. We will be victorious to the degree that we tell ourselves the truth.
Satan, the father of lies, wants nothing more than to dangle a cloak of deception over your eyes. He wants you to continue sinning and feeding your lusts and appetites so that you do not grow and mature as a believer. He wants you to be a self focused, mirror gazing Christian so that you are not out in the world shining the light of Christ Jesus and making disciples.
But read Colossians 2:15 very slowly and carefully in the light of what we’ve been saying today. Christ Jesus died on the cross and defeated the father of lies and all His demonic angels and messengers. The truth has and will set you free. You do not have to believe the lies. You do not have to live according to the lies. You do not have to live according to the lies. You can break free. The truth will set you free. The truth has and will empower you to live a life of victory, to stand above the lies and half truths and to make choices that glorify God. The chains and shackles of sin have been shattered at the cross. In Christ you are free. In Christ you can live victoriously.
V Pray for Dave and Kirsty Richards in NZ. Pray that God would surround them with a passionate team of evangelists and disciplers so that they can make a huge impact within the university. Pray that God would bring the elect to them to hear the gospel and grant them repentance and faith.
V Pray that we would see the Bible College students in Myanmar growing in their faith and maturing in their understanding of the Word of God. Pray for resources and teachers to be made available to the students in all the Christian colleges.
There may be attitudes and beliefs that you need to drop and ask God to forgive you for.
Do this now.
Read 1 John 1:9 and praise God when you have asked him for forgiveness.
Our bad habits and sinful tendencies are part of our sinful nature. The Bible assures us that we are born in sin and are born with a natural bias away from God. As a believer, though, this is no excuse to accept our sins and to believe that we cannot change or mature or grow in godliness. We should never wallow in our sinfulness and think that change is impossible. Since God dwells within you, change is ALWAYS possible. No sin has mastery over you.
Behind every sin is a wrong or untrue belief or thought. We sin because we have been taken captive by hollow philosophy, traditions or the ways of the world. We sin because our belief system and the truth of Christ Jesus has been skewed somewhat. Satan tempted Adam and Eve to sin in the Garden by skewing the truth and allowing them to believe a lie!
One key to victorious living is to realise and verbalise the lies that are behind our sins. We then need to accept that they are lies and trust the truth of Christ that these really are lies. Here are a few lies that we tell ourselves: (See if you can counter each lie with the truth from Scripture):-
B Pornography will help meet all my deepest needs.
B The grass over the fence is really greener.
B I need to have an affair so that I can keep loving my wife.
B I cannot help but indulge all my needs at this point.
B If I have a few drinks I’ll be able to cope better.
B I’ve been hurt so badly I can’t forgive that person.
B My life would be so much easier if I won lotto.
B I can’t make it without the help of drugs.
By telling ourselves lies we are dampening (searing and killing, actually) our God given and God driven conscience and we are opening the door to sin. What we are doing is seeking out a justification or rationale for our intended actions. The lie is the door opener that makes us comfortable enough to take the next step. We will change only when we stop lying to ourselves and start believing the truth. We will be victorious to the degree that we tell ourselves the truth.
Satan, the father of lies, wants nothing more than to dangle a cloak of deception over your eyes. He wants you to continue sinning and feeding your lusts and appetites so that you do not grow and mature as a believer. He wants you to be a self focused, mirror gazing Christian so that you are not out in the world shining the light of Christ Jesus and making disciples.
But read Colossians 2:15 very slowly and carefully in the light of what we’ve been saying today. Christ Jesus died on the cross and defeated the father of lies and all His demonic angels and messengers. The truth has and will set you free. You do not have to believe the lies. You do not have to live according to the lies. You do not have to live according to the lies. You can break free. The truth will set you free. The truth has and will empower you to live a life of victory, to stand above the lies and half truths and to make choices that glorify God. The chains and shackles of sin have been shattered at the cross. In Christ you are free. In Christ you can live victoriously.
V Pray for Dave and Kirsty Richards in NZ. Pray that God would surround them with a passionate team of evangelists and disciplers so that they can make a huge impact within the university. Pray that God would bring the elect to them to hear the gospel and grant them repentance and faith.
V Pray that we would see the Bible College students in Myanmar growing in their faith and maturing in their understanding of the Word of God. Pray for resources and teachers to be made available to the students in all the Christian colleges.
There may be attitudes and beliefs that you need to drop and ask God to forgive you for.
Do this now.
Read 1 John 1:9 and praise God when you have asked him for forgiveness.
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Thursday April 28, 2011
Read Galatians 6:7-10
As we think through our choices we need to constantly bear in mind the truth of Galatians 6:7 - a man reaps what he sows. Put into the jargon of choices we could translate it as, ‘We reap the reward of our choices’.
A good question to ask yourself as you face a choice to make (even the little choices that we think are inconsequential) is, ‘What will be the outcome of the choice I make? This self asking takes time to develop and feels, initially, somewhat superficial but it quickly becomes life changing. I learnt this the hard way. After a particularly difficult week I came home and was angry and annoyed. My wife and I were about to have an argument about something which was so irrelevant it probably isn’t worth mentioning. I asked myself this very question - What will be the outcome of the choice I make? If I retaliate and react we’ll argue. We’ll say hurtful things. We’ll have a miserable evening and go to bed with a brick wall between us. If I don’t react but rather reach out in love and reconciliation (even if I’m at fault, even if I’m not at fault) we can have a wonderful evening. We can have fun and bless each other. At that critical moment the choice I would make, independent of my wife, would have good or bad ramifications. After a quick prayer I softly said, ‘Hey we don't’ have to fight and argue’. My wife agreed and the issue was dealt with without even a raised tone. The evening was blessed not battered.
A man reaps what he sows. Every thing I do, say or think about has implications and ramifications. I’m so pleased that God promises to forgive us for the bad choices we make. As the song says, ’I’ve done all the dumb things!’. But through it all, I’ve learned that God forgives, but He doesn’t always remove the consequences. A man really does reap what he sows. If I speak a harsh word to my spouse, God will forgive me and she will too but it will take time to heal and to trust me completely. A man reaps what he sows. If I bring flowers home to my wife for no other reason than to say ‘I love you,’ the consequences will flow outwards. If I take time to listen to her and empathise with her rather than criticising her for not having dinner ready, I will reap what I sow.
Let me illustrate once more with an issue that may hurt. We often believe that what I think about has no consequences and that I can think about, daydream or meditate on what I want. But as Romans 12:1-3 and Philippians 4:8 make exceedingly clear, even my thoughts have consequences.
Here’s a truth worth writing on your heart. The sin I commit in the afternoon is probably the result of my thoughts earlier on. If I am viewing pornography late at night, it’s probably because I was lusting and fantasizing earlier. If I steal at the shops on the way home, it’s probably because I was lamenting how poor I am. If I speak hurtful words to my spouse it’s probably because I was dwelling on all the things she’s done wrong and the negatives. The sin I commit in the afternoon is probably the result of my thoughts earlier on. Even my thoughts have consequences. A man reaps what he sows. What you reap tomorrow begins with what you sow today.
V Meditate on Galatians 6:7-10. Spend time praising God for this truth. Ask Him to show you how this has been true in your own life.
V Pray for the work of student life. Ask God to use the men and women in that organisation to bring about a nation wide spiritual movement among uni students. Pray that many will come to the faith through these men and women.
Prayer is vital to change. Prayer is talking to God. When you pray throughout this work book you will be asked to pray out loud. You will be encouraged from this time forth to speak audibly during prayer rather than just thinking things in your mind. You are also asked to make prayer a daily priority. Let nothing move you away from praying.
Read Romans 8:1 and spend time praising God for your own justification.
As we think through our choices we need to constantly bear in mind the truth of Galatians 6:7 - a man reaps what he sows. Put into the jargon of choices we could translate it as, ‘We reap the reward of our choices’.
A good question to ask yourself as you face a choice to make (even the little choices that we think are inconsequential) is, ‘What will be the outcome of the choice I make? This self asking takes time to develop and feels, initially, somewhat superficial but it quickly becomes life changing. I learnt this the hard way. After a particularly difficult week I came home and was angry and annoyed. My wife and I were about to have an argument about something which was so irrelevant it probably isn’t worth mentioning. I asked myself this very question - What will be the outcome of the choice I make? If I retaliate and react we’ll argue. We’ll say hurtful things. We’ll have a miserable evening and go to bed with a brick wall between us. If I don’t react but rather reach out in love and reconciliation (even if I’m at fault, even if I’m not at fault) we can have a wonderful evening. We can have fun and bless each other. At that critical moment the choice I would make, independent of my wife, would have good or bad ramifications. After a quick prayer I softly said, ‘Hey we don't’ have to fight and argue’. My wife agreed and the issue was dealt with without even a raised tone. The evening was blessed not battered.
A man reaps what he sows. Every thing I do, say or think about has implications and ramifications. I’m so pleased that God promises to forgive us for the bad choices we make. As the song says, ’I’ve done all the dumb things!’. But through it all, I’ve learned that God forgives, but He doesn’t always remove the consequences. A man really does reap what he sows. If I speak a harsh word to my spouse, God will forgive me and she will too but it will take time to heal and to trust me completely. A man reaps what he sows. If I bring flowers home to my wife for no other reason than to say ‘I love you,’ the consequences will flow outwards. If I take time to listen to her and empathise with her rather than criticising her for not having dinner ready, I will reap what I sow.
Let me illustrate once more with an issue that may hurt. We often believe that what I think about has no consequences and that I can think about, daydream or meditate on what I want. But as Romans 12:1-3 and Philippians 4:8 make exceedingly clear, even my thoughts have consequences.
Here’s a truth worth writing on your heart. The sin I commit in the afternoon is probably the result of my thoughts earlier on. If I am viewing pornography late at night, it’s probably because I was lusting and fantasizing earlier. If I steal at the shops on the way home, it’s probably because I was lamenting how poor I am. If I speak hurtful words to my spouse it’s probably because I was dwelling on all the things she’s done wrong and the negatives. The sin I commit in the afternoon is probably the result of my thoughts earlier on. Even my thoughts have consequences. A man reaps what he sows. What you reap tomorrow begins with what you sow today.
V Meditate on Galatians 6:7-10. Spend time praising God for this truth. Ask Him to show you how this has been true in your own life.
V Pray for the work of student life. Ask God to use the men and women in that organisation to bring about a nation wide spiritual movement among uni students. Pray that many will come to the faith through these men and women.
Prayer is vital to change. Prayer is talking to God. When you pray throughout this work book you will be asked to pray out loud. You will be encouraged from this time forth to speak audibly during prayer rather than just thinking things in your mind. You are also asked to make prayer a daily priority. Let nothing move you away from praying.
Read Romans 8:1 and spend time praising God for your own justification.
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
Wednesday April 27, 2011
Read Deuteronomy 30:15-20
Living victoriously begins with the choices we make. Some of those choices are big and have far reaching ramifications - the school we send our kids to, the job we take, the person we choose to marry and so on. But these are not the choices I am talking about, important as they are.
Each and every single day we make a million and one choices that, though they seem insignificant and somewhat irrelevant, have far reaching implications about how we will shine the light of Jesus and the degree to which we will live in victory.
Let me illustrate. I search for a lot of pictures on my office computer. Every now and then (even with words like worship, praise etc) a picture of a naked or semi naked lady will appear in the thumb nails. At that point I have a choice to make. I can delete the screen or sit and stare at this beautiful woman. No one will know what choice I make... except God. If I choose the former, I am choosing to walk with integrity. I can then talk to the other staff and interact with them with full and complete integrity. I know that God is pleased and will bless my choices. If, however, I choose to stare and lust I am sinning before God and have lost integrity. I can no longer speak to others and mix with integrity. I have created a barrier between myself and God and between myself and those around me. At that point I need to make a choice. Even before I get to searching for pictures, I need to make choices. Do I set the screen filter to high, medium or low? Do I turn my computer around so everyone can see what’s on it? Do I put extra filters on my computer? These are not admissions of guilt but wise considerations to make good, wholesome, God honouring choices.
Each and every day you have a squid-zillion choices to make. What do I think about now that I have a spare 10 minutes? How do I approach that lady I don’t really like? How do I speak to my son or daughter? Do I honour my parents or disobey them and do what I want? Do I speed to get to the meeting on time? Do I run the red light? Do I watch that TV show that has naked people and regular sex scenes? Do I yell at my spouse or forgive her? Do I put that person down or build her up? As an exercise carry a pen and paper with you (or an iphone etc) for the entire day and jot down all the choices you make in a single day. At the end of the day, analyse each choice to see if it was godly or not. What does it tell you about the choices you are making?
The wonderfully reassuring truth is that God has given you the ability and the power to choose that which pleases Him. You have the God given power to choose wisely and to say no to unwise, ungodly options. You do not have to go down that same old path again. You do not have to sin. It’s sobering to remember that when you sin, satan did not make you sin. You were not forced to sin by the circumstances. You chose to sin. I chose NOT to sin. BUT you can choose NOT to sin as well.
V Read 1 John 1:9 and confess some of the bad choices you have made. Spend time rejoicing in God’s forgiveness and purification.
Pray that your brothers and sisters in the congregation would be making godly choices as well.
Living victoriously begins with the choices we make. Some of those choices are big and have far reaching ramifications - the school we send our kids to, the job we take, the person we choose to marry and so on. But these are not the choices I am talking about, important as they are.
Each and every single day we make a million and one choices that, though they seem insignificant and somewhat irrelevant, have far reaching implications about how we will shine the light of Jesus and the degree to which we will live in victory.
Let me illustrate. I search for a lot of pictures on my office computer. Every now and then (even with words like worship, praise etc) a picture of a naked or semi naked lady will appear in the thumb nails. At that point I have a choice to make. I can delete the screen or sit and stare at this beautiful woman. No one will know what choice I make... except God. If I choose the former, I am choosing to walk with integrity. I can then talk to the other staff and interact with them with full and complete integrity. I know that God is pleased and will bless my choices. If, however, I choose to stare and lust I am sinning before God and have lost integrity. I can no longer speak to others and mix with integrity. I have created a barrier between myself and God and between myself and those around me. At that point I need to make a choice. Even before I get to searching for pictures, I need to make choices. Do I set the screen filter to high, medium or low? Do I turn my computer around so everyone can see what’s on it? Do I put extra filters on my computer? These are not admissions of guilt but wise considerations to make good, wholesome, God honouring choices.
Each and every day you have a squid-zillion choices to make. What do I think about now that I have a spare 10 minutes? How do I approach that lady I don’t really like? How do I speak to my son or daughter? Do I honour my parents or disobey them and do what I want? Do I speed to get to the meeting on time? Do I run the red light? Do I watch that TV show that has naked people and regular sex scenes? Do I yell at my spouse or forgive her? Do I put that person down or build her up? As an exercise carry a pen and paper with you (or an iphone etc) for the entire day and jot down all the choices you make in a single day. At the end of the day, analyse each choice to see if it was godly or not. What does it tell you about the choices you are making?
The wonderfully reassuring truth is that God has given you the ability and the power to choose that which pleases Him. You have the God given power to choose wisely and to say no to unwise, ungodly options. You do not have to go down that same old path again. You do not have to sin. It’s sobering to remember that when you sin, satan did not make you sin. You were not forced to sin by the circumstances. You chose to sin. I chose NOT to sin. BUT you can choose NOT to sin as well.
V Read 1 John 1:9 and confess some of the bad choices you have made. Spend time rejoicing in God’s forgiveness and purification.
Pray that your brothers and sisters in the congregation would be making godly choices as well.
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
Tuesday April 26, 2011.
A Man Reaps What He Sows
Read Psalm 46, especially verse 10
Being still before the Lord is a great habit to get into. It’s vital if we are going to live a life of victory and impact.
As you begin to work through this study on 2 Peter 1, make it your daily goal to keep a spiritual diary. This is as simple as keeping a note book and a pen handy in the place where you will regularly be praying. However, using a computer or phone is very handy as well because you can keep your diary with you and use the MP3 player functions to include music and praise in your quiet time with God. TAKE NOTE: Your level of victory and impact is directly correlated to your relationship with your Lord. If you have a shallow relationship with the Lord, you will have a mediocre Christian light. If you are growing deeper with God on a daily basis, you will also be growing in victory and impact. The two work together. You simply cannot have one without the other.
Please allow me to challenge you, to exhort you and to ___________ you (insert whatever word totally motivates you) to keep a spiritual diary for the duration of this series. You can reassess afterwards.
In your diary, you should include all the things that are relevant between you and God. While there are many formats for your diary, a simple layout such as the following would be helpful. If you are using a phone or a computer you can simply type out a blank page with the headings and copy it from day to day as you use it. If you are using pen and paper, write out one blank page with headings and photocopy it to use as needed each day.
PTO to page 6 to see a format for a daily prayer diary.
Use the diary daily to sit quietly with God, to learn and to grow with Him. Make it your priority to be in His presence each and every day. Some days I finish work and all family things at 11:00pm or later. The last thing I want to do is to spend another hour reading and praying. However, almost invariably that time spent with God is motivating, life changing and worth the extra time awake. I have never regretted spending that time with God even after a long arduous and tiring day.
V Pray for the India Mission team as we prepare to finalise the team and to meet regularly to prepare for the trip. Pray that God would hand pick the team and build a strong sense of unity and oneness. Pray that our mission would be adopted by each team member and that we would have a powerful impact in India.
V Pray for the Burma mission team. Ask God to raise up the team, to open doors to serve at Mustard Seed Orphanage and to teach the Bible College students deeply about the Lord from the Scriptures.
These reading notes will fit into your prayer diary in the Passage section. But don’t settle just for these notes. Read wider and get some in depth material to push you at your level.
These prayer points can simply be added to your own prayer points in the supplication (a big word for ‘ask’) section of your prayers.
Read Psalm 46, especially verse 10
Being still before the Lord is a great habit to get into. It’s vital if we are going to live a life of victory and impact.
As you begin to work through this study on 2 Peter 1, make it your daily goal to keep a spiritual diary. This is as simple as keeping a note book and a pen handy in the place where you will regularly be praying. However, using a computer or phone is very handy as well because you can keep your diary with you and use the MP3 player functions to include music and praise in your quiet time with God. TAKE NOTE: Your level of victory and impact is directly correlated to your relationship with your Lord. If you have a shallow relationship with the Lord, you will have a mediocre Christian light. If you are growing deeper with God on a daily basis, you will also be growing in victory and impact. The two work together. You simply cannot have one without the other.
Please allow me to challenge you, to exhort you and to ___________ you (insert whatever word totally motivates you) to keep a spiritual diary for the duration of this series. You can reassess afterwards.
In your diary, you should include all the things that are relevant between you and God. While there are many formats for your diary, a simple layout such as the following would be helpful. If you are using a phone or a computer you can simply type out a blank page with the headings and copy it from day to day as you use it. If you are using pen and paper, write out one blank page with headings and photocopy it to use as needed each day.
PTO to page 6 to see a format for a daily prayer diary.
Use the diary daily to sit quietly with God, to learn and to grow with Him. Make it your priority to be in His presence each and every day. Some days I finish work and all family things at 11:00pm or later. The last thing I want to do is to spend another hour reading and praying. However, almost invariably that time spent with God is motivating, life changing and worth the extra time awake. I have never regretted spending that time with God even after a long arduous and tiring day.
V Pray for the India Mission team as we prepare to finalise the team and to meet regularly to prepare for the trip. Pray that God would hand pick the team and build a strong sense of unity and oneness. Pray that our mission would be adopted by each team member and that we would have a powerful impact in India.
V Pray for the Burma mission team. Ask God to raise up the team, to open doors to serve at Mustard Seed Orphanage and to teach the Bible College students deeply about the Lord from the Scriptures.
These reading notes will fit into your prayer diary in the Passage section. But don’t settle just for these notes. Read wider and get some in depth material to push you at your level.
These prayer points can simply be added to your own prayer points in the supplication (a big word for ‘ask’) section of your prayers.
Monday, 25 April 2011
Monday April 25, 2011
Read Philippians 2:12
Do you want to be victorious in Christ day by day? Do you want to see those sinful habits, thoughts and actions disappear? Do you wan to be in step with the Holy Spirit day by day and have God use you mightily at work, at home and in your circle of friends? If you’ve answered a hearty “Yes” then be assured Change is Possible. Victory Can Be Yours. If you’ve half heartedly shrugged your shoulders and thought something like, “I’m not sure, really” then you’ll continue to struggle with sin and lead a mediocre Christian existence.
As you begin to work through this series on Victorious Living make up your mind to be honest. Be honest with God and be honest with yourself. To date, you may have tried many remedies, many ‘try harder’ schemes, many different approaches to change and victory, but nothing has worked! You may have received much counsel, much wise advise, but again , to no avail. It’s quite possible that many of these helpful ministries have failed because you have failed to be honest, either with yourself or with God.
Let me encourage you to be honest with yourself. By this I mean look fairly and justly at yourself without over or under exaggerating. What ever the issue is you have to deal with, deal with it honestly. Stop justifying your behaviour. Cease explaining it away. Pull down the barriers to change rather than accepting them or erecting them. Jack, for example, was always denying he had a problem with excessive abuse (with his wife, Jill). When confronted with his sinfulness he would always justify his actions - ’I wouldn’t have to yell at her if she didn’t….’. According to Jack his behaviour was justified by his wife’s behaviour. He couldn’t and wouldn’t change until he stopped this course of justifying his own actions. Jill, on the other hand, always refused to look honestly at herself. Every time she became the topic of conversation she put herself down. She constantly erected barriers (mainly within herself, but not always) that stopped her from loving and accepting herself. In reality, Jill had a wonderful personality, was rather attractive and smarter than the average bear. But Jill refused to love herself. She built up barriers to stop the hurt of Jack’s constant tirade of verbal abuse. Jill could not and would not change until she stopped putting up barriers.
Let me also encourage you to be honest with God. It’s not as scary as it seems. God, for one, knows everything about you, what you do, where you do it and why. Read Psalm 139 and jot down on a blank sheet of paper how much God knows about you. When you do something you are ashamed of, you don’t need to hide from God You don’t need to pretend with God and try to manipulate or trick him. He knows it all. What He wants is honest, open confession and acceptance of His ongoing love and forgiveness.
Added to this, you need to decide once for all whether or not you really believe what God says in His Word. True belief is that kind of belief that changes our actions. If I truly believe that my house will fall down in the storm I will take my family to safety. If it’s just a passing thought or a half hearted belief, I will do nothing for my family. True belief is that kind of belief that changes our actions. Before you read any further, answer the questions below. Write down the answer. Be honest and open with yourself and with God. If you are afraid of someone seeing your answers, write them down on a separate sheet of paper and hide the sheet. But I ask you to write down the answers so that you are forced to think about what you really believe.
1/. Do you believe that God’s Word is true for you? Why/Why not?
2/. Do you believe that the promises in the Bible apply to you personally? Why or why not?
3/. Do you feel loved by God? Why or why not?
4/. How do you know that God loves you?
5/. What is making you feel unloved by God?
6/. If God were to write a sentence about you, what would He write?
7/. I am struggling with....
8/. Describe how you would like to be.
9/. What things are, or have been, stopping you from changing?
10/. What fears do you have about changing?
Read Philippians 2:12
Do you want to be victorious in Christ day by day? Do you want to see those sinful habits, thoughts and actions disappear? Do you wan to be in step with the Holy Spirit day by day and have God use you mightily at work, at home and in your circle of friends? If you’ve answered a hearty “Yes” then be assured Change is Possible. Victory Can Be Yours. If you’ve half heartedly shrugged your shoulders and thought something like, “I’m not sure, really” then you’ll continue to struggle with sin and lead a mediocre Christian existence.
As you begin to work through this series on Victorious Living make up your mind to be honest. Be honest with God and be honest with yourself. To date, you may have tried many remedies, many ‘try harder’ schemes, many different approaches to change and victory, but nothing has worked! You may have received much counsel, much wise advise, but again , to no avail. It’s quite possible that many of these helpful ministries have failed because you have failed to be honest, either with yourself or with God.
Let me encourage you to be honest with yourself. By this I mean look fairly and justly at yourself without over or under exaggerating. What ever the issue is you have to deal with, deal with it honestly. Stop justifying your behaviour. Cease explaining it away. Pull down the barriers to change rather than accepting them or erecting them. Jack, for example, was always denying he had a problem with excessive abuse (with his wife, Jill). When confronted with his sinfulness he would always justify his actions - ’I wouldn’t have to yell at her if she didn’t….’. According to Jack his behaviour was justified by his wife’s behaviour. He couldn’t and wouldn’t change until he stopped this course of justifying his own actions. Jill, on the other hand, always refused to look honestly at herself. Every time she became the topic of conversation she put herself down. She constantly erected barriers (mainly within herself, but not always) that stopped her from loving and accepting herself. In reality, Jill had a wonderful personality, was rather attractive and smarter than the average bear. But Jill refused to love herself. She built up barriers to stop the hurt of Jack’s constant tirade of verbal abuse. Jill could not and would not change until she stopped putting up barriers.
Let me also encourage you to be honest with God. It’s not as scary as it seems. God, for one, knows everything about you, what you do, where you do it and why. Read Psalm 139 and jot down on a blank sheet of paper how much God knows about you. When you do something you are ashamed of, you don’t need to hide from God You don’t need to pretend with God and try to manipulate or trick him. He knows it all. What He wants is honest, open confession and acceptance of His ongoing love and forgiveness.
Added to this, you need to decide once for all whether or not you really believe what God says in His Word. True belief is that kind of belief that changes our actions. If I truly believe that my house will fall down in the storm I will take my family to safety. If it’s just a passing thought or a half hearted belief, I will do nothing for my family. True belief is that kind of belief that changes our actions. Before you read any further, answer the questions below. Write down the answer. Be honest and open with yourself and with God. If you are afraid of someone seeing your answers, write them down on a separate sheet of paper and hide the sheet. But I ask you to write down the answers so that you are forced to think about what you really believe.
1/. Do you believe that God’s Word is true for you? Why/Why not?
2/. Do you believe that the promises in the Bible apply to you personally? Why or why not?
3/. Do you feel loved by God? Why or why not?
4/. How do you know that God loves you?
5/. What is making you feel unloved by God?
6/. If God were to write a sentence about you, what would He write?
7/. I am struggling with....
8/. Describe how you would like to be.
9/. What things are, or have been, stopping you from changing?
10/. What fears do you have about changing?
Saturday, 23 April 2011
Easter Saturday April 23 - A New Normal
To be “in Christ” is to share in His life, in His death, and in His resurrection.
Read: Romans 6:1-11
After my doctor announced that I had cancer, I tried to listen to what he said, but I couldn’t. I went home, pulled a blanket over my head, and fell asleep on the couch, as if sleeping could change the diagnosis.
When I finally gained enough strength to tell my loved ones, my friend Judy Schreur said something especially memorable. After expressing her sympathy, she said, “This is what will happen. You will feel really bad for 3 days. Then you will get up, figure out what you have to do, and get on with your life.” Then she added, “I think it has to do with death, burial and resurrection”.
At the time, I didn’t believe it. I was sure that life as I knew it was over. Nothing would ever be the same again. But she was right. Three days later I woke up and realized that I didn’t feel quite so bad. And little by little, despite the physical misery of chemotherapy treatments, my emotional and spiritual condition improved significantly. I “died” to my old reality and was “raised” to a new normal.
Thankfully, God is in the business of resurrection. For those who have died in Christ, the death of one reality means resurrection to a new, glorious normal so that we can “walk in newness of life”, Rms 6:4. - Julie Ackerman Link
Jesus redeemed us and died in our stead;
In Him we died and rose from the dead.
No longer is death a thing that we dread;
The old is behind us, the new is ahead. - D. De Haan
³ Ask God to bless this Easter weekend with a great outpouring of His Holy Spirit so that believers would be excited and passionate about Him and that non believers come to him in faith and repentance.
Read: Romans 6:1-11
After my doctor announced that I had cancer, I tried to listen to what he said, but I couldn’t. I went home, pulled a blanket over my head, and fell asleep on the couch, as if sleeping could change the diagnosis.
When I finally gained enough strength to tell my loved ones, my friend Judy Schreur said something especially memorable. After expressing her sympathy, she said, “This is what will happen. You will feel really bad for 3 days. Then you will get up, figure out what you have to do, and get on with your life.” Then she added, “I think it has to do with death, burial and resurrection”.
At the time, I didn’t believe it. I was sure that life as I knew it was over. Nothing would ever be the same again. But she was right. Three days later I woke up and realized that I didn’t feel quite so bad. And little by little, despite the physical misery of chemotherapy treatments, my emotional and spiritual condition improved significantly. I “died” to my old reality and was “raised” to a new normal.
Thankfully, God is in the business of resurrection. For those who have died in Christ, the death of one reality means resurrection to a new, glorious normal so that we can “walk in newness of life”, Rms 6:4. - Julie Ackerman Link
Jesus redeemed us and died in our stead;
In Him we died and rose from the dead.
No longer is death a thing that we dread;
The old is behind us, the new is ahead. - D. De Haan
³ Ask God to bless this Easter weekend with a great outpouring of His Holy Spirit so that believers would be excited and passionate about Him and that non believers come to him in faith and repentance.
Friday, 22 April 2011
Good Friday April 22 - Like a Lamb
The nail-pierced hands of Jesus reveal the love-filled heart of God.
Read: John 15:9-17
In 1602, Italian artist Caravaggio produced a painting called, “The Taking Of Christ”. This work, an early example of the Baroque style, is compelling. Created in dark hues, it allows the viewer to contemplate Jesus’ arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane. Two main elements of the scene depicted in the painting demand the observer’s attention. The first is Judas as he delivers the traitor’s kiss. Immediately, however, the viewer’s focus is drawn toward Jesus’ hands, which are passively clasped together to show that He offered no resistance to this injustice. Although He possessed the power to create an universe, Christ gave Himself up voluntarily to His captors and to the waiting cross.
Long before this scene took place, Jesus told His listeners that no one could take His life from Him — He would lay it down willingly (John 10:18). This heart of voluntary surrender was prophesised by Isaiah, who wrote, “He was led as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so He opened not His mouth”. (Isa.53:7)
Christ’s lamblike self-sacrifice is a grand indicator of His powerful love. “Greater love has no one than this,” He explained, “than to lay down one’s life for his friends” (John 15;13). Think of it. Jesus loved you that much! - Bill Crowder
Love sent the Saviour to die in my stead.
Why should He love me so?
Meekly to Calvary’s cross He was led.
Why should He love me so? - Harness
³ Pray that the preachers across the land would clearly and decisively preach Christ crucified for the sins of the world. Pray for thousands, tens of thousands of conversions across this nation that once claimed to be a Christian nation.
Read: John 15:9-17
In 1602, Italian artist Caravaggio produced a painting called, “The Taking Of Christ”. This work, an early example of the Baroque style, is compelling. Created in dark hues, it allows the viewer to contemplate Jesus’ arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane. Two main elements of the scene depicted in the painting demand the observer’s attention. The first is Judas as he delivers the traitor’s kiss. Immediately, however, the viewer’s focus is drawn toward Jesus’ hands, which are passively clasped together to show that He offered no resistance to this injustice. Although He possessed the power to create an universe, Christ gave Himself up voluntarily to His captors and to the waiting cross.
Long before this scene took place, Jesus told His listeners that no one could take His life from Him — He would lay it down willingly (John 10:18). This heart of voluntary surrender was prophesised by Isaiah, who wrote, “He was led as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so He opened not His mouth”. (Isa.53:7)
Christ’s lamblike self-sacrifice is a grand indicator of His powerful love. “Greater love has no one than this,” He explained, “than to lay down one’s life for his friends” (John 15;13). Think of it. Jesus loved you that much! - Bill Crowder
Love sent the Saviour to die in my stead.
Why should He love me so?
Meekly to Calvary’s cross He was led.
Why should He love me so? - Harness
³ Pray that the preachers across the land would clearly and decisively preach Christ crucified for the sins of the world. Pray for thousands, tens of thousands of conversions across this nation that once claimed to be a Christian nation.
Thursday, 21 April 2011
Thursday April 21 - False Hope
We are not saved by good works, but by God’s work.
Read: Ephesians 2:1-10
The name of a pretty Bavarian town in Germany shares the name of a place of horror - Dachau. A museum on the grounds of this infamous Nazi concentration camp attracts many World War II History Buffs.
As you look around, it would be hard to miss the misleading words welded to an iron gate: Arbeit Macht Frei. This phrase - “work makes you free” - was just a cruel lie to give false hope to those who entered this place of death.
Many people today have false hope that they can earn a place in heaven by working at being good or by doing good things. God’s standard of perfection, however, requires a totally sinless life. There’s no way any of us can ever be “good enough”. It is only through the sacrifice of the sinless Saviour that we are made righteous. God’s gift of grace - not because of our good works. (Eph.2:8-9)
Don’t let Satan trick you by giving you false hope that your good works will save you. It is only through Jesus’ work on the cross that you can have real freedom. - Cindy Hess Kasper.
Accept the teaching of the world
And hopeless you will be,
But trust in God’s eternal plan
If you want life that’s free. - Branon
³ Given that Easter starts tomorrow Pray that we would see many thousands come to our services to seek the true meaning of Easter. Pray that God would send His Spirit in abundance to bring many to himself in faith and repentance.
Read: Ephesians 2:1-10
The name of a pretty Bavarian town in Germany shares the name of a place of horror - Dachau. A museum on the grounds of this infamous Nazi concentration camp attracts many World War II History Buffs.
As you look around, it would be hard to miss the misleading words welded to an iron gate: Arbeit Macht Frei. This phrase - “work makes you free” - was just a cruel lie to give false hope to those who entered this place of death.
Many people today have false hope that they can earn a place in heaven by working at being good or by doing good things. God’s standard of perfection, however, requires a totally sinless life. There’s no way any of us can ever be “good enough”. It is only through the sacrifice of the sinless Saviour that we are made righteous. God’s gift of grace - not because of our good works. (Eph.2:8-9)
Don’t let Satan trick you by giving you false hope that your good works will save you. It is only through Jesus’ work on the cross that you can have real freedom. - Cindy Hess Kasper.
Accept the teaching of the world
And hopeless you will be,
But trust in God’s eternal plan
If you want life that’s free. - Branon
³ Given that Easter starts tomorrow Pray that we would see many thousands come to our services to seek the true meaning of Easter. Pray that God would send His Spirit in abundance to bring many to himself in faith and repentance.
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
Wednesday April 20 - Poor Examples
A good example preaches a powerful sermon.
Read: Matthew 23:1-13
A woman in Oregon was caught driving 103 miles per hour with her 10 year old grandson in the car. When she was stopped by the police, she told them she was only trying to teach him never to drive that fast. I suppose she wanted him to do as she said, not as she did.
The Pharisees and teachers of the law seemed to have a similar problem. Jesus had a scathing assessment of them: They were spiritually bankrupt. He held these two groups directly responsible for this sad spiritual condition. As the successors of the law-giver Moses, they were responsible for expounding the law so that people would walk in God’s ways and have a genuine and vibrant relationship with the Lord (Deut. 10:12-13). But their personal interpretation and application of the law became more important than God’s law. They did not practice what they preached. What they did observe was done, not to bring glory to God, but to honour themselves. Jesus exposed who they were - image manager, posers and hypocrites.
The test of the effectiveness of following Jesus is not just in what we say but in how we live Are we telling others God’s Word and doing what it says? Let’s model by words and actions what it means to follow Him. - Marvin Williams
Christians, remember you bear His dear name,
Your lives are for others to view;
You are living examples - men praise you or blame,
And measure your Saviour by you. Anon
³ Ask God to make us holy and righteous, yourself included. If you have any sinful habits or tendencies ask God to break them right here, right now. Pray that God would use our holiness to reflect His glory and majesty. Pray that many would be drawn to Him through our holiness.
³ Pray for the work of RI in the local schools.
³ Pray that our chaplains would have a great witness to Christ in the schools.
Read: Matthew 23:1-13
A woman in Oregon was caught driving 103 miles per hour with her 10 year old grandson in the car. When she was stopped by the police, she told them she was only trying to teach him never to drive that fast. I suppose she wanted him to do as she said, not as she did.
The Pharisees and teachers of the law seemed to have a similar problem. Jesus had a scathing assessment of them: They were spiritually bankrupt. He held these two groups directly responsible for this sad spiritual condition. As the successors of the law-giver Moses, they were responsible for expounding the law so that people would walk in God’s ways and have a genuine and vibrant relationship with the Lord (Deut. 10:12-13). But their personal interpretation and application of the law became more important than God’s law. They did not practice what they preached. What they did observe was done, not to bring glory to God, but to honour themselves. Jesus exposed who they were - image manager, posers and hypocrites.
The test of the effectiveness of following Jesus is not just in what we say but in how we live Are we telling others God’s Word and doing what it says? Let’s model by words and actions what it means to follow Him. - Marvin Williams
Christians, remember you bear His dear name,
Your lives are for others to view;
You are living examples - men praise you or blame,
And measure your Saviour by you. Anon
³ Ask God to make us holy and righteous, yourself included. If you have any sinful habits or tendencies ask God to break them right here, right now. Pray that God would use our holiness to reflect His glory and majesty. Pray that many would be drawn to Him through our holiness.
³ Pray for the work of RI in the local schools.
³ Pray that our chaplains would have a great witness to Christ in the schools.
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
Tuesday April 19 - The Secret Chamber
Listen to God’s heart, then speak from your heart to others.
Read: Isaiah 50:4-5
People have some needs that are excruciatingly deep. Poet Alfred, Lord Tennyson wrote, “Never morning wore to evening, but some heart did break”.
We find ourselves in conversation at times with heartbroken friends and may feel at an utter loss to know what to say. How can we “speak a word in season to him who is weary,” as it says in Isaiah 50:4?
Telling people what human teachers have taught us may have some impact on them. But the most helpful or persuasive words are spoken by those who are taught by the Lord Himself.
That’s why it’s essential for us to sit at Jesus’ feet and learn from Him. The more we receive from Him, the more we have to give to others. George MacDonald [pictures this time with the Lord as having “ a chamber in God Himself”. He continues: “Out of [that] chamber ... Man has to bring revelation and strength for his brethren. This is that for which he was made.” It’s through our thoughtful and prayerful Bible study, reading, and quiet meditation that God speaks to our hearts. He gives us “the tongue of the learned” (Isa.50:4) so that we have something to share with those who are in the depths of despair. - David Roper
The comfort God has given us
He wants us all to share
With others who, with broken hearts,
Are caught in deep despair. - Sper
³ As we plan for our next sermon series in May (Victorious Through the Fire) pray that we would see many people be freed from sinful habits and chains. Pray that God would work powerfully among us to show the world that Jesus is Lord, even Our Lord.
Read: Isaiah 50:4-5
People have some needs that are excruciatingly deep. Poet Alfred, Lord Tennyson wrote, “Never morning wore to evening, but some heart did break”.
We find ourselves in conversation at times with heartbroken friends and may feel at an utter loss to know what to say. How can we “speak a word in season to him who is weary,” as it says in Isaiah 50:4?
Telling people what human teachers have taught us may have some impact on them. But the most helpful or persuasive words are spoken by those who are taught by the Lord Himself.
That’s why it’s essential for us to sit at Jesus’ feet and learn from Him. The more we receive from Him, the more we have to give to others. George MacDonald [pictures this time with the Lord as having “ a chamber in God Himself”. He continues: “Out of [that] chamber ... Man has to bring revelation and strength for his brethren. This is that for which he was made.” It’s through our thoughtful and prayerful Bible study, reading, and quiet meditation that God speaks to our hearts. He gives us “the tongue of the learned” (Isa.50:4) so that we have something to share with those who are in the depths of despair. - David Roper
The comfort God has given us
He wants us all to share
With others who, with broken hearts,
Are caught in deep despair. - Sper
³ As we plan for our next sermon series in May (Victorious Through the Fire) pray that we would see many people be freed from sinful habits and chains. Pray that God would work powerfully among us to show the world that Jesus is Lord, even Our Lord.
Monday, 18 April 2011
Monday April 18 - A Wrong Reading
The first point of wisdom is to know the truth; the second, to discern what is false.
Read: 1 Timothy 1:18-19
William Scoresby was a British seafaring explorer in the 19th century who responded to God’s call to the ministry. An interest in the working of navigational compasses stayed with him during his work as a clergyman. His research led to the discovery that all newly built iron ships had their own magnetic influence on compasses. This influence would change at sea for various reasons - leading crews to read the compass incorrectly. Often this led to disaster.
There is a striking parallel between the misread compass and false biblical teaching. In 1 Timothy 1, Paul warned against “fables and endless genealogies”, vs 4 - man-made changes in the doctrines of God's Word. People who teach false doctrines “have suffered shipwreck”, Paul concludes, vs 19. Two people who opposed the Word of God by placing false teaching in its place, and who thus face spiritual shipwreck, were Alexander and Hynmenaeus vs 20,
Biblical truth is being questioned and in some cases even replaced in the church today. Our opinions must never replace the truth of God’s Word. The Bible, not man’s erroneous opinions about it, is the ultimate guide for our conscience in navigating life’s changing seas. Beware of wrong readings. - Dennis Fisher
God’s words of pure, eternal truth
Shall yet unshaken stay,
When all that man has thought or planned,
Life Chaff has passed away. - Anon
Easter is drawing near. Pray that we won’t be too busy to share our faith with people we meet. Pray that we will all saddle up to a non believer at church this weekend and share our faith. Pray that God’s Holy Spirit will be poured out upon us and that many will come to the faith.
Read: 1 Timothy 1:18-19
William Scoresby was a British seafaring explorer in the 19th century who responded to God’s call to the ministry. An interest in the working of navigational compasses stayed with him during his work as a clergyman. His research led to the discovery that all newly built iron ships had their own magnetic influence on compasses. This influence would change at sea for various reasons - leading crews to read the compass incorrectly. Often this led to disaster.
There is a striking parallel between the misread compass and false biblical teaching. In 1 Timothy 1, Paul warned against “fables and endless genealogies”, vs 4 - man-made changes in the doctrines of God's Word. People who teach false doctrines “have suffered shipwreck”, Paul concludes, vs 19. Two people who opposed the Word of God by placing false teaching in its place, and who thus face spiritual shipwreck, were Alexander and Hynmenaeus vs 20,
Biblical truth is being questioned and in some cases even replaced in the church today. Our opinions must never replace the truth of God’s Word. The Bible, not man’s erroneous opinions about it, is the ultimate guide for our conscience in navigating life’s changing seas. Beware of wrong readings. - Dennis Fisher
God’s words of pure, eternal truth
Shall yet unshaken stay,
When all that man has thought or planned,
Life Chaff has passed away. - Anon
Easter is drawing near. Pray that we won’t be too busy to share our faith with people we meet. Pray that we will all saddle up to a non believer at church this weekend and share our faith. Pray that God’s Holy Spirit will be poured out upon us and that many will come to the faith.
Saturday, 16 April 2011
Saturday April 16 - The Treasure and the Pots
Christ is seen most clearly when we remain in the background.
Read: 2 Corinthians 4:1-11
It has been said that the Roman Empire ran on olive oil. It was used in cooking, bathing, medicine, ceremonies, lamps, and cosmetics. For decades, olive oil from southern Spain was shipped to Rome in large clay jugs called amphorae. Those jugs, not worth sending back, were discarded in a growing heap of broken shards known as Monte Testaccio. The fragments of an estimated 25 million amphorae created that man-made hill, which stands today on the bank of the Tiber River in Rome. In the ancient world, the value of those posts was not their beauty but their contents.
Because of this, the first-century followers of Christ would have clearly understood Paul’s illustration of the life of Jesus in every believer. “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us”. (2 Cor.4:7)
Our bodies, like amphorae, are temporary, fragile, and expendable. In our modern world that highly values outward beauty, we would be wise to remember that our greatest treasure is the life of Jesus within us. By God’s grace and power, may we live so that others can see Christ in us.
We are just the clay pots. Jesus is the true treasure within us. -David McCasland.
Although my outward shell decays,
I’m inwardly renewed each day,
Because the life and power of Christ
Indwells this fragile jar of clay. - Sper
³ Pray that we would stand united in our faith and that more and more denominations would also be united together. Pray that through this unity we would show the world that Jesus is indeed Lord and that many would come to the faith through our testimony.
³ Pray for the work of OMF as they continue to serve Christ nationally and internationally.
Read: 2 Corinthians 4:1-11
It has been said that the Roman Empire ran on olive oil. It was used in cooking, bathing, medicine, ceremonies, lamps, and cosmetics. For decades, olive oil from southern Spain was shipped to Rome in large clay jugs called amphorae. Those jugs, not worth sending back, were discarded in a growing heap of broken shards known as Monte Testaccio. The fragments of an estimated 25 million amphorae created that man-made hill, which stands today on the bank of the Tiber River in Rome. In the ancient world, the value of those posts was not their beauty but their contents.
Because of this, the first-century followers of Christ would have clearly understood Paul’s illustration of the life of Jesus in every believer. “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us”. (2 Cor.4:7)
Our bodies, like amphorae, are temporary, fragile, and expendable. In our modern world that highly values outward beauty, we would be wise to remember that our greatest treasure is the life of Jesus within us. By God’s grace and power, may we live so that others can see Christ in us.
We are just the clay pots. Jesus is the true treasure within us. -David McCasland.
Although my outward shell decays,
I’m inwardly renewed each day,
Because the life and power of Christ
Indwells this fragile jar of clay. - Sper
³ Pray that we would stand united in our faith and that more and more denominations would also be united together. Pray that through this unity we would show the world that Jesus is indeed Lord and that many would come to the faith through our testimony.
³ Pray for the work of OMF as they continue to serve Christ nationally and internationally.
Friday, 15 April 2011
Friday April 15 - Agents of Change
Only when we are changed can we be agents of change.
Read: 2 Timothy 2:19-26
If anyone cleanses himself… , he will be a vessel for honour, sanctified and useful to the Master, prepared for every good work. – 2 Timothy 2 :21
With 4 years of seminary under my belt, I walked into my first ministry with a long agenda. As a new Pastor , I thought I was there to change that place. Instead, God used that place to change me.
The board members were supportive, but they relentlessly kept my feet to the fire in administrative details. I needed to learn how to work with lay leadership, how to be careful in my work, and how to dream with others. We often think God has assigned us to change the world around us when in reality He is interested in changing us. Why? To make each of us” a vessel for honour, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work” (2 Tim 2 :21). God often uses the most unlikely people in the most unlikely places to teach us some of life’s most difficult lessons. And just when we think we’ve arrived, He is instructing us further.
Not long ago I entered a new season of ministry. I may be a “seasoned veteran“, but I’m still learning, still growing, and still amazed at how God continues to shape this vessel for His noble purposes. If you want to be an agent of change, don’t resist the true Agent of Change. He has your best interest- and His- at heart! - Joe Stowell
What changes we would love to make!
In others’ lives, for Jesus ’sake!
But first we must learn at His feet
The things that will make us complete. - Branan
³ Pray for the Easter services next week. Ask God to bring many non believers and to make them ready to hear and respond to the gospel. Pray for a pouring out of God’s Spirit upon us over the Easter weekend.
Read: 2 Timothy 2:19-26
If anyone cleanses himself… , he will be a vessel for honour, sanctified and useful to the Master, prepared for every good work. – 2 Timothy 2 :21
With 4 years of seminary under my belt, I walked into my first ministry with a long agenda. As a new Pastor , I thought I was there to change that place. Instead, God used that place to change me.
The board members were supportive, but they relentlessly kept my feet to the fire in administrative details. I needed to learn how to work with lay leadership, how to be careful in my work, and how to dream with others. We often think God has assigned us to change the world around us when in reality He is interested in changing us. Why? To make each of us” a vessel for honour, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work” (2 Tim 2 :21). God often uses the most unlikely people in the most unlikely places to teach us some of life’s most difficult lessons. And just when we think we’ve arrived, He is instructing us further.
Not long ago I entered a new season of ministry. I may be a “seasoned veteran“, but I’m still learning, still growing, and still amazed at how God continues to shape this vessel for His noble purposes. If you want to be an agent of change, don’t resist the true Agent of Change. He has your best interest- and His- at heart! - Joe Stowell
What changes we would love to make!
In others’ lives, for Jesus ’sake!
But first we must learn at His feet
The things that will make us complete. - Branan
³ Pray for the Easter services next week. Ask God to bring many non believers and to make them ready to hear and respond to the gospel. Pray for a pouring out of God’s Spirit upon us over the Easter weekend.
Thursday, 14 April 2011
Thursday April 14 - Unseen Workers
No service for Christ goes unnoticed by Him.
READ: Romans 12:1 -1 0
We have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function,Romans12:4.
As I was giving myself a manicure, I started feeling sorry for my right hand. It does the most work, but my left hand gets the most attention. My right hand applies nail polish smoothly to my left-hand nails, but my left hand, lacking skill and coordination, does not return the favour. The polish on my right hand is always smeared and messy. One hand does the better work, but the other hand gets all the attention and honour.
As I worked on my fingernails, my thoughts turned toward something much more important, the people in my church, many of whom are highly skilled at tasks that make others look good. These hardworking folks, however, seldom get noticed, because their work puts the attention on someone else. It seems unfair that those who do such good work get little appreciation.
Truly servant-minded believers, though, don’t see it that way. They give preference to others (Rom. 12:10) because they know that God sees what others do not, and that He will reward those whose work is unseen by others (Matt. 6:4-6,18; 1 Cor. 12:24). Is someone else reaping the benefit of your hard work? Be encouraged. God rewards those who work “invisibly” to make Christ visible to the world. - Julie Ackennfm Link
The service that we do for God
May go unpraised by men;
But when we stand before the Lord,
He will reward us then - Sper
³ Pray that every believer at Christlife will know their spiritual gift and that they’d be willing to use it for the common good of the body. Pray that we would have ample opportunity to serve and love one another with Jesus’ love.
³ Pray that the children we are supporting through Compassion in Manado will grow strong in Christ and bring great change to the area for Jesus’ name.
READ: Romans 12:1 -1 0
We have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function,Romans12:4.
As I was giving myself a manicure, I started feeling sorry for my right hand. It does the most work, but my left hand gets the most attention. My right hand applies nail polish smoothly to my left-hand nails, but my left hand, lacking skill and coordination, does not return the favour. The polish on my right hand is always smeared and messy. One hand does the better work, but the other hand gets all the attention and honour.
As I worked on my fingernails, my thoughts turned toward something much more important, the people in my church, many of whom are highly skilled at tasks that make others look good. These hardworking folks, however, seldom get noticed, because their work puts the attention on someone else. It seems unfair that those who do such good work get little appreciation.
Truly servant-minded believers, though, don’t see it that way. They give preference to others (Rom. 12:10) because they know that God sees what others do not, and that He will reward those whose work is unseen by others (Matt. 6:4-6,18; 1 Cor. 12:24). Is someone else reaping the benefit of your hard work? Be encouraged. God rewards those who work “invisibly” to make Christ visible to the world. - Julie Ackennfm Link
The service that we do for God
May go unpraised by men;
But when we stand before the Lord,
He will reward us then - Sper
³ Pray that every believer at Christlife will know their spiritual gift and that they’d be willing to use it for the common good of the body. Pray that we would have ample opportunity to serve and love one another with Jesus’ love.
³ Pray that the children we are supporting through Compassion in Manado will grow strong in Christ and bring great change to the area for Jesus’ name.
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
Wednesday April 13 - He Never Sleeps
The One who upholds the universe will never let you down.
Read: Psalm 121
He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber, Psalm 121:3.
Giraffes have the shortest sleep cycle of any mammal. They sleep only between 10 minutes and 2 hours in a 24 hour period and average just 1.9 hours of sleep per day. Seemingly always awake, the giraffe has nothing much in common with most humans in that regard. If we had so little sleep, it would probably mean we had some form of insomnia. But for giraffes, it’s not a sleep disorder that keeps them awake. It’s just the way God has made them. If you think 1.9 hours a day is not much sleep, consider this fact about the Creator of our tall animal friends: Our heavenly Father never sleeps.
Describing God’s continual concern for us, the psalmist declares, “He who keeps you will not slumber” (Ps. l21:3) In the context of this psalm, the writer makes it clear that God’s sleepless vigilance is for our good. Verse 5 says, “The LORD is your keeper.” God keeps us, protects us, and cares for us - with no need for refreshing. Our Protector is constantly seeking our good. As one song puts it : “He never sleeps, He never slumbers. He watches me both night and day.”
Are you facing difficulties? Turn to the One who never sleeps . Each second of each day, let Him “preserve your going out and your coming in” (vs. 8) .- Bill Crowder
The Rock of Ages stands secure,
He always will be there;
He watches over all His own
To calm their anxious care. – Keith
³ As we approach Easter pray that we will have ample opportunity to reach out to many people with the love of Christ. Pray that our church will be filled with non Believers seeking the true meaning of Easter. Ask God to pour out his Spirit and to bring new life to thousands this Easter.
Read: Psalm 121
He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber, Psalm 121:3.
Giraffes have the shortest sleep cycle of any mammal. They sleep only between 10 minutes and 2 hours in a 24 hour period and average just 1.9 hours of sleep per day. Seemingly always awake, the giraffe has nothing much in common with most humans in that regard. If we had so little sleep, it would probably mean we had some form of insomnia. But for giraffes, it’s not a sleep disorder that keeps them awake. It’s just the way God has made them. If you think 1.9 hours a day is not much sleep, consider this fact about the Creator of our tall animal friends: Our heavenly Father never sleeps.
Describing God’s continual concern for us, the psalmist declares, “He who keeps you will not slumber” (Ps. l21:3) In the context of this psalm, the writer makes it clear that God’s sleepless vigilance is for our good. Verse 5 says, “The LORD is your keeper.” God keeps us, protects us, and cares for us - with no need for refreshing. Our Protector is constantly seeking our good. As one song puts it : “He never sleeps, He never slumbers. He watches me both night and day.”
Are you facing difficulties? Turn to the One who never sleeps . Each second of each day, let Him “preserve your going out and your coming in” (vs. 8) .- Bill Crowder
The Rock of Ages stands secure,
He always will be there;
He watches over all His own
To calm their anxious care. – Keith
³ As we approach Easter pray that we will have ample opportunity to reach out to many people with the love of Christ. Pray that our church will be filled with non Believers seeking the true meaning of Easter. Ask God to pour out his Spirit and to bring new life to thousands this Easter.
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Tuesday April 12 - The Wrong Stuff
Christ is the only door into heaven.
Read: John 14:1-6
There is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. Acts 4 : 12
It was a simple task, but I was in over my head. One of the items on the grocery list was soy. Problem was, I didn’t know what kind of soy my wife Sue, had in mind when she made the list. After searching the aisles and asking the advice of a worker who was stacking soup cans, I grabbed a bottle of soy sauce, placed it in the cart, and went on my way. Only after I unloaded my bags at home did I discover that Sue didn’t want soy SAUCE. She wanted soy MILK for our granddaughter Eliana. I was sincere in my search . I even asked for help and confidently pulled my selection off the shelf. But it didn’t do me (or Eliana) any good. I had the wrong stuff.
Sadly, some people are walking through the grocery store of life with “heaven” on their list, but they are not getting what they need. Despite their sincerity and the intended help of others, they grab something that won’t get them to heaven because they find a “different gospel”. (2 Cor. 11:4) Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6). And Peter said, “There is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). Trust Jesus. Don’t settle for the wrong gospel. -Dave Branon
Not all roads lead to God,
As many people claim:
There ’s only one true way,
Christ Jesus is His name. - Sper
³ Pray that the children involved in Kings Kidz would grow strong in their faith and have a great witness at their young age. Pray that we’d see them maturing and growing in understanding of the gospel. Pray that the leaders will be well equipped and well versed in Scripture to teach them and to model Christianity for them.
³ Pray for the work of Mustard Seed Orphanage.
Read: John 14:1-6
There is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. Acts 4 : 12
It was a simple task, but I was in over my head. One of the items on the grocery list was soy. Problem was, I didn’t know what kind of soy my wife Sue, had in mind when she made the list. After searching the aisles and asking the advice of a worker who was stacking soup cans, I grabbed a bottle of soy sauce, placed it in the cart, and went on my way. Only after I unloaded my bags at home did I discover that Sue didn’t want soy SAUCE. She wanted soy MILK for our granddaughter Eliana. I was sincere in my search . I even asked for help and confidently pulled my selection off the shelf. But it didn’t do me (or Eliana) any good. I had the wrong stuff.
Sadly, some people are walking through the grocery store of life with “heaven” on their list, but they are not getting what they need. Despite their sincerity and the intended help of others, they grab something that won’t get them to heaven because they find a “different gospel”. (2 Cor. 11:4) Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6). And Peter said, “There is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). Trust Jesus. Don’t settle for the wrong gospel. -Dave Branon
Not all roads lead to God,
As many people claim:
There ’s only one true way,
Christ Jesus is His name. - Sper
³ Pray that the children involved in Kings Kidz would grow strong in their faith and have a great witness at their young age. Pray that we’d see them maturing and growing in understanding of the gospel. Pray that the leaders will be well equipped and well versed in Scripture to teach them and to model Christianity for them.
³ Pray for the work of Mustard Seed Orphanage.
Monday, 11 April 2011
Monday April 11 - A Memorial
The Lord's Supper, Christ's memorial that He left for us.
Read: I Corinthians 11:23-30
As often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes. –1 Corinthians 11:26
The Taj Mahal in India is a magnificent mausoleum. Built entirely of white marble, it was commissioned by the Emperor Shah Jehan in memory of his wife, who died suddenly. It took 22 years to complete . Millions of tourists visit this memorial annually in order to see this grand structure the emperor ordered to be built in memory of the woman he loved. Millions of people also throng to Jerusalem to look at another tomb that some say may have been where Jesus was buried. No matter what tomb He lay in, Jesus occupied it for only a few days. It has been empty for 2,000 years.
Jesus doesn’t need us to build a memorial to Him. Instead, He gave us the Lord’s Supper (communion) as a memorial to remember Him. On the night He was betrayed, Jesus took bread and the cup and gave thanks to His Father before offering them to His disciples (Luke 22: 14-21). Each time we partake of those elements in church, we are first to examine ourselves and our relationship with God (1 Cor. 11:28). “As often as [we] eat this bread and drink this cup”, we are to do so in remembrance of the One we love, till He comes (vs 25-26). The Lord has given us an enduring memorial to remind us of what He has done for us.—C. P. Hia
I'll take the bread and cup, dear Lord,
That speak of love sublime,
And give myself afresh to Thee.
My life, my all is Thine! - Anon.
³ Pray that our youth would grow strong in their faith. Ask God to use the Youth Team to build up and strengthen our youth. Pray that they would grow in courage and determination to serve Christ. Pray for the leaders to be well equipped and versed in Scripture.
Read: I Corinthians 11:23-30
As often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes. –1 Corinthians 11:26
The Taj Mahal in India is a magnificent mausoleum. Built entirely of white marble, it was commissioned by the Emperor Shah Jehan in memory of his wife, who died suddenly. It took 22 years to complete . Millions of tourists visit this memorial annually in order to see this grand structure the emperor ordered to be built in memory of the woman he loved. Millions of people also throng to Jerusalem to look at another tomb that some say may have been where Jesus was buried. No matter what tomb He lay in, Jesus occupied it for only a few days. It has been empty for 2,000 years.
Jesus doesn’t need us to build a memorial to Him. Instead, He gave us the Lord’s Supper (communion) as a memorial to remember Him. On the night He was betrayed, Jesus took bread and the cup and gave thanks to His Father before offering them to His disciples (Luke 22: 14-21). Each time we partake of those elements in church, we are first to examine ourselves and our relationship with God (1 Cor. 11:28). “As often as [we] eat this bread and drink this cup”, we are to do so in remembrance of the One we love, till He comes (vs 25-26). The Lord has given us an enduring memorial to remind us of what He has done for us.—C. P. Hia
I'll take the bread and cup, dear Lord,
That speak of love sublime,
And give myself afresh to Thee.
My life, my all is Thine! - Anon.
³ Pray that our youth would grow strong in their faith. Ask God to use the Youth Team to build up and strengthen our youth. Pray that they would grow in courage and determination to serve Christ. Pray for the leaders to be well equipped and versed in Scripture.
Saturday, 9 April 2011
Saturday April 9 - The Fear of Falling
You can trust God in the dark, as well as in the light.
Read: Psalm 46
The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. – Deuteronomy 33:27 Have you ever dreamed that you were falling out of bed or from some great height, and you awoke in fright? I remember that as a boy I would often be awakened by such a terrifying feeling.
I heard about a man who had this sensation as soon as he slipped into sleep. He was so rudely awakened by his sense of falling that he was afraid to go back to sleep . He feared he would die, and he imagined he was falling into a bottomless pit. Then one evening as he was strolling through a cemetery, he saw this phrase engraved on a tombstone.
These words reminded him that when believers die, they are safely carried by the Lord to their home in heaven . He recalled the assurance of the psalmist, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me.” (Ps. 23:4)
The once-fearful man realized that in life and in death and even in sleep, the “everlasting arms” of our loving Lord are there to catch and hold us. That night he was able to sing what he was taught in childhood, “Teach me to live that I may dread the grave as little as my bed! ” At last he could fall asleep without fear. - M. R. De Haan, MD
I can trust my loving Saviour
When I fear the world’s alarms;
There’s no safer place of resting
Than His everlasting arms. – Hess
³ Pray that we would see many more teachers get involved in RI in schools. Pray that every child in Toowoomba would have opportunity to hear of Jesus’ love through RI. Pray that God would bring in a great harvest through this ministry.
³ Pray for the work of GRACE college in Myanmar.
Read: Psalm 46
The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. – Deuteronomy 33:27 Have you ever dreamed that you were falling out of bed or from some great height, and you awoke in fright? I remember that as a boy I would often be awakened by such a terrifying feeling.
I heard about a man who had this sensation as soon as he slipped into sleep. He was so rudely awakened by his sense of falling that he was afraid to go back to sleep . He feared he would die, and he imagined he was falling into a bottomless pit. Then one evening as he was strolling through a cemetery, he saw this phrase engraved on a tombstone.
These words reminded him that when believers die, they are safely carried by the Lord to their home in heaven . He recalled the assurance of the psalmist, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me.” (Ps. 23:4)
The once-fearful man realized that in life and in death and even in sleep, the “everlasting arms” of our loving Lord are there to catch and hold us. That night he was able to sing what he was taught in childhood, “Teach me to live that I may dread the grave as little as my bed! ” At last he could fall asleep without fear. - M. R. De Haan, MD
I can trust my loving Saviour
When I fear the world’s alarms;
There’s no safer place of resting
Than His everlasting arms. – Hess
³ Pray that we would see many more teachers get involved in RI in schools. Pray that every child in Toowoomba would have opportunity to hear of Jesus’ love through RI. Pray that God would bring in a great harvest through this ministry.
³ Pray for the work of GRACE college in Myanmar.
Friday, 8 April 2011
Friday April 8 - Clean up the Environment
Help stamp out pollution - clean up your speech!
Read: Ephesians 4:17-32
Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification. Ephesians 4:29.
What a frustrating problem pollution is! Everybody suffers with it, yet everybody contributes to it. Pollution takes many forms, but one type is often overlooked. Charles Swindoll calls it “verbal pollution, ” passed around by grumblers, complainers, and criticizers. “The poison of pessimism,” Swindoll writes, “creates an atmosphere of wholesale negativism where nothing but the bad side of everything is emphasized.”
A group of Christian friends became concerned about this form of pollution and their personal part in it. So they made a pact to avoid critical words for a whole week. They were surprised to find how little they spoke! As they continued the experiment, they actually had to relearn conversation skills.
In Ephesians 4, Paul called believers to that sort of decisive action. He said we are to “put off “ the old self and its conduct that grieves the Holy Spirit (vs 22,30) and “put on” the new self that builds up others (vs 24). As we rely on the help of the Spirit (Gal. 5:16), we can make those changes in our conduct, our thinking, and our speaking. If we want to be rid of verbal pollution, we must choose to change and ask for God’s help. It’s a great way to start cleaning up our spiritual environment . - Joanie Yoder
What! Never speak one evil word
Or rash, or idle, or unkind!
O how shall I, most gracious Lord,
This mark of true perfection find? - Wesley
³ Pray for the chaplains in the various schools. As the high court case looms, pray that we’d see the use of government funds for Chaplains continuing. Pray that this case would be utterly defeated. Pray that God would convert the anti-Christian power players behind this move.
Read: Ephesians 4:17-32
Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification. Ephesians 4:29.
What a frustrating problem pollution is! Everybody suffers with it, yet everybody contributes to it. Pollution takes many forms, but one type is often overlooked. Charles Swindoll calls it “verbal pollution, ” passed around by grumblers, complainers, and criticizers. “The poison of pessimism,” Swindoll writes, “creates an atmosphere of wholesale negativism where nothing but the bad side of everything is emphasized.”
A group of Christian friends became concerned about this form of pollution and their personal part in it. So they made a pact to avoid critical words for a whole week. They were surprised to find how little they spoke! As they continued the experiment, they actually had to relearn conversation skills.
In Ephesians 4, Paul called believers to that sort of decisive action. He said we are to “put off “ the old self and its conduct that grieves the Holy Spirit (vs 22,30) and “put on” the new self that builds up others (vs 24). As we rely on the help of the Spirit (Gal. 5:16), we can make those changes in our conduct, our thinking, and our speaking. If we want to be rid of verbal pollution, we must choose to change and ask for God’s help. It’s a great way to start cleaning up our spiritual environment . - Joanie Yoder
What! Never speak one evil word
Or rash, or idle, or unkind!
O how shall I, most gracious Lord,
This mark of true perfection find? - Wesley
³ Pray for the chaplains in the various schools. As the high court case looms, pray that we’d see the use of government funds for Chaplains continuing. Pray that this case would be utterly defeated. Pray that God would convert the anti-Christian power players behind this move.
Thursday, 7 April 2011
April 7 Thursday - Our Only Hope
As this world gets darker, the promised return of God’s Son gets brighter.
Read: 1 Thessalonians, 4:13-18
An anonymous author wrote, “When I was first converted, and for some years afterwards, the second coming of Christ was a thrilling idea, a blessed hope, a glorious promise, the theme of some of the most inspirational songs in church.
“Later it became an accepted tenet of faith, a cardinal doctrine, a kind of invisible trademark of my ministry. It was my favourite arena of my theological discussions, in the pulpit and in print. Now suddenly the second coming means something more to me. Paul called it ‘the blessed hope.’ But today it appears as the only hope of the world”.
From the human standpoint, there is no solution for the struggles of the world. Leaders are naturally frustrated in trying to deal with the increasing problems in society. The only complete and permanent solution is found in the return of Christ to earth. When He comes, He will set up His kingdom. He will rule the nations in righteousness, and “the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea” (Hab. 2:14)
As we wait our Saviour’s return, let us keep on praying, working, and watching, while “looking for the blessed hope” - our only hope for this world. – Richard De Haan
And for the hope of His return,
Dear Lord, Your name we praise;
With longing hearts we watch and wait
For that great day of days! - Sherwood
³ Pray for the work of Student Life as they plan to move headquarters to Brisbane. Pray especially for the Brians as they plan on relocating. Ask God to provide for all of Student Life’s needs.
³ Pray for the Straight Talk Ministry of Jim and Faye Lions. Pray that God would continue to open doors for their work in schools. Pray that many come to Christ through them.
Read: 1 Thessalonians, 4:13-18
An anonymous author wrote, “When I was first converted, and for some years afterwards, the second coming of Christ was a thrilling idea, a blessed hope, a glorious promise, the theme of some of the most inspirational songs in church.
“Later it became an accepted tenet of faith, a cardinal doctrine, a kind of invisible trademark of my ministry. It was my favourite arena of my theological discussions, in the pulpit and in print. Now suddenly the second coming means something more to me. Paul called it ‘the blessed hope.’ But today it appears as the only hope of the world”.
From the human standpoint, there is no solution for the struggles of the world. Leaders are naturally frustrated in trying to deal with the increasing problems in society. The only complete and permanent solution is found in the return of Christ to earth. When He comes, He will set up His kingdom. He will rule the nations in righteousness, and “the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea” (Hab. 2:14)
As we wait our Saviour’s return, let us keep on praying, working, and watching, while “looking for the blessed hope” - our only hope for this world. – Richard De Haan
And for the hope of His return,
Dear Lord, Your name we praise;
With longing hearts we watch and wait
For that great day of days! - Sherwood
³ Pray for the work of Student Life as they plan to move headquarters to Brisbane. Pray especially for the Brians as they plan on relocating. Ask God to provide for all of Student Life’s needs.
³ Pray for the Straight Talk Ministry of Jim and Faye Lions. Pray that God would continue to open doors for their work in schools. Pray that many come to Christ through them.
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
April 6 Wednesday - For this I have Jesus
If every circumstance finds us abiding in Christ, we will find Christ abiding with us in every circumstance.
Read: Psalm 66:1-15
In an evangelistic meeting in Ireland the speaker was explaining what it means to abide in Christ and to trust Him completely in every trial. Concluding his message, he repeated several times, “It means that in every circumstance you can keep saying, ‘For this I have Jesus.’ ”
The meeting was then opened for testimonies. One young woman said, “Just a few minutes ago I was handed this telegram. It reads, “Mother is very ill; take train home immediately.” When I saw those words, I knew that tonight’s message was meant just for me. My heart looked up and said, “For this I have Jesus.” Instantly a peace and strength flooded my soul.”
Three or four weeks later the evangelist received a letter from this woman. It read: “Thank you again for the message you gave that day. Life has become an uninterrupted psalm of glory, for I have come to realize that no matter what life brings, for this I have Jesus.”
That believer in Christ had found in her Saviour the One who would be with her “through fire and through water,” and who would bring her “out to rich fulfillment” Ps. 66:12)
If you are enduring a great trial of affliction, remember – for this you have Jesus! - Henry G. Bosch
I’ve found a refuge from life’s care in Jesus,
I am hiding in His love divine;
He fully understands my soul’s deep longing,
And He whispers softly, “Thou art Mine.” - Christiansen
³ Pray that God would use you as a Psalm of glory for himself. Pray that Christ would abide in you and you in his Word. Pray that others will see much fruit in you and through everyone else in your congregation as well.
³ Pray for the work at Uni Impact in Duneden in NZ.
Read: Psalm 66:1-15
In an evangelistic meeting in Ireland the speaker was explaining what it means to abide in Christ and to trust Him completely in every trial. Concluding his message, he repeated several times, “It means that in every circumstance you can keep saying, ‘For this I have Jesus.’ ”
The meeting was then opened for testimonies. One young woman said, “Just a few minutes ago I was handed this telegram. It reads, “Mother is very ill; take train home immediately.” When I saw those words, I knew that tonight’s message was meant just for me. My heart looked up and said, “For this I have Jesus.” Instantly a peace and strength flooded my soul.”
Three or four weeks later the evangelist received a letter from this woman. It read: “Thank you again for the message you gave that day. Life has become an uninterrupted psalm of glory, for I have come to realize that no matter what life brings, for this I have Jesus.”
That believer in Christ had found in her Saviour the One who would be with her “through fire and through water,” and who would bring her “out to rich fulfillment” Ps. 66:12)
If you are enduring a great trial of affliction, remember – for this you have Jesus! - Henry G. Bosch
I’ve found a refuge from life’s care in Jesus,
I am hiding in His love divine;
He fully understands my soul’s deep longing,
And He whispers softly, “Thou art Mine.” - Christiansen
³ Pray that God would use you as a Psalm of glory for himself. Pray that Christ would abide in you and you in his Word. Pray that others will see much fruit in you and through everyone else in your congregation as well.
³ Pray for the work at Uni Impact in Duneden in NZ.
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
April 5 Tuesday - The Power of Praise
If you find yourself wearing a spirit of heaviness, Try on a garment of praise.
Read: Isaiah 61:1-3
Praise is powerful! When Scottish Pastor Robert Murray McCheyne was troubled with a coldness of the heart towards things of the Lord, he would sing the praises of God until he felt revived in his spirit. Those in his household were often able to tell what hour he awoke because he began the day with a psalm of praise.
One day, while he was trying to prepare his heart for preaching, he wrote in his journal: “Is it the desire of my heart to be made altogether holy? … Lord, You know all things …. I’ve felt so much deadness and grief that I cannot grieve for this deadness. Toward evening I revived. Got a calm spirit through [singing psalms] and prayer.” McCheyne had been uplifted by praising God.
Perhaps you feel as if you are mired in what John Bunyan called the “slough of despond.” Lift a song of praise to the Lord. The psalmist said, “I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever” (89:1). When we do that, the praise will flow not only from our lips but also from a heart. The Lord delights to give “the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness” (Isa. 61:3).
Yes, “it is good to sing praises to our God” – at all times (Ps. 147:1). – Paul Van Gorder
Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven,
To His feet your tribute bring;
Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven,
Evermore His praises sing. - Lyte
³ Pray that God would grant each one of us a growing desire for holiness. Pray that we’d see increasing victory over sin in our own lives.
³ Pray for the Reformed Bible College in Burma and for the students especially. Ask God to give these students a deep knowledge of the Word and a boldness in preaching that is beyond their own abilities. Pray that God would use them, even now, to grow his church.
Read: Isaiah 61:1-3
Praise is powerful! When Scottish Pastor Robert Murray McCheyne was troubled with a coldness of the heart towards things of the Lord, he would sing the praises of God until he felt revived in his spirit. Those in his household were often able to tell what hour he awoke because he began the day with a psalm of praise.
One day, while he was trying to prepare his heart for preaching, he wrote in his journal: “Is it the desire of my heart to be made altogether holy? … Lord, You know all things …. I’ve felt so much deadness and grief that I cannot grieve for this deadness. Toward evening I revived. Got a calm spirit through [singing psalms] and prayer.” McCheyne had been uplifted by praising God.
Perhaps you feel as if you are mired in what John Bunyan called the “slough of despond.” Lift a song of praise to the Lord. The psalmist said, “I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever” (89:1). When we do that, the praise will flow not only from our lips but also from a heart. The Lord delights to give “the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness” (Isa. 61:3).
Yes, “it is good to sing praises to our God” – at all times (Ps. 147:1). – Paul Van Gorder
Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven,
To His feet your tribute bring;
Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven,
Evermore His praises sing. - Lyte
³ Pray that God would grant each one of us a growing desire for holiness. Pray that we’d see increasing victory over sin in our own lives.
³ Pray for the Reformed Bible College in Burma and for the students especially. Ask God to give these students a deep knowledge of the Word and a boldness in preaching that is beyond their own abilities. Pray that God would use them, even now, to grow his church.
Monday, 4 April 2011
April 4 Monday - A “Banana Slug” Lesson
Beware of spending too much time on matters of too little importance.
Read: Micah 6:1-8
Sports team names have a variety of origins. They come from history (Spartans, Mountaineers,) nature (Cardinals, Terrapins) and even colours (Orange, Reds). One even from the mollusk family.
In the 1980s, the University of California at Santa Cruz was just starting to get involved in competitive sports. UCSC had a bit of distain for the overemphasis some big-time schools place on athletes, so that student body sought a team name that would reflect a somewhat different approach. They decided on the name Banana Slug, a yellow, slimy, slow, shell-less mollusk. It was a clever way for UCSC to give a balanced perspective on the relating worth of sports.
I have always loved sports, but I know that they can easily become more important than they should be. What matters most in life is what Jesus said is most vital – loving God with all of our hearts and loving our neighbours as ourselves (Matt 22:37-39). Micah listed God’s requirements this way: “do justly,” “love mercy” and “walk humbly with your God” (6:8). For believers in Jesus, it is vital that nothing else takes top priority over God’s expectations for us.
What matters most to you? The Spartans? The Red Sox? Or loving God in thought, word and action? - Bill Crowder
Lord, what matters most to You today?
What can direct us in each thing we do?
Could it be to let nothing at all
Interfere with our deep love with you? - Branon
³ Pray that we would all have wisdom in the way that we spend out time, our money and our energy. Pray that we would be wise stewards of all that God has given us. Ask God to give us all opportunities to glorify Jesus in our words, our actions, our spending and in our use of time.
³ Continue to pray for the work of Shiloh Church ministries and the mission team headed their in September.
Saturday, 2 April 2011
Saturday April 2, 2011
Read Psalm 23
I’ve done many many funerals over the past decade. The number could be as many as 100. In both Christian and non Christian funerals (other stats agree with me here) the most common Bible passage read is Psalm 23. But read the Psalm again carefully and see what it says about death and dying. Take a moment to examine the Psalm and write a sentence what it tells you about death and dying. Use the space below to record your thoughts.
Interestingly, as I read the Psalm I see nothing about death and dying. David is about to walk through some situation that is described as the Valley of the shadow of death. Death is near David. He might die but it’s only the shadow of death. Death itself is not present. But even though he walks near death the Lord is with him. The Lord is comforting him, directing him and moving him onwards. It’s a Psalm about life and life eternal with God. It’s not about death at all!
Even as his enemies gather and plan his demise David is confident in the Lord. He is so confident that he can dine with the Lord. It’s a picture of celebration and feasting. It’s a picture of victory. It’s a picture of life, not death.
In fact, David is so confident that he can declare that he will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. The goodness and love of God will be with him each day and after this life is finished he knows he’ll be with God for all eternity.
As you gather for your church meeting tomorrow, you are dwelling in the house of the Lord. God will be with you and will walk among you. The Lord will be present and the fellowship, the praise and adoration, the singing and the Word are all a foretaste of heaven. What you experience tomorrow is but a small fraction of the joy, the bliss, the perfection of heaven. Tomorrow at church, how can you build on this truth? How can you be a blessing to others? How can you serve at church tomorrow? How can you give others a small taste of heaven?
þ Pray that tomorrow’s service will indeed be a taste of heaven for everyone. Pray that God works greatly and powerfully among you.
þ Pray that you would be able to serve others and bless them. Pray that the Word of God would be powerful and active among you.
I’ve done many many funerals over the past decade. The number could be as many as 100. In both Christian and non Christian funerals (other stats agree with me here) the most common Bible passage read is Psalm 23. But read the Psalm again carefully and see what it says about death and dying. Take a moment to examine the Psalm and write a sentence what it tells you about death and dying. Use the space below to record your thoughts.
Interestingly, as I read the Psalm I see nothing about death and dying. David is about to walk through some situation that is described as the Valley of the shadow of death. Death is near David. He might die but it’s only the shadow of death. Death itself is not present. But even though he walks near death the Lord is with him. The Lord is comforting him, directing him and moving him onwards. It’s a Psalm about life and life eternal with God. It’s not about death at all!
Even as his enemies gather and plan his demise David is confident in the Lord. He is so confident that he can dine with the Lord. It’s a picture of celebration and feasting. It’s a picture of victory. It’s a picture of life, not death.
In fact, David is so confident that he can declare that he will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. The goodness and love of God will be with him each day and after this life is finished he knows he’ll be with God for all eternity.
As you gather for your church meeting tomorrow, you are dwelling in the house of the Lord. God will be with you and will walk among you. The Lord will be present and the fellowship, the praise and adoration, the singing and the Word are all a foretaste of heaven. What you experience tomorrow is but a small fraction of the joy, the bliss, the perfection of heaven. Tomorrow at church, how can you build on this truth? How can you be a blessing to others? How can you serve at church tomorrow? How can you give others a small taste of heaven?
þ Pray that tomorrow’s service will indeed be a taste of heaven for everyone. Pray that God works greatly and powerfully among you.
þ Pray that you would be able to serve others and bless them. Pray that the Word of God would be powerful and active among you.
Friday, 1 April 2011
Friday April 1, 2011
Read Daniel 13:1-7
April fool’s day is horrible isn’t it? As a young student I remember the teacher starting class with a horrified look on his face. He almost screamed at us, ‘Who’s responsible for all the scribble on the back wall?’ Even though we had all seen the wall that morning as we unpacked our bags and sat at the tables, we all turned in horror and shock to see the devastation. As we turned, he giggled loudly and cried out, ‘April fools!’.
The resurrection is no joke or April fools stunt! There is no Daniel 13:1-7! But take a moment to giggle and to read Genesis 1-2 and Revelation 22. Can you see any similarities? What are the differences that you notice? Why do you think the Bible starts with a Garden and finishes with a city/garden?
God’s plan has always been to bring a people to Himself. Adam and Eve were God’s people in God’s place under God’s rule. But they chose to reject that rule and chose autonomy for themselves. They suffered and were kicked out of God’s promised land. The nation of Israel was formed by God to be His people. He would be their God and they would be His people. He would love them, bless them and provide for them.. But! But they rebelled and rejected God. They too were kicked out of the Promised Land.
Eventually God sent His one and only Son Jesus into the world to make a people for Himself - a royal nation, a holy people belonging to God. He brought them into a landless, borderless nation. All Christians belong to this nation. We have no home on earth. We are aliens and strangers here. We are heavenly citizens and we are journeying homeward to our heavenly abode. The city of Revelation 21-22 is our home! There we will dwell for all eternity with the Lord at the centre of our midst. There we will find eternal and complete healing and peace. There our physical aches and pains and deformities will finally and completely end. There we’ll see our God face to face without the sadness of sin. There we will have pure and unadulterated rejoicing and praise. There our hearts will be finally cleansed of all dirt, filth and hypocrisy. There, and only there, will God’s plan from Genesis 1 be completely fulfilled.
þ When we adore God we tell Him how wonderful He is or how great His works are. Spend time adoring God for His provision of heaven for us.
þ Pray for the work of Student Life and Straight Talk and Chaplains. Ask God to give these students an open heart to hear about Christ’s saving work and to respond positively. Pray that we’ll see a great harvest among students of various ages.
April fool’s day is horrible isn’t it? As a young student I remember the teacher starting class with a horrified look on his face. He almost screamed at us, ‘Who’s responsible for all the scribble on the back wall?’ Even though we had all seen the wall that morning as we unpacked our bags and sat at the tables, we all turned in horror and shock to see the devastation. As we turned, he giggled loudly and cried out, ‘April fools!’.
The resurrection is no joke or April fools stunt! There is no Daniel 13:1-7! But take a moment to giggle and to read Genesis 1-2 and Revelation 22. Can you see any similarities? What are the differences that you notice? Why do you think the Bible starts with a Garden and finishes with a city/garden?
God’s plan has always been to bring a people to Himself. Adam and Eve were God’s people in God’s place under God’s rule. But they chose to reject that rule and chose autonomy for themselves. They suffered and were kicked out of God’s promised land. The nation of Israel was formed by God to be His people. He would be their God and they would be His people. He would love them, bless them and provide for them.. But! But they rebelled and rejected God. They too were kicked out of the Promised Land.
Eventually God sent His one and only Son Jesus into the world to make a people for Himself - a royal nation, a holy people belonging to God. He brought them into a landless, borderless nation. All Christians belong to this nation. We have no home on earth. We are aliens and strangers here. We are heavenly citizens and we are journeying homeward to our heavenly abode. The city of Revelation 21-22 is our home! There we will dwell for all eternity with the Lord at the centre of our midst. There we will find eternal and complete healing and peace. There our physical aches and pains and deformities will finally and completely end. There we’ll see our God face to face without the sadness of sin. There we will have pure and unadulterated rejoicing and praise. There our hearts will be finally cleansed of all dirt, filth and hypocrisy. There, and only there, will God’s plan from Genesis 1 be completely fulfilled.
þ When we adore God we tell Him how wonderful He is or how great His works are. Spend time adoring God for His provision of heaven for us.
þ Pray for the work of Student Life and Straight Talk and Chaplains. Ask God to give these students an open heart to hear about Christ’s saving work and to respond positively. Pray that we’ll see a great harvest among students of various ages.
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